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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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That's yer leagues oot. 

WRK is heading for his 15th title... by this time next year he should have overtaken Rangers' record (oooh, football chat).... looks like Jagfox and Peasy might be getting a relegation reprieve if MSU and AFJ don't come back from their travels in time.


Alang has rocked up the SWL and I'm still clinging on to 2nd. Not sure if I want to go up tbh, every time Stranraer got promoted to the semi big boy leagues, they got sent packing with their tails between their legs. Hope I've got BWV's score right (actually, hope is a bit of a strong word)


Meanwhile, in the BHL, Dyl has been at the brain pills. SlipperyP, Gman and Dee Man have utterly hibsed their promotion chances although Jacksgranda could still be in the running. 


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I don't want to sound harsh, but if MSU and AFJ don't submit any scores, they should be treated as Newco Quizzers and punted to the bottom league. Whoever would have been relegated to the bottom tier should retain their place in the second division.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with my league position, honest.

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5 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I don't want to sound harsh, but if MSU and AFJ don't submit any scores, they should be treated as Newco Quizzers and punted to the bottom league. Whoever would have been relegated to the bottom tier should retain their place in the second division.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with my league position, honest.

Well it's a bit harsh on AFJ ... he's sunning himself out in San Marino and he actually sent me a PM to say he'd probably not be able to post any scores by Saturday. I told the Luddite about smart phones and Wi-fi etc, but I might as well have been speaking Sammarinese for the amount he understood. Seems a bit harsh to liquidate him just for that ... as far as I know, he still pays his bills!

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Apologies -- been a hectic few days. Anyway. Scores on the doors are:

Monday - 7

Tuesday - 7

Wednesday - 6

Thursday - 8

That was more questions in 6 minutes about Australian sports than can surely be deemed healthy.

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9/10 ... Knew the first three, Green Day and golf, could work out or educated guess on Chomsky, the TV show and the opera. Blind guessed the Socceroo correctly. Blind guessed the last one wrong.

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7 minutes ago, WILLIEA said:

7/10  As usual my reaction to aussie sport is Who?? Whit??

I'd actually heard of him for once cos I think he's their top scorer (by virtue of banging in 13 or so against American Samoa). Not that it helped me get the right answer. 

6 out of 10 for me. I call bullshit on the golf question btw. 

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A vibrant stylish five surely not enough to put pressure on the cardinal. Knew chomsky, golf and opera .  Was as always out my depth on anything Australian . I fear the prize of  back to back promotions will slip my grasp. It's been a long hard season but I suspect my rich middle eastern backers will demand more next season. 

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