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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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5/10 for Tuesday. Knew 2, was fairly sure on 1 other. ETA: Should just have copied Irvine Buddie's post directly above mines as that I scored the same as he did and got mostly the same questions right, apart from fluking the Aussie sports team instead of the mountain.

Edited by Ross.
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What are the rules with regards to taking a few weeks "Abeyance" as they call it in the juniors? Do I restart at the bottom irrespective of my league position at the end of this week? I might have to cancel my holidays if it's going to f**k with my quizzing.

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1 hour ago, Ross. said:

What are the rules with regards to taking a few weeks "Abeyance" as they call it in the juniors? Do I restart at the bottom irrespective of my league position at the end of this week? I might have to cancel my holidays if it's going to f**k with my quizzing.

Well, it's happened to a few posters in the past so it would be a bit unfair to change the rules now. 

Surely in this day and age of smart phones and other such wizardry, it's not difficult to find 10 minutes to do the quiz? (unless you're AFJ of course). 

You don't start at the bottom automatically... but not posting a score for a week would see you relegated ... 

It's tough being a mod. 

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18 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Knew zero, scored eight! This is my jammiest day ever. Off to put a grand on a Villa/Clyde double this evening. Bound to come in...

Surely every schoolboy knows the orders of the colour of the spectrum?

Good luck to Villa tonight. But not Clyde!

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8 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Well, it's happened to a few posters in the past so it would be a bit unfair to change the rules now. 

Surely in this day and age of smart phones and other such wizardry, it's not difficult to find 10 minutes to do the quiz? (unless you're AFJ of course). 

You don't start at the bottom automatically... but not posting a score for a week would see you relegated ... 

It's tough being a mod. 

What CR really means is "If you complain about it I'll ban you".

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