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2 hours ago, Father Barrys Sign (Top Half) said:

Ray Grant drove the team forward and wasnt afraid to mix it up- had a good wee battle with Bartley in particular and I was actually quite proud when he was eventually booked for getting involved frequently. Every midfield needs that edge.

That's good to hear. Apart from Stevie Hetherington we've probably been a bit too nice in midfield the last few years. 

Encouraging also that Robert Thomson got another goal. I feel he could be a very important player for us this season if he keeps fit and believes in himself. Scoring two in two with the second being against a Premiership side should help the latter.

I feel we're only really one quality striker away from having a squad strong enough to have a real go this year. The depth of cover in defence and midfield looks decent.

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2 hours ago, printer said:

That's good to hear. Apart from Stevie Hetherington we've probably been a bit too nice in midfield the last few years. 


Ray Grant will stand up for himself on the pitch but he's the nicest player I've ever seen play. He'll go around helping players up, apologises if he (or one of his team-mates) is late in a tackle, chats away to the ref. Class act. 

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3 hours ago, Troy.1995 said:

FWIW. Livi fans had the same problems with the stream.Unless its the old firm here with Sky or Bt Sports with their big dishes outside the stadium this will be an ongoing problem unfortunatly. Would Tottaly agree £15 pounds for this was steep, but both clubs agreed to this.Cant imagine either would have made much from this. Got to get the fans back or we will all have to face the consequenses including my team.Good luck to the Wasps for the rest of the season.🦁 

Absolutely. I was saying on twitter I'll hang fire on the criticism until I see what we charge for the next game against Edinburgh City.

Obviously clubs need to generate cash and personally I'm happy to contribute where I can. Not the fault of Livingston in terms of stream loss and the system being used. Undoubtedly we will get teething problems. But charging 15 pounds for what was a fairly jerky stream of the game isnt value for money looking at the big picture.

Leodhas work is excellent and I've no doubt our coverage will the best it can be within the constraints. But I'll be surprised if we dont ask for a high cost for Tuesday nights game too. I hope that doesnt put unnecessary pressure on him. That's a ton of responsibility for essentially a club volunteer.

Edited by Father Barrys Sign (Top Half)
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A bit mystified as why we have not seen Jamieson yet 
i hope it doesn't end up like the last QP player we signed  (Galt) . [emoji846]

He pulled up with an injury against Kilmarnock and went off. Hopefully not too much longer. Think Lynch has impressed though and good to see Andy out warming up today too.
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7 minutes ago, nugs said:
17 minutes ago, LeodhasXD said:

Thanks for this. Another question. Having already purchased a season ticket will I be given access code for league gmes?

Answer's in the article. The access code is for staff or freebies. I think.

The foolproof way to get your season ticket is to login. Make an account and then I can gift season ticket if you've given your email to fcadmin@alloaathletic.co.uk or in person when you bought it. 

I'm not going to gift season tickets just yet. All my focus is on the game for Tuesday. After that I'll start working out what the best way to do it is.

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6 minutes ago, liammcintosh01 said:

You on commentary @LeodhasXD 😂 multi tasking at it's best!

You're going to laugh. We have a special deal because IMG is getting a stream.

So the stream is going via pixellot to Spalk - a virtual commentary studio. I commentate on what I see on the screen. Not on the park because it'll be 25-45 seconds behind. Spalk send it back to pixellot and that's what goes on the OTT to you guys.

I'm also controllingthe scorebaord which is to be done in real time... It's pretty bizarre!

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Good to see sensible pricing from the club for tomorrow night. Good luck Leodhas. 

I've been pleasantly surprised with the team so far. Given the stated aim of using these games as friendlies my expectations were pretty low. The team have looked pretty sharp though and encouraging signs from some of the new faces. Hopefully we can keep that going tomorrow night. 

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You're going to laugh. We have a special deal because IMG is getting a stream.
So the stream is going via pixellot to Spalk - a virtual commentary studio. I commentate on what I see on the screen. Not on the park because it'll be 25-45 seconds behind. Spalk send it back to pixellot and that's what goes on the OTT to you guys.
I'm also controllingthe scorebaord which is to be done in real time... It's pretty bizarre!
Oh my! You won't know whether youre coming or going by the end of the game!

Good luck with it
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5 hours ago, LeodhasXD said:

So setting up our commentary system was interesting... but because of the short space of time we'll need to wait to Dunfermline for commentary.

You missed the chance to ask another £2 for the silence...

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5 hours ago, LeodhasXD said:

So setting up our commentary system was interesting... but because of the short space of time we'll need to wait to Dunfermline for commentary.

Today is the first time I've had some free time to chuck 10 quid at the streaming service and I'm pretty happy with it. The camera does occasionally look as though it has some pre-set angles and zoom but I appreciate the generally wide shot from the stand that kinda feels like I'm there. Adding commentary could go either way, but I'll definitely check it out.

Mon the Wasps.

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