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Things that annoy or delight you on the telly right now


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Trailers for forthcoming episodes of shows on US TV with tag lines "It's the episode that changes EVERYTHING!!!" "It's the one you WON'T want to MISS!!!" "You'll never look at xyz the same again" etc.

Load of fuking shite, it's just TV

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This advert, not bad.

Possibly the most successful advert of all time, judging by the number of times I've seen it mentioned online. Can't think why :P

The UK has now been formally introduced to the wonder that is Kate Upton, I think.

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Starburst adverts...............AAAAAAAAAH!

And they're feckin Opal Fruits anyway.

Best let it go mate. Much like the word series being replaced by season, some Americanisations are just unstoppable.

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