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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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3 hours ago, Swarley said:

They don't have Excel? How was your commute back to the 1920s?

Heh. I should clarify. They actually sat me down in my new job and presented me with a Mac. It has its own version of Excel but I never even opened it. I was already trying to get my head round a completely new operating system and the fact that not only did I not have a mouse, but the trackpad had no buttons. That, coupled with the 1.5 hour morning commute pilgrimage convinced me that this job wasn't a keeper. Besides, now that the league has split into 2 and there's a cup to organise, this has turned into a full time job... if you could each send me £100 per month, that should cover my expenses. 

1 hour ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Google Sheets is basically the same as Excel but web-based.

Aye, I was using it before. It works pretty well, except I couldn't quite get the shading work. But I'll be going to do the league table the noo. 

In cup news, last call for @jagfox99 to tell me how many gender options you have in Tinder (apart from male and female). 

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Welcome to the Revamped P+B League!!! Year Zero / Week One 

In the Premiership, there are a couple of new faces at the top of the league, although it's early days yet. Dee_62 has forgotten everything he's ever known, and Eckthearab is having a bit of a nightmare, despite his silver-laden trophy cabinet.

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 Frankie S   7 7       14
2 WILLIEA   5 7       12
3 Arabdownunder 1x© 5 6       11
4 Bully Wee Villa 1x© 5 5       10
5 Leeds Saint 1x© 2x② 5 5       10
6 Deej 1x② 6 4       10
7 Supermik   5 5       10
8 Welshbairn   4 5       9
9 Blackislekillie   5 4       9
10 G_Man1985   4 5       9
11 Ross.   5 4       9
12 Die Hard Doonhamer   5 3       8
13 Eckthearab 5x② 5 2       7
14 Dee_62   3 3       6


But down in the Beazer Homes League is where all the excitement is at. I'm sure it's only a temporary blip but WRK really is having a torrid time of it among the hacking journeymen. And who's that sitting pretty at the top of the stack? Why it's our very own Cardinal. 

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 Cardinal Richelieu   7 6       13
2 Edmund 4x② 4 7       11
3 The_Kincardine   5 6       11
4 SlipperyP   4 7       11
5 WhiteRoseKillie 6x© 3x② 6 4       10
6 BigBo10   4 5       9
7 Peasy23   3 5       8
8 Jacksgranda   3 5       8
9 Swarley   4 3       7
10 Alang1993 3x© 6         6
11 Jagfox99   6         6

Anyone who's not in the league who fancies getting in about some of that jazzy colour scheme, just take Monday's and Tuesday's quiz and you too can be in the liveliest quiz league this side of Saigon.

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5 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Don't be disheartened. Due to the structure, you're only 2 points off the play-offs! 

Everyone's a winner. 

We're having playoffs?  I thought it was a straight 3 up 3 down.  Still, you've f**k all else to do...so why not ;)

BTW I don't buy the "Oh I couldn't be arsed using a Mac" excuse.  They probably asked you to use an abacus ;)

3 hours ago, eckthearab said:

I've got no idea what's went wrong with me. Cup exit to Kincy I think has done me in emoji849.png

Aye....losing to a quizzing diddy is a sair yin.  Possibly your Berwick Rangers moment!

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Lowest score for a while with a Cup replay equalling 3. Guessed author by process of elimination, guessed TV show and knew cricket. Got Dutch flag wrong way round and didn't read the song question properly as knew both of them. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=5703&sectionId=1

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13 minutes ago, Eednud said:

Think we've drawn our replay.

That might have been the case, if you were playing him! A reminder of the draw....

Ross vs Jagfox99

Edmund (who protested a bit too loudly that he knew nothing about Tinder) vs Peasy23

For the answer to the question, "How many genders are available in Tinder (apart from male and female). Everyone went for 3 except peasy23, who went large with 7.

The correct answer was, of course, 37. The mind truly boggles.  It means that Edmund's out on his sexually-naive arse and Peasy progresses

And it also means that Ross and Jagfox99 have another tie-break. And it's on statistics....

You might have heard of the birthday problem. If not, tough titties. But imagine you had 30 random people in a room. What is the percentage probability that at least 2 of them share a birthday? Closest gets it.

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9 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

A higher than 4 but less than 6, 5/10 on my long awaited return to the quiz thread.

Welcome back cobber. If you want to come back to the league, feel free to take Monday's and Tuesday's quizzes ...http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz-archive

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