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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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8/10 for Fri

I love these kind of things. I worked out 7, guessed lucky on 1. There's 1 I've answered incorrectly that I've no idea how my answer isn't correct and there's a final one that I've no idea what it means though the first 2 items of the sequence align perfectly on 2 topics.

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Spoiler with what I answered. I believe we're an honest bunch. If anyone wants to put a spoiler reply in for answers 4 & 8 that I didn't get and maybe an explanation on how 6 can be worked out which I guessed that would be grand.

1. M, V, E, M, J, S, U...? - Planets of the solar system so answer was N for Neptune
2. 2016 Brasilia, 2000 Canberra, 1996 Washington DC... - Year of Olympics and the capital of the country they were held in so answer is 1992 - Madrid for the Barcelona games
1988 Toronto
1992 Madrid
1992 Berlin
1988 Seoul
3. He, Ne, Ar, Kr...?Xe - Easy for chemistry folk, Noble gases of the periodic table and Radon (Rn) was missing
4. 2019 LH, 2009 JB, 2000 MM...? - I never got this and can't work it out. LH 2019 & JB 2009 both fit the F1 world champions of that year (Hamilton and Button) and also fit the 2nd places of Sports Personality in those years, which I found afterwards when I thought it may have been first place winners. I ended up going for 1990 AA as I wondered if MM was a spelling error for MS and that AA was an error for AS. No idea what 1992 BB is
1994 FQ
1992 BB
1989 NR
1990 AA
5. November, Alpha, Tango... - NATO abbreviation, so answer is Oscar
6. BlackBurn, DunDee, LLandudno, NorthamptoN...? - I guessed Southend-on-Sea but not sure how you work that out
7. TFATF, 2F2F, TFATF:TD, F&F, FF, F&F6, F7, TFOTF...? - The Fast & The Furious Films. Answer is F9
8. rior, lanning, reparation, revents, iss, oor...?erformance - I know this saying where P has been dropped. I assumed nothing was missing and answered C with a blank as P is missing from them all. No idea why it is answer B "andas"
9. 111, 222, 33333, 4444, 5555...? - This is tied to how many letters spell the number. So 1 (one - 111) etc so answer is 666 for six
10. SC - DN, GL - OHMSS, RM - LALD, TD - TLD, PB - G...? - This is Bond actors along with their first film. Sean Connery - Dr No etc etc. Answer is DC - CR for Daniel Craig - Casino Royale
DC - S


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Question one...

You've basically got this but the years are the most recent in which the Summer Olympics was NOT held in a capital city. So 1992 was hosted in Barcelona hence why Madrid is correct answer.

Question six...

The capital letters indicate the postcode, so you're looking for the city that has postcode SS, which is Southend-on-Sea

Question eight...

The saying is prior planning prevents piss poor performance so answer is performance. This answer and question was wrong when I took the quiz, though.

Would also like to know what the f**k question four was on about.

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6 minutes ago, Small Bovine Maisonette said:

I see they have now fixed question 8 so that it makes sense. I should get an extra point. Fucking BOOOOO!

Well, if I did it now I'd have scored 9/10

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