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Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

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Don't know why Western propagandists keep trying to tell us that they believe the plane crashed somewhere off the west coast of Australia. It contradicts all known evidence up to until now. What makes me suspicious is all the victims families have been compensated last week. Despite all the evidence an insurer should be demanding under the circumstances. I'm still none the wiser about what they're trying to hide from us.

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Don't know why Western propagandists keep trying to tell us that they believe the plane crashed somewhere off the west coast of Australia. It contradicts all known evidence up to until now. What makes me suspicious is all the victims families have been compensated last week. Despite all the evidence an insurer should be demanding under the circumstances. I'm still none the wiser about what they're trying to hide from us.


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Don't know why Western propagandists keep trying to tell us that they believe the plane crashed somewhere off the west coast of Australia. It contradicts all known evidence up to until now. What makes me suspicious is all the victims families have been compensated last week. Despite all the evidence an insurer should be demanding under the circumstances. I'm still none the wiser about what they're trying to hide from us.

It's normal for families to receive a payout prior to discovery of the wreckage. This helps to cover the cost of hotels, loss of earnings etc. Don't know hat you mean by "Western propagandists", the Malaysian authorities are the ones who are shrugging their shoulders/relying on outside help. The plane has either been shot down in error or has lost pressure/oxygen and just cruised until it crashed.

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Ozzi ship now received a 'ping' for 2 hrs...Looks like something happening.

ETA - this 'ping' was over 600km away from the Chinese 'ping' and this present time no 'pong' has been received.

Edited by SlipperyP
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Russian intelligence saying the plane was hijacked and is now in afghanistan... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/mh370-hijacked-afghanistan-russian-intelligence-3407468 a lot of shite.

You would think that with the amount of military aircraft flying about that part of Afghanistan a unknown aircraft that shows up on radar would get investigated.

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