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EU membership

invergowrie arab

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That would require every bit as much unanimous consent as a full arrangement.

But I bet they could do that (temporary continuing inclusion) without each parliament agreeing. I understand fully that they can make it as difficult as they like, I just see no evidence that they would. Look at all the places they have let in recently which struggle even with the basic rule of law. It just makes no sense that they would try to keep Scotland out. Of course, it makes sense why they would discourage us from voting Yes - who would have thought otherwise? Likewise, it is pretty obvious what the legal advice coming soon will say.

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But I bet they could do that (temporary continuing inclusion) without each parliament agreeing.

No they can't. Any temporary arrangement requires foundation in the Treaties or they would be acting ultra vires. Anything that is to be contained in the Treaties requires the unanimous consent of all member-states. That means ratification in accordance with their constitutions, some for whom this requires referendums rather than merely national parliament approval.

The only circumstances in which agreement would not be required is if the Scottish Government relented on their strict timetable and adopted some sort of temporary home-rule provision, remaining within the UK for the purposes of international law (but not domestic law) until a new settlement was reached.

Frequent readers of this forum will observe that I pointed this out as a potential solution about two years ago.

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Not to worry... that EU legal advice will be appearing very soon. That should put the Nats minds at rest.

I mean, it is going to back up what Nicola and Alex have been telling you all? Isn't it? Well, obviously not what they were telling you BEFORE the White Paper - I mean we know that was a bag of lies, but what was in the White Paper - that's going to be what the EU legal advice says? Right?

You sure about that? Not according to this guy

Ahrenkilde has denied that the European Commission is preparing a report and said that, despite the controversial statements Barroso, "there will be no detailed analysis or opinion."

source: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lavanguardia.com%2Fpolitica%2F20140217%2F54401265152%2Fce-barroso-no-queria-interferir-proceso-democratico-marcha-escocia-catalunya.html

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IMO, EU membership will happen, where there is a will way, although I would rather be out. One thing for sure H_B, etc, if you stay in UK you will be leaving EU, if Tories have their way. So will that be as catastrophic, as the "storm in a teacup", you are currently salivating over?

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I notice there was no response to my question about the 100000 plus EU citizens currently exercising treaty rights in Scotland. obviously, if Scotland were excluded, even just temporarily, most of these people would lose the legal right to stay in Scotland. Is the EU really going to initiate possibly the largest involuntary movement of people in post-war Western Europe?

If you know anything at all - absolutely anything at all - about the EU then you know this will not happen.

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One thing for sure H_B, etc, if you stay in UK you will be leaving EU, if Tories have their way.

Is there an NCC prize for being the 12,432nd person to repeat this lie?

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This line about the biggest threat to Scotland's EU membership is the UK leaving is clearly nonsense, but if for a second we accepted it is true (and that the SNP believed it), then why are they pursuing a currency union with a nation that they think might end up outside the EU in the near future?

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This line about the biggest threat to Scotland's EU membership is the UK leaving is clearly nonsense, but if for a second we accepted it is true (and that the SNP believed it), then why are they pursuing a currency union with a nation that they think might end up outside the EU in the near future?

Maximises free trade: You have free movement of people and capital with mainland Europe via the EU and maximise the same with a notional rUK outside the EU via the currency union.

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It does seem an entirely reasonable quid pro quo for all the you-won't-be-allowed-into-the-EU f*cknuggets.

Really? Despite the fact that the "Tories" don't want to leave the EU at all and therefore it's factually incorrect.

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Really? Despite the fact that the "Tories" don't want to leave the EU at all and therefore it's factually incorrect.

A huge rump of the Tory party, right wing media and middle England does though.

I don't think it's exaggerating to say that our EU membership is more under threat as part of the UK than as an independent nation. At worst we'll have a more open, adult and constructive relationship with our European partners.

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Really? Despite the fact that the "Tories" don't want to leave the EU at all and therefore it's factually incorrect.

He said 'Tories', not 'the Tories'. You need to learn about definite articles, young man.

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A huge rump of the Tory party, right wing media and middle England does though.

And? A huge rump of Scots also want to leave the EU.

He said 'Tories', not 'the Tories'. You need to learn about definite articles, young man.

There are also huge numbers of Scots, of all political persuasions, who want to leave the EU. But no frontline political parties.

Thanks for playing though.

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