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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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15 minutes ago, dee_62 said:

And making relegation an almost certainty is a woeful Wednesday 3/10. No guesses coming off.

Well I had already demoted you accidentally (to Eednud's advantage). Normal service will be resumed tomorrow!

Five out of 10 for Tuesday for me. Can't buy a guess these days. 

Anyway, we all know this quiz is a joke. Why not try this real man's quiz. ... 


44 out of 50. That's what I'm talking about. 

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And down in the basement, Swarley is THREE (3) points ahead at this early stage. Madwullie and SlipperyP are neck-and-neck. And I miss Eck [emoji20]

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