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Things that annoy or delight you on the telly right now


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Quiz show contestants who pass rather than take a guess.

Ok if it's a question like "which Iranian architect..." and you have absolutely no clue, but questions such as "which colour/which country/what animal..." Surely in that instance a guess is worthwhile.

A question on The Chase just there was "Which rapper..." Surely between the 4 of them they could name a rapper?!

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How do you mean?

he means, they take 1 from the top and 5 others, which usually results in both players getting it rendering the conundrum pointless

if you are more than 10 behind going into the last numbers game, stick 6 small numbers up there and hope you get there and the other person doesnt, puts you right back in it with thew conundrum to go

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hate quiz shows where some random absolute fuckwit of the highest order flukes their way to the final round

Tipping point is a prime example, the other week some thick bint got lucky that she passed and nowt dropped for her opponents, everytime she looked at the fucking machine the counters dropped like a broken puggy

Made it to the final and got her first 3 questions all wrong, get it up ye hen

Edited by 53_and_counting
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Ah, I get what you mean now (countdown). Right enough, especially if you're confident in your counting abilities! I'd space my selections 20 seconds apart if I was on Countdown. More time to look at this beaut!


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Ah, I get what you mean now (countdown). Right enough, especially if you're confident in your counting abilities! I'd space my selections 20 seconds apart if I was on Countdown. More time to look at this beaut!

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1445719269.295178.jpg


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Drugs and booze, m8, drugs and booze.

Bollocks. You're winding us up.

Quick google confirms you're part right. The Zutons took her out as her cover, o Valerie, was more successful than their original. Unfortunately, they were caught before they could get their mitts on Mark "I wish someone would take a lighter to him" Ronson.

In a side factoid. Morrissey sickened, so very sickened, by Ronsons cover of Stop Me. Dee Dee was, and still is, fucking livid.


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The new McDonald's advert for the pulled pork and peri peri wraps. So shite it's offensive.

Have you ever been served by someone in McDonalds who even vaguely resembles that girl?

I take it this is McDonalds trying to get away from the greasy McJob image and push a greasy Girl With The Dragon Tattoo image for their staff?

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Scandi Noir. 'Beck' is a good series and still available on iPlayer.

The Hunters is a decent (if uncomfortable) watch and is on iPlayer until tomorrow night. Set in northern Sweden and as adrift from Ikea as one could imagine.


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"The Edge" currently clogging up the telly when i'm having my breakfast. Gabby Logan is as fine a MILF as you'll find, but she's wasting her life asking half wits imbecilic (is that a word?) personal questions to keep the chat going between rounds, but it really doesn't work. She's lost in it.

The idea of the game is that contestants answer really difficult questions (today - "In Lady and the Tramp", what animals were Lady and the Tramp?) and then roll a ball up a wee lane onto monetary values which they win. It's like carpet bowls for cash.

She must be getting paid a stack of cash to bubject herself to this.

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Scandi Noir. 'Beck' is a good series and still available on iPlayer.

The Hunters is a decent (if uncomfortable) watch and is on iPlayer until tomorrow night. Set in northern Sweden and as adrift from Ikea as one could imagine.


I'm sure I'm not alone in not wanting to get murdered in Scandinavia, if I'm going to be murdered anywhere. You don't just get shot or stabbed, you're dismembered and / or skinned whilst still alive.

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Watching "Bring the Noise" and I'm not sure what it's trying to be. Is it supposed to be a comedy or a straight quiz show?

If it's supposed to fill the void left by Never Mind The Buzzcocks then it fails horribly.

Katherine Ryan is in it, which is its only redeeming feature.

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