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31 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

Nice to see that wee face again, how is he getting on?

Fucking radio rental, and we love it, apart from going tonto at male dogs he's absolutely fine and what we expect from a 16 month old puppy whos now getting to enjoy life, if he's not wanting to play he's crashing out wherever we are in the house

Where i live there's absolutely tons of walking routes, so even walks he's never bored, on my days off we usually do a good 5k and its me that stops cause im fucked, he'd walk all day and night lol

Oh and he's now promoted himself from sleeping downstairs (his choice at first) to sleeping in his bed by my side of the bed to sleeping on the bottom of our bed in between us, wouldn't change him for the world

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6 hours ago, 54_and_counting said:

Fucking radio rental, and we love it, apart from going tonto at male dogs he's absolutely fine and what we expect from a 16 month old puppy whos now getting to enjoy life, if he's not wanting to play he's crashing out wherever we are in the house

Where i live there's absolutely tons of walking routes, so even walks he's never bored, on my days off we usually do a good 5k and its me that stops cause im fucked, he'd walk all day and night lol

Oh and he's now promoted himself from sleeping downstairs (his choice at first) to sleeping in his bed by my side of the bed to sleeping on the bottom of our bed in between us, wouldn't change him for the world

Sounds like he's loving life! It's amazing how quickly they become an integral part of the family.

My uncle was visiting the other week and Shadow wasn't at all happy, hackles up barking, tail between legs. She came round eventually (there was salami involved!) But she has clearly been hurt by a man. Other than that she's well settled. Fell over her paws in the middle of the living room the other days. I forgot how goofy labs can be.

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4 hours ago, RH33 said:

Sounds like he's loving life! It's amazing how quickly they become an integral part of the family.

My uncle was visiting the other week and Shadow wasn't at all happy, hackles up barking, tail between legs. She came round eventually (there was salami involved!) But she has clearly been hurt by a man. Other than that she's well settled. Fell over her paws in the middle of the living room the other days. I forgot how goofy labs can be.

Our old dog was very wound up with lol strangers, clearly when in his first home and roaming the streets he was badly treated, it took ages for him to come round to new people, so having workies etc in the house was a nightmare but we worked round it cause he was family, still miss the big daft b*****d

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Oor Bert does not like young children, presumably because he got poked in the eye or something by one before we rescued him.  It's more that he's afraid of them, particularly when they wander off behind him, and he barks at things he's afraid of.

Bit of a problem when kids continually bolt past him in a beer garden, normally with the parents just letting them do so rather than saying "don't wind up the dog" despite me saying what the precise issue is.

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2 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Oor Bert does not like young children, presumably because he got poked in the eye or something by one before we rescued him.  It's more that he's afraid of them, particularly when they wander off behind him, and he barks at things he's afraid of.

Bit of a problem when kids continually bolt past him in a beer garden, normally with the parents just letting them do so rather than saying "don't wind up the dog" despite me saying what the precise issue is.

My middle one was scared if dogs for a long time. There was an incident when she was little where my parents old grumpy bearded Collie snapped at her. Didn't catch her with teeth. This then filtered to her younger sister.

Trying to get them to understand that if you run dog sees playtime. Stand still, don't flap arms and you're boring to the dog. Basics adults seem to forget as shadow went say hello and woman started waving arms and shadow was like wooo games......she did recall on first asking and old boot mumbled "should be on a lead".

Also kids running in near gardens and restaurants are a bugbare of mine..same parents would create merry hell when wee JayDen-ZebiDee ends up with hot coffee spilt on him.

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34 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Trying to get them to understand that if you run dog sees playtime. Stand still, don't flap arms and you're boring to the dog. Basics adults seem to forget as shadow went say hello and woman started waving arms and shadow was like wooo games.

Picture this scene from a near-empty beach in Assynt just a few weeks ago :

- Bert, who's favourite things include sprinting, beaches, chasing things that run, and saying hello to people.

- An autistic young adult on the beach, who screams and runs around the beach in circles with arms flapping at the sight of a dog.


Thankfully the carer was fairly cool about the situation.  Didn't sound like it was his first rodeo.

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22 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Picture this scene from a near-empty beach in Assynt just a few weeks ago :

- Bert, who's favourite things include sprinting, beaches, chasing things that run, and saying hello to people.

