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Kim Jong-Un is dead

Mr Bairn

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Seliousry, I don't think it is, or I wouldn't say it. It's just a joke about a chalectilistic of the regions speech. The same joke could be made about any dialect or accent, where there is a notable difference between that and another. Someone is the subject of most jokes. If we stopped, we'd need to leave fat people, women...any minority alone

Women aren't a minority btw. Just sayin'.

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Doubt they go in for Christmas much in that particular workers' paradise. Not part of their traditional culture. Suspect it will all cave in soon. There are a few families at the top of that system who live a rich capitalist lifestyle and pull all the strings. If they are now worried about being purged and executed at any moment, odds on Kim Jong-Un meets a sticky end one way or another in the not too distant future, because a system like that needs a group of cynics at the top who know it's all nonsense but are happy to benefit from it while others suffer and feel reasonably safe doing so.

Wtf has Britain got to do with North Korea?

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Seliousry, I don't think it is, or I wouldn't say it. It's just a joke about a chalectilistic of the regions speech. The same joke could be made about any dialect or accent, where there is a notable difference between that and another. Someone is the subject of most jokes. If we stopped, we'd need to leave fat people, women...any minority alone.

agree mate wasn't accusing ,just having a laugh :thumsup2

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Rooks rike four pray flom the wife.

"The aunt of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un is believed to have survived her husband's execution and retained her influence within the country.

Kim Kyong Hui, the wife of Jang Song Thaek, has been named alongside top officials on a funeral committee for fellow senior Workers' Party official Kim Kuk Thae, who died on Friday.


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Rooks rike four pray flom the wife.

"The aunt of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un is believed to have survived her husband's execution and retained her influence within the country.[/size]

Kim Kyong Hui, the wife of Jang Song Thaek, has been named alongside top officials on a funeral committee for fellow senior Workers' Party official Kim Kuk Thae, who died on Friday.


Ah, the melly widow!

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"Senior party official Kim Kuk Thae"

Who is this bloke? Is it to be believed that some guy high up in the workers party just happened to drop dead right after a fellow senior ranking official is executed in bizarre circumstances?

Was apparently 89, so it may not be as suspicious as it seems.

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I denounced Reynard.

Nothing personal but the North Koreans seem to think he is a buckled right winger.


Arrogant Hooligan Reynard Condemned


PYONGYANG (KCNA) — In condemnation of a treacherous sycophant, a special tribunal demanded that a stern judgment should be meted out to the anti-party, counter-revolutionary faction led by Reynard.

The world public will never forget the malignant slanders uttered by Reynard, the enemy of the party and the revolution and a servant of the fascist clique of South Korea.

These crimes will be admitted to, following which hurrahs for the Workers’ Party of Korea and socialism will reverberate far and wide.

Abusing the honor of often accompanying Kim Jong Un during his field guidance, Reynard tried hard to create illusion about him by projecting himself internally and externally as a special being on a par with the headquarters of the revolution.

Reynard set up a secret organ under his control and took a fabulous amount of funds from a bank and purchased precious metals in disregard of the state law. Reynard thus committed such anti-state criminal acts as creating a great confusion in the financial management system of the state.

Reynard is sadly mistaken to think one can browbeat the DPRK,does not know even elementary diplomatic etiquette and lacks diplomatic ability, and will feel the weapon of singlehearted unity.

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Shameless Lackey vikingTON Condemned



PYONGYANG (KCNA) — At an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea,the organizing committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly announced that vikingTON will meet the serious punishment of history.

The world public will never forget the malignant slanders uttered by vikingTON, the enemy of the party and the revolution and a servant of the fascist clique of South Korea.

A decision of the special military tribunal of the Ministry of State Security of the DPRK will be read out at the trial.

Abusing the honor of often accompanying Kim Jong Un during his field guidance, vikingTON tried hard to create illusion about him by projecting himself internally and externally as a special being on a par with the headquarters of the revolution.

vikingTON is a traitor to the nation for all ages, who perpetrated anti-party, counter-revolutionary factional acts in a bid to overthrow the leadership of our party and state and the socialist system.

vikingTON is hated as the most cruel monster and blood-thirsty beast, did great damage to the building of a thriving nation and the drive for the improvement of the people’s living standard, and will find that their frantic attempts to stifle the DPRK will be brought to an end.

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