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Over the past few season I felt Holmes never scored enough goals for me. He has got a few this year and I would have no issue with him putting pen to paper for next year.

I think next season will be make or break for Hynd, If he's to do anything within the game. He is getting to the age where he needs to be playing regularly.

He's a holding midfielder, granted chipping in with a few goals would be helpful but nit exactly what he's there to do.

For the original question I'd like to keep hold of Holmes, obrien just hasn't convinced me though and I'd get shot of him.

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I agree Holmer is a no brainer, goals isn't his game but he does pop up occasionally. The point from the other guy was age and fitness.

Unless the tempo is going to drop considerably in league 1, Bobo shouldn't be here. Like you said, not done anything but to be fair could have done a good job in coaching. Not too sure.

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Over the past few season I felt Holmes never scored enough goals for me. He has got a few this year and I would have no issue with him putting pen to paper for next year.

I think next season will be make or break for Hynd, If he's to do anything within the game. He is getting to the age where he needs to be playing regularly.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hynd was released or featured very rarely next season, just never seems to get the chances. Shame.
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I wouldn't be surprised if Hynd was released or featured very rarely next season, just never seems to get the chances. Shame.


That would be shite. He's been a performer at every level so far and hasn't been given a chance yet as a striker, put on in wide midfield roles on the odd occasion he plays. It's really surprised me that he never got a run this season, considering how impotent we've been in attack; I can only assume our managers have been unconvinced by his small physique, which would be a depressingly familiar story.


If he isn't going to get a decent crack next season, he ought to leave for his own good.

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I hope Hynd gets a proper chance. He was thrown in against Hibs in November, not in his natural role, and put in a really good, disciplined performance. Deserved to stay in the team but didn't and with the subsequent managerial change he has hardly been seen since. I wouldn't throw in loads of youngsters between now and the end of the season but I'd definitely give Hynd a run, I suspect he'd bring more to the team than Isaac managed, and I supported giving Isaac a run.

As for other guys mentioned I don't think you can say Holmes is a holding midfielder and the only reason he has been deployed there was lack of a genuine defensive midfield player. I'd give him another year though, he has always done well for us and he is decent for the league below. Bobo has done ok but doesn't bring enough to the team for me and I'd let him go.

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Not unless we can bring Cowden with us. Look what happens when we leave them unsupervised.


I've given up on the Binos.


One of you has to decide which one of you is ballast.

Once you have decided this the hot air balloon dilemma comes into play.

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Well off to the seaside leagues we go.

Happily keep Marr, Hill, Hamilton, Holmes, Megginson and Gallagher. Reckon Gallagher will get a full-time deal though.

The rest can GTF

Megginson will try and get a full time team but I think he'll be pissing in the wind.

I don't think it's worked out for Kevin Cawley and Ryan McCord at their new clubs, I would be delighted to have those 2 back.

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Megginson will try and get a full time team but I think he'll be pissing in the wind.

I don't think it's worked out for Kevin Cawley and Ryan McCord at their new clubs, I would be delighted to have those 2 back.

Dont think Megginson is good enough for full-time. Sadly cant see those 2 coming back. Their time has come and gone.

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Don't buy into bringing previous players back, it usually ends up in disappointment. I think it was generally acknowledged that when Cawley and McCord left the timing was right, both needed a new challenge, you could argue especially in McCord's case that he stayed a season too long, just because it maybe has not panned out as well as they hoped at their new clubs as much as they would both make an impression in the third tier its not a reason to bring them back, both have moved on. McDowell was poor in his time with us in my opinion, you can see the difference a quality keeper like Gallacher makes, wouldn't go near McD, not good enough.


As for next season pretty much in agreement with above on who should stay and who should go, would stick with Marr and Hill, Holmes could do a job but he is another that may need a change of scenery as he has had a mixed couple of seasons, if Meggison wants to stay he should be ok in the 2nd division I suppose. Needless to say would love to keep Gallacher but I am sure he will have other offers, might depend on whether Ross stays or not.


Will be interesting to see what happens with Ross, the team has looked better but results have been just as poor and more worryingly the team didn't look too fired up for the crucial games against Livi and Dumbarton especially, wouldn't be devastated if he was given the chance to build his own team next season but I think the jury is still out on him. 


Still the last time we were relegated we had a new manager and a completely new team and that didn't work out too bad.

Edited by Craigy
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Don't buy into bringing previous players back, it usually ends up in disappointment. I think it was generally acknowledged that when Cawley and McCord left the timing was right, both needed a new challenge, you could argue especially in McCord's case that he stayed a season too long, just because it maybe has not panned out as well as they hoped at their new clubs as much as they would both make an impression in the third tier its not a reason to bring them back, both have moved on. McDowell was poor in his time with us in my opinion, you can see the difference a quality keeper like Gallacher makes, wouldn't go near McD, not good enough.

As for next season pretty much in agreement with above on who should stay and who should go, would stick with Marr and Hill, Holmes could do a job but he is another that may need a change of scenery as he has had a mixed couple of seasons, if Meggison wants to stay he should be ok in the 2nd division I suppose. Needless to say would love to keep Gallacher but I am sure he will have other offers, might depend on whether Ross stays or not.

Will be interesting to see what happens with Ross, the team has looked better but results have been just as poor and more worryingly the team didn't look too fired up for the crucial games against Livi and Dumbarton especially, wouldn't be devastated if he was given the chance to build his own team next season but I think the jury is still out on him.

Still the last time we were relegated we had a new manager and a completely new team and that didn't work out too bad.

The juries out on a manager who is working with the team he inherited with no real chance to bring his own players in (apart from the few he's signed which seem to he on a 1 in 1 out basis)? That's what's wrong in football, a manager should have a chance to build his own team before being lynched.

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The juries out on a manager who is working with the team he inherited with no real chance to bring his own players in (apart from the few he's signed which seem to he on a 1 in 1 out basis)? That's what's wrong in football, a manager should have a chance to build his own team before being lynched.

Nobody suggested lynching Jack Ross, Craigy actually said he wouldn't be devastated if the manager stayed on.

I'd definitely give Ross another contract. 7 points since he took over isn't great but the team has performed much better and really should have picked up a few more points. He achieved that working with the limited squad put together by his predecessor and with his hands tied in regards to strengthening the team. The shite performance in the key game against Livingston was certainly the lowest point of his reign but there is more than enough promise, IMO, to justify him getting a chance to build his own team.

I expected us to get relegated before a ball was kicked after the loss of one of our best teams ever over a few weeks last summer. I do always expect the bare minimum of the team being organised and going down fighting. Danny Lennon was always going to struggle to replace so many really good players but unfortunately he also proved incapable of organising the ones he signed effectively and indeed of motivating them. He did a truly terrible job. Jack Ross has put a bit of pride at least back in the team and deserves credit for that. Hopefully they continue in the same vein for the rest of the campaign and add to the points tally.

Edited by Waspie
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