- An autistic young adult on the beach, who screams and runs around the beach in circles with arms flapping at the sight of a dog.


Thankfully the carer was fairly cool about the situation.  Didn't sound like it was his first rodeo.

99.999998% time that beach would be empty as well 😂

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Got sent this photo from the OH yesterday. Morse is honestly the laziest dog in Scotland.


He has enjoyed the puddles over the weekend. Apparently this "get out my puddle but feel free to nab my sticks" went on for a good 20mins.



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So Basil is having slight separation issues from me and the missus, yesterday when she went to work while i was in work, he attacked the carpet on the stairs to the point he ripped a bit up and attacked the underlay lol

This was while my 18yo son was in his room, Basil clearly forgot about him and panicked cause we weren't in, tbh its a lot of our fault as when we first got him we luckily (or so we thought at the time) had annual leave from our works, i had a week off on two separate occasions in his first 5 weeks with us, so he's pretty much came to his new home with us two being there 

Not really sure how to try sort this for him now, any pointers would be greatly appreciated if anyone had went through same issues before

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8 hours ago, 54_and_counting said:

So Basil is having slight separation issues from me and the missus, yesterday when she went to work while i was in work, he attacked the carpet on the stairs to the point he ripped a bit up and attacked the underlay lol

This was while my 18yo son was in his room, Basil clearly forgot about him and panicked cause we weren't in, tbh its a lot of our fault as when we first got him we luckily (or so we thought at the time) had annual leave from our works, i had a week off on two separate occasions in his first 5 weeks with us, so he's pretty much came to his new home with us two being there 

Not really sure how to try sort this for him now, any pointers would be greatly appreciated if anyone had went through same issues before

Radio or telly left on would be my first go-to.

As he's on his own you could maybe leave him with some food in a kong toy to keep him occupied and allow him to make the association that you leaving means he gets something nice.

Morse was a bored chewer, so we gof bitter apple spray and pretty much soaked everything he tried to chew. Dogs hate the taste of it, he eventually learned that it was only his own toys he could pick up without getting a rotten taste in his mouth. He also tore chunks out of different carpets we have.

This is why we wound up crate training Millie. We also found that ours will settle much better if they get a walk before being left. Doesn't have to be a big walk but they're all in the habit of crashing out for a good long nap after a walk now.

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17 minutes ago, 54_and_counting said:

but he still did the carpet a belter, 

I've always laughed at stuff like this. Obviously just been lucky my life with dogs they've never done it. I've seen videos where dogs have torn doors to shreds. Always wondered how they and I would react upon reconciliation.

Something not too distant from this I imagine :

Season 17 What GIF by America's Got Talent

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2 hours ago, RH33 said:

Anyone elses dog eat grass and then regurgitate grass balls?! Apparently grass is just tasty and it's not a sign they need be sick.

I had a dog growing up who had a 'sign' that when he ate grass, a fit soon followed. He was a rescue and they failed to mention this.

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3 hours ago, RH33 said:

Anyone elses dog eat grass and then regurgitate grass balls?! Apparently grass is just tasty and it's not a sign they need be sick. Which is what I always believed.

Was always told when a dog eats grass its because they have a sore stomach (usually from munching on everything) and it settled their stomach

Basil sometimes eats the grass but never shows signs of anything else, just he's a fucking nutter lol

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12 minutes ago, 54_and_counting said:

Was always told when a dog eats grass its because they have a sore stomach (usually from munching on everything) and it settled their stomach

Basil sometimes eats the grass but never shows signs of anything else, just he's a fucking nutter lol

If dogs are anything like cats they will eat grass for different reasons at different times - sometimes to help them digest, clear their guts out or avoid constipation.  We have had a lot of cats and most of them would eat grass at times but it didn't necessarily mean they were ill and wanted to vomit.  We lost 2 of ours for that very reason - they ate grass which had been treated with some kind of chemical.  

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8 hours ago, RH33 said:

Anyone elses dog eat grass and then regurgitate grass balls?! Apparently grass is just tasty and it's not a sign they need be sick. Which is what I always believed.

Mine does that when she is hungry. Also after she has been sick she sometimes does it. As said above a sign of a sore stomach

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