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Great legacies to leave the kids, m8.

So you think an independent Scotland is a Utopia? You are the most deluded and easily manipulated poster on any forum I have ever read. So becoming independent means the eradication of povery? Why? Because you no longer have the economic backing of a bigger government?

Wow just wow

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seasoned politicians.

The BT politicians and everyone at WM who has came across the border has went back with their tails beneath their legs. Seasoned politicians that left one of the most monumental decisions to be made in the UK for 200 years to the last minute to get involved. Yeah those are really seasoned politicians we can all trust and respect

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So you think an independent Scotland is a Utopia? You are the most deluded and easily manipulated poster on any forum I have ever read. So becoming independent means the eradication of povery? Why? Because you no longer have the economic backing of a bigger government?

Wow just wow

So you think continuing as we are is good? Lets see more begging on the street, more food banks. Vote no for more of the same.

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The BT politicians and everyone at WM who has came across the border has went back with their tails beneath their legs. Seasoned politicians that left one of the most monumental decisions to be made in the UK for 200 years to the last minute to get involved. Yeah those are really seasoned politicians we can all trust and respect

Not really sure how this has any relevance to economic security but I'm sure wee eck will love sh**e like this. After all it ducks the issues...

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So you think an independent Scotland is a Utopia? You are the most deluded and easily manipulated poster on any forum I have ever read. So becoming independent means the eradication of povery? Why? Because you no longer have the economic backing of a bigger government?

Wow just wow

you response is just full of questions your not answering anything, much like BT you just live off the scare stories. Do you have an annual subscription to the Daily Mail to get all your arguments

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Do you seriously give any credence to these orchestrated polls. they are a very small survey group with very little appropriate filtering of demographics. I see you're along way off from home but what's happening on the streets today is phenomenal and paints a very different picture.

I'm aware of what's happening on the streets (particularly Glasgow by the looks of it) thanks to social media. This doesn't, however, mean the polls are utterly wrong - the vast majority of Scotland aren't out in the streets today campaigning and won't have taken part in a poll showing a No lead either.

The polls are a snapshot of the views of a very small representation of the electorate. They aren't a forecast.

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you response is just full of questions your not answering anything, much like BT you just live off the scare stories. Do you have an annual subscription to the Daily Mail to get all your arguments

Oh ok you see when you ask questions you expect answers. Complicated? Nah don't answer. These aren't scare stories. These are based on projections with factors like falling stocks and higher retail prices etc factored in. The BT campaign haven't gone and asked for help from multinationals. They're giving experiential projections

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I took the quote from your response ya fud therefore you just made your own argument irrelevant.

You took a selective quote. It's a wonder you didn't include an allegation. Oh and be careful of the written abuse mate ok? I'm not used to conversing with your inclusion of rudeness and bad manners as I'm not a purveyor of the Yes "debating style"

Edited by Banterous
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ICM called the AV referendum correctly to within 0.1% and was the most accurate pollster for the 1997, 2001 and 2010 General Elections according to Mike Smithson on Twitter.

I still don't think any of them have much of a clue, though.

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