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My 6 month old Golden Retriever (back right) and his brother, who happens to belong to my parents.

My one, has really thick wavy hair whereas my parents' one has thin wiry hair. Other than that they're almost identical. Damn good dogs though. We got the old family Yellow Lab put down earlier on in the year. He was 14 at the time.

Edit to add: Both of them are 29kgs at 6 months, for Golden Retrievers they're gonna be pretty big.


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Here's Glen, the 12 year old Black Lab.

ImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1386717520.966049.jpg


Isnt half a grey beard he's ended up with. Reminds me of my last one. He lived until 13.


This is how my 7 year old lab Rory sleeps. He's a biscuit thief and has a stomach like a bottomless pit.


Here he is stealing my socks before work, I spent 15 minutes wrestling with him before he gave up the socks in exchange for biscuits.

Here is my pals collie called "tam" it's daft as shit and happy enough chasing a ball until it falls asleep. It's also developed an annoying habit of sitting on your feet. He's 3


The little b*****d winds my dog up and then gets assaulted by mine :lol

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This was my dog Ben. This was taken at my old work. He was a crazy dog He hated adults but with the oldies he was great, same with kids, my 2 used to annoy him but he never snapped once even when the followed him to keep annoying him.

He died aged 3 from bloat :( I still miss the wee shit


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Arthur is our second greyhound. Our whippet was so lonely when Sandy passed on that we had to get another one.

Both greys were ex-racers, who had never lived in a house before, so they had to learn how to climb stairs and be toilet trained. They are quite quick to learn though.

Most greys are lovely friendly placid dogs. Our two definitely were/are. Some dogs are harder to rehome, but any greyhound rescue centre will be up front in keeping you informed about any potential issues. Unfortunately there are always lots to choose from at any rescue centre.

They are not great with cats, and Arthur has to wear a muzzle when he's out as he occasionally forgets himself and lunges at very small quick-moving dogs. Sandy was fine with all other dogs.

They only need 3 short 15/20 minute walks per day and will spend the rest of the day sleeping - they are sprinters, not marathon runners.

I would definitely recommend getting one if you're looking for a dog. Ask me for any more info if you want, or for details of the various rescue kennels.

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My uncle used to have whippets. They were all brilliant dogs. Wouldn't mind one when I get my own place.

I am biased with dogs. I prefer labs and retrievers. But I've grown up with all of them. I find them good for young families, very protective over children and extremely playful when they get started. Also mad as a hatter and love a swim. My dog gets 1 massive walk per day and if he can be bothered another at night. He is rather lazy but I don't know if that's to do with him being neutered. Only issues with Labradors are they do seem to have a lot of issues with arthritis, and there tails should be classed as a legal weapon. Once they start wagging nothing in that tails path is safe from destruction.

Black Labradors do seem to have more character however then yellow and chocolate ones I've noticed.

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I used to have a Jack Russell called Penny and she was magic. She had one broken ear when we got her, so had one ear that stuck up and one that flopped down. Fearless, she was.

When she died, I said I'd never have another dog again. Can't go through that loss again.

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