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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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A magnificent 10/10 for me on Wednesdays geography round at the pub quiz.  Joker round too..  Fortunately his eminence will have stopped reading by now and will miss my score of 5/10 for that bloody Australian quiz.

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18 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Welcome! Re: rules. They're buried somewhere in this thread ... there are a few ... nothing too serious, but woe betide the first person to post their score for the following day's quiz without also posting the link to it. Other than that, there was something about not watching the Archers cos it's shite and another one about the answer to questions about Japanese islands always being Honshu. I'm sure you'll pick up the rest as you go along. 

Anyway, here are the latest league tables. 




What TV channel are they on, then? Eh, eh? (Stick to watching the Bible Channel, you unwordly Cardinal...)

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Re: reconstruction. I can try a 10-12-14 league next week ... feck knows the best way of working it though. Keep 2 up and 2 down with playoffs in the Premiership/SWL, and 1 down + 3 up  + playoffs in the SWL/BHL. I could always get my mate Cockwomble to pitch in. 

Anyway, while we squabble over that, here are the latest league tables





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37 minutes ago, Eednud said:

Why no 12-12-12? No relegation or play-offs this week. Top 2 SWL go up to Premier and top 4 BHL up to SWL. You could also have a play-off with 3rd SWL v 10th Prem.


Twas our dear leader who suggested a 10-12-14 ... the only problem with 12-12-12 is as soon as a few teams drop out, you're left with a toty league again. 

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1 minute ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Twas our dear leader who suggested a 10-12-14 ... the only problem with 12-12-12 is as soon as a few teams drop out, you're left with a toty league again. 

Making the bottom league the biggest makes it much more difficult for us thickos to get out of. 

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The bottom league shouldn't have the most teams. If you have a rough start in one of the other divisions, you still have plenty to play for as you need to avoid the drop. If you make a bad start in the bottom tier, you have nothing to play for. So the bigger the bottom league, the more teams are left with little to care about in the last few days of the week. 

Edited version of above: bottom league should have twelve teams at most. 

Pretty please Mr Cardinal, Sir. 

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