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I'm not "only concentrating" on it. I'm pointing out that you deploy double standards by defending to the hilt polls of questionable validity which favour the Yes campaign while slating relentlessly polls of questionable validity favouring the No campaign. You are a hypocrite.

From memory, pretty much all other polls have been legitimate.

Double standards and hypocrisy??? In your world all polls favouring the Yes side are questionable but not a single poll commissioned that shows favourable results to the No side can be questioned - all are legit!

I've heard it all now :lol::lol::lol:

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Double standards and hypocrisy??? In your world all polls favouring the Yes side are questionable but not a single poll commissioned that shows favourable results to the No side can be questioned - all are legit!

I've heard it all now :lol::lol::lol:

Not true. Most of the polls whether they favour Yes or No deploy valid methodology. What the implications of them are is subject to interpretation, which you wilfully distort in favour of Yes. You also attempt to belittle and discredit methodologically any favourable No poll while defending to the hilt bad methodology in the SNP poll.

You are outright biased and no one should listen to what you have to say on polling.

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Very interesting if true. £46,000 of tax payer money and they then refuse to publish!!!

What does it show? Is it the reason Darling got his jotters? Or is it all a big red herring?

If its true. With the furore surrounding it they will have to put it out. If it does show a big swing to yes, its another defining moment in the campaign. Up there with the currency gaff and CBI nonsense.

Of course failing to release it could always just be an oversight on behalf of a junior civil servant. :lol::lol:

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"Ipsos Mori have declined to comment, other than to tweet that it employs no one by the name of Kelly Brown."

Yeah? No shit Sherlock.

An employee who is whistleblowing doesn't use real name shocker.

Are you being obtuse or are you just a complete Neil Doncaster?

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You are outright biased

And so, bizarrely, are you.

I wonder if there's ever been another case in the history of mankind where one individual displayed blatant, continual bias FOR the side they plan to vote AGAINST.

It's like a turkey telling all his mates what a decent guy Bernard Matthews is (was).

Edited by Confidemus
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TNS poll in the Herald today. This quote taken directly from the Herald must be a worry for those who favour the Union to remain.

"This nine-point lead is well down on the 22% lead recorded in September"

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Ah but it's a 12 point lead, not 9.

That's TNS doing the excluding DKs/ certain to vote thing. It makes a bigger difference to them than other pollsters due to TNS consistently seeing double the number of DKs as everyone else.

Edited by renton
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Anyone else worried the unpublished poll is some masterful trolling where Yes expend energy getting it published and the results are a bigger No lead?

no not really but then i would not put it past those devious liars to try to pull something like that ,but hey look at it this way the "polls told us the SNP were behind in the first SGE ,they won they told us they were behind in the second SGE they won ,sound familiar

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Anyone else worried the unpublished poll is some masterful trolling where Yes expend energy getting it published and the results are a bigger No lead?

They will be making sure of the that,its why its taking to long to publish,but if it were a bigger lead it would have been headline stuff across the hootsman and the beeb

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Anyone else worried the unpublished poll is some masterful trolling where Yes expend energy getting it published and the results are a bigger No lead?

Is the poll not from January anyway? Regardless, that would require the slightest degree of competence from Team No.

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