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Anyone have any experience with two fighting cats in their household? Our two had a massive scrap yesterday, fur flying and a little blood so we kept them separated all day, seems this morning like they were desperate to see each other to make up but after two seconds of rubbing against each other they had another tear up, more fur and blood. 

Any advice on what to do with them? Keep them separate for a few days at least I guess? One of them is 14 and seems to be a lot more aggressive these days, he has attacked me and my wife recently and I would hate him to hurt our 7 month old daughter. I love the old boy and hate to think we would need to have him put down

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3 minutes ago, Torpar said:

Anyone have any experience with two fighting cats in their household? Our two had a massive scrap yesterday, fur flying and a little blood so we kept them separated all day, seems this morning like they were desperate to see each other to make up but after two seconds of rubbing against each other they had another tear up, more fur and blood. 

Any advice on what to do with them? Keep them separate for a few days at least I guess? One of them is 14 and seems to be a lot more aggressive these days, he has attacked me and my wife recently and I would hate him to hurt our 7 month old daughter. I love the old boy and hate to think we would need to have him put down

Maybe an underlying health problem with the older one? Trip to the vet? 14 is a good age for a cat.

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2 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Maybe an underlying health problem with the older one? Trip to the vet? 14 is a good age for a cat.

For an older cat he can fair get about, jumps a lot higher than the 6 year old, also still loves humping balls of yarn and the dog's stuffed toys! 

When my wife left her parents and moved to the city she brought him with her and he's never had a vet down here, he's been "off the grid" for years, never needed one, he's usually the easiest boy, happy just to eat his food, sleep a lot and get some attention every now and then. I'm hoping his first visit to a vet in Toronto isn't his last. 

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If it's two tomcats you've got - even neutered ones - the odd scrap is par for the course. Our two generally get on well and sleep curled up together at night, but now and then something upsets whatever wee social hierarchy they've got going and you'll get a few days of them giving each other gunfighter stares culminating in one or two rounds of a yowling ball of cats rolling around the floor...from experience there's no point trying to separate them as they'll just go at it again first chance they get. A lot of the time it looks a lot more violent than it actually is although drawing a bit of blood isn't that uncommon, normally from a nick in the head or on an ear.

Our biggest concern was the size disparity between our two which led us to believe any fight was bound to be one-sided...we've got a Maine Coon and a wee black shorthair, and you'd think there'd only ever be one winner...turns out the wee one is fast and seemingly made of solid muscle while the big one's slower and surprisingly weakly built for the size of him so when they fight it's much more even than you'd imagine at first glance.

Edited by Hillonearth
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The Brother and Sister we had used to occasionally scrap but the house was big enough to be divided into territories. And the front room fire was declared neutral territory as the furry buggers both used to lie there soaking up all the heat.

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Our older cat is still hissing away at the younger cat, they are still being kept apart and yesterday after I shouted at the dog for going near his food he gave her a wee bite on the side. Our first thought was he may need to go, I started looking up how to surrender a cat to the local humane society, I did it with tears in my eyes if I'm honest. But after talking about it, we are not prepared to just give up on him yet. So he is now booked in for his first vet appointment in over 10 years tomorrow evening, I'm told he's never been in a cat carrier before, so that might be interesting. Fingers crossed it leads to him getting the help he/we need. 


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1 hour ago, Torpar said:

Our older cat is still hissing away at the younger cat, they are still being kept apart and yesterday after I shouted at the dog for going near his food he gave her a wee bite on the side. Our first thought was he may need to go, I started looking up how to surrender a cat to the local humane society, I did it with tears in my eyes if I'm honest. But after talking about it, we are not prepared to just give up on him yet. So he is now booked in for his first vet appointment in over 10 years tomorrow evening, I'm told he's never been in a cat carrier before, so that might be interesting. Fingers crossed it leads to him getting the help he/we need. 


Well done, the cat could be in pain, maybe lashing out because of it.

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