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The Office (US)

Mr. Brightside

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  • 2 months later...

Took me an absolute age to get into this, I'm talking years. Finished it a couple of weeks ago and right now am onto S8 of my second run through. Absolutely love it and it's right up there for me. Doesn't beat Sunny in Philly and Trailer Park Boys but it's a strong candidate for my 3rd spot.

S1 trying to copy The Office is what took me so long to get going. Ep 1 is painful to watch as that British comedy style doesn't transfer when being portrayed by Yanks. So glad I stuck with it.

I don't agree it dies after Carrell leaves. It just pushes Dwight to the forefront and he completely nails it. A fantastic character that has a belter of a line every single episode - "...and unless somebody taught Mose sex, that baby is mine".

Catherine Tate is irritating as f**k when she arrives but thankfully they ease her out and she isn't bas bad in the final season. I still can't decide if it's Andy I dislike or if it's Ed Helms because as Andy he plays Ed Helms. Very annoying but sometimes does have some decent lines.

A superb sitcom.

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1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:

Catherine Tate is irritating as f**k when she arrives but thankfully they ease her out and she isn't bas bad in the final season. I still can't decide if it's Andy I dislike or if it's Ed Helms because as Andy he plays Ed Helms. Very annoying but sometimes does have some decent lines

Most likely utter pish but I seem to remember seeing somewhere that the writers made him more of an arsehole because Helms pissed them off. Something about not giving much notice when going to film one of the Hangover films so they didn't have much of a chance to write him out and he just had to be rushed away. 

Mainly think it was down to trying to replace Michael though, and they struggled to make him the same kind of loveable idiot. And needing him out while he filmed the Hangover (3?) wouldn't have helped. 

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On 09/04/2021 at 23:24, 19QOS19 said:

S1 trying to copy The Office is what took me so long to get going. Ep 1 is painful to watch as that British comedy style doesn't transfer when being portrayed by Yanks. So glad I stuck with it.

Aye the 1st season can be a tough watch. They squeezed a lot of UK office references/straight up copies of plots into the 6 eps but from S2 E1 it starts flying. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just rewatched the ending of this, and... 

Is it just me that thinks the ending would have been better if Jim and Pam had stayed in Scranton? 


Nah, crushing Jim's dream? Pam realised she needed to compromise, Jim was not happy.
Aye I think the ending was good. Maybe overthinking it but for me Pam and Jim represented the majority of us. For them to just settle in jobs they didn't like when they had so much potential if they challenged themselves would have been pretty depressing. That Jim went out and achieved success was what we wanted to see. Pam's leap came when deciding to drop the safety of their life and believe in Jim succeeding which she obviously does in the end.

I liked how they just hinted that Jim's business was going to take off rather than leaving it him as a millionaire or something. That would have went too far the other way. For me it was more about them finally grabbing their chance rather than continue to tread water.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Pishing myself at Dwight kicking Pams bridesmaid right in the head.

Also burst out laughing at the Parkour scene when Andy jumped onto a box and went striaght through it. I love the UK office too but the US one has had me sat on my own buckled more times I think.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Watching this through from the beginning for the second time and Catherine Tait is just coming into it, I want to greet knowing how bad it becomes but I can't stop watching now.

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  • 2 months later...

I’ve spent the past 2 months or so binging this for the first time and I can honestly say this is my favourite TV programme ever, I had seen the odd episode here and there but I had never watched it properly.

The character development throughout it is tremendous, pretty much all of the characters have a spell of me disliking them and also liking them, with the few exceptions being Creed, Kevin, Stanley, Jim and Pam who I just love all the time.

Although series 8&9 aren’t as good they’re worth sticking with for the absolute beauty that is the last episode, honestly I actually burst into tears, possibly was the hangover that caused that but it was amazing.


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I am a big fan of it (especially seasons 2-5) but I disagree with you on the character development. Andy's character was inconsistent and Kevin went from being not the sharpest tool in the box to an actual imbecile. Pam developed from someone quite lovable to someone who complained all the time and had zero fun.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm not sure there has ever been a more enigmatic sitcom character for me than Andy Bernard.

He is completely irritating for large parts of the show and the way he moves his head when he's being interviewed makes me want to punch my tele. Having said that, he has me in absolute bits throughout the Series. His "I don't trust you Phyllis!" line is up there with one of the best in the show for me. Completely adlibbed as well apparently.

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I'm not sure there has ever been a more enigmatic sitcom character for me than Andy Bernard.

He is completely irritating for large parts of the show and the way he moves his head when he's being interviewed makes me want to punch my tele. Having said that, he has me in absolute bits throughout the Series. His "I don't trust you Phyllis!" line is up there with one of the best in the show for me. Completely adlibbed as well apparently.
His slapstick moments were great. The golf cart and the parkour scenes both had me genuinely burst out laughing.
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I'm rewatching it at the moment. Creed is a very underrated character.

He's superb. The writers got him spot on as well. He wasn't overused so whenever he had a line it was absolute gold the majority of the time.

I did enjoy his wee stint as manager mind you. Fantastic stuff.
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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I just finished watching this for the first time. I have watched UK version countless times, and I have always found it to be one of greatest comedies out there. I am surprised to say that both versions are neck and neck for me. I was expecting to like the US version, but not love it as much as I did.

Seasons 2, 3, 4, and 5 are incredible TV. I noticed that the quality started to dip once it got to season 6, but there were still a handful of memorable episodes in there.

I was expecting to get bored and dislike season 8 and 9 without Michael being there, but I still got some enjoyment out of both seasons. I would even say that my least favourite season is passable and worth watching.

Here is how I would rank each season

1. S2
2. S5
3. S3
4. S4
5. S7
6. S9
7. S6
8. S8
9. S1

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