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1 hour ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

On a similar note, would like to get a new sofa, can't do it though, as it would be scratched to f**k within a fortnight.

We're in the same boat - just replaced ours a few months ago, but luckily enough she came round to my way of thinking that dropping the guts of a grand on something that in a year is going to look like it's been used for bayonet practice wasn't the way to go.

Ended up getting a second-hand one in great nick from Gumtree for a couple of hundred.


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Myself and my better half were at an all day wedding on Saturday. She had purchased a brand new bag type thingy for the occassion. When we got home she dumped her bag on the couch and woke up the next morning to find the demon that is Norman had taken a liking to said new bag. I felt for the wee c**t as he felt the wrath of her on a seething rampage, it's actually quite reassuring having someone else around the house who knows what it feels like. The men of the BBPF household stick together...




That was until the wee fucker tried the same with my laptop bag from work. There is now a human v cat divide and Norman has us on the ropes. He rules this gaff.





Looks like it needs to complete the game of naughts and crosses. Or has it drawn a hash sign


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Muffy more of a lover than a fighter but he has some big grey moggy muscling in on his turf and has been scrapping a bit. All hell breaking loose this morning and expected to see him missing a leg or an ear. Strolled in through the cat flap no more flustered than if he’d just had an 8 hour kip on the sofa. Think he’s got too much in his locker for the big lardy cats.



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2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Muffy more of a lover than a fighter but he has some big grey moggy muscling in on his turf and has been scrapping a bit. All hell breaking loose this morning and expected to see him missing a leg or an ear. Strolled in through the cat flap no more flustered than if he’d just had an 8 hour kip on the sofa. Think he’s got too much in his locker for the big lardy cats.



Just as I was leaving the house on Wednesday evening our two got into an epic scrap. Tried to break it up initially with no success as it was just a ball of cats rolling about the hallway, and then thought f**k it and watched the show.

Jake the Maine Coon fights like one of those fat baldy English football fans you see throwing chairs about town squares - every move telegraphed and continually trying to land big haymakers that never hit the target.

Woody the wee black DSH fights like one of those MMA fighter-looking Russian football hooligans that were at the last Euros - wait for the opponent to make a mistake, get inside them and land half a dozen rapid.

Went four rounds, I scored it Woody 4 Jake 0.  And a whole lot of Jake fur on the carpet.

As an afterthought, can't wait for the World Cup...

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