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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Christophe took umbrage at his lack of gold medallions last week and has returned to winning ways in the Prem (incidentally, every c**t in my work uses the abbreviation "on prem" - and it rankles me more than it really should).  Hefty chops to him. MSU comes in 2nd, so a moderate amount of chops to him.

At the other end, Helpma is relegated - just desserts for someone who thinks turkey and pineapple are acceptable toppings on a pizza. 

But the BIG story is that HALF the other teams are on 31 points.  Don't think that's ever happened before. It's like that guy who took a photo of a deer sneezing. But how do we separate them? Why - by NQD of course. Not explained it in a while so here goes. Your highest score, 2nd highest score etc counts. But there is no separating the DA and GJ who quite clearly copied each others' answers all week. They're both in the play-offs. Not even sure how that works, but luckily I don't need to cos @SlipperyP is in charge of sorting that mess out. And I care not if he's just had a wean ... business is business. 


Salvo is the biggest swinging dick in the SWL. JamesP_81 has a decimal point beside his score - feck knows why - but it's not again the rules so up he goes. Welshbairn - who recently made overtures about dinghying the league - gets a well deserved play-off spot. 

At the other end, Tynieturncoat is down after failing to post any scores for the last 2 days. WCW is down, and I've been edged into the play-off by NJ2 despite him not even bothering his arse with Friday's match. It would be churlish for me to change the rules - but as of next week, BNQD (brand new quiz difference) dictates that if 2 teams finish on the same score - any team that hasn't posted a full week's scores will automatically finish lower. If anyone has a problem with that, I suggest you ...



And so to the BHL. And BWV has 2 reasons to celebrate. One - that's he champ - and  the other is being kept under wraps for now. Up goes BIK and LincolnHearts is in the play-offs. 


So all that remains is for me to hand over to Slippers who will hopefully have a baby-related tie-break question on ice. 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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Well thank you @Cardinal Richelieu you have a few days off you deserve them..

Once again thanks everyone for the well wishes.  I have passed them on to the the 2 beauties, who are back home safe and well.

Business is business, and P&B Quizzers don't really give a personal f**k about me, it's all about the playoffs.

This weekend flyers are


@The DA v @German Jag v @welshbairn


@Cardinal Richelieu v @LincolnHearts

By public demand, I've been broken.  

Wednesday 10th October 2018 Mrs SlipperyP gave birth to little girl "Skye".  What time in 24 clock was she born in TT=Thai Time?

All answers can be posted to my PM account no later than Monday 06:00 TT.




Edited by SlipperyP
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It's Saturday night and all is well, scores have all been handed in.

Wednesday 10th October 2018 Mrs SlipperyP gave birth to little girl "Skye".  What time in 24 clock was she born in TT=Thai Time?

This weekend flyers are


@The DA

OK, daddy-o.  You posted on Wednesday morning that you were in the labour ward and by the afternoon UK time, you were a dad.  So, on the basis we're not going to be the first people you tell, I'm guessing 1pm UK time which must be about 21:00 TT.

 v @German Jag 12:12 TT

 @welshbairn Looks like Skye is thinking "So this fool is my Dad? Never mind, I'll deal with it." Congratulations! My guess is she slipperyed out at 0247 on Wednesday morning.


@Cardinal Richelieu Hmmm. I remember you posting about this. But I can't remember either the times and I've no idea how far ahead Thailand is anyway. I'll go 22.24 local time.  

 v @LincolnHearts Congratulations!!!.....and I will go for 16.12

Correct answer is 19:19

Congratulation to @The DA @German Jag&  @Cardinal Richelieu (wins by 2 secs)

Have a great week everyone. 

PS. TT is 6 hours ahead. @The DA was more or less bang on,  just didn't know TT.

She went into labour at 08:00 and my car didn't start, went across to my work (next door) and stole one of their cars, when we got to the hospital the central locking wouldn't open we were stuck inside the car, Oh how we laughed :shutupdon't know what I did, but it opened after a few effens & a b*****ds

Edited by SlipperyP
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4 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

It's Saturday night and all is well, scores have all been handed in.

Wednesday 10th October 2018 Mrs SlipperyP gave birth to little girl "Skye".  What time in 24 clock was she born in TT=Thai Time?

This weekend flyers are


@The DA

OK, daddy-o.  You posted on Wednesday morning that you were in the labour ward and by the afternoon UK time, you were a dad.  So, on the basis we're not going to be the first people you tell, I'm guessing 1pm UK time which must be about 21:00 TT.

 v @German Jag 12:12 TT

 @welshbairn Looks like Skye is thinking "So this fool is my Dad? Never mind, I'll deal with it." Congratulations! My guess is she slipperyed out at 0247 on Wednesday morning.


@Cardinal Richelieu Hmmm. I remember you posting about this. But I can't remember either the times and I've no idea how far ahead Thailand is anyway. I'll go 22.24 local time.  

 v @LincolnHearts Congratulations!!!.....and I will go for 16.12

Correct answer is 19:19

Congratulation to @The DA @German Jag&  @Cardinal Richelieu (wins by 2 secs)

Have a great week everyone. 

PS. TT is 6 hours ahead. @The DA was more or less bang on,  just didn't know TT.

She went into labour at 08:00 and my car didn't start, went across to my work (next door) and stole one of their cars, when we got to the hospital the central locking wouldn't open we were stuck inside the car, Oh how we laughed :shutupdon't know what I did, but it opened after a few effens & a b*****ds

Pwoud, vewy pwoud.  And to think a 2 hour difference on time zones was the deciding factor!

Glad I didn't fall, it's nigh on impossible to get out of the Championship.  Unless you're Robbie, of course.

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1 minute ago, Tynierose said:

Pineapple on food is wrong, my father in law will regularly order a gammon steak in a restuarant with a stinking pineapple ring on it.  Just wrong.  Also my daughter always has sweetcorn on her pizza, she is odd.

There's your answer...

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