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My tinder has seemed to stop working, every time I try and go on it, it comes up with "your current session is no longer valid" Yet when I sign in out of Facebook it still don't work and there is no option to sign in and out of tinder on the screen I get? Any idea?

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Fucking hell lads. :lol:

I meant I'd change it so I come up for men, but with my pictures/name etc exactly the same. Imagine you're just swiping away and some bloke appears, would be cracking. Might get a few matches from perma-right swipers by accident, the ensuing convo's could be a laugh.

I didn't mean stealing anyone's identity and certainly not dressing up like a trannie. :lol:

Do it properly or not at all, Mrs Doubtfire.

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Split up with my girlfriend yesterday and now find myself spending my Thursday night furiously swiping right 8).

I've had 4 matches today but wouldn't even know where to start with a chat up line :lol:

Don't start with "fancy a f**k" it didn't work for me.

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Has this olympic medalling, Scottish sensation appeared on anyone else feed?


God I hope she swipes right otherwise I'll greet.

Probably a troll though as I've also ran into "Govanhill".

It's Eve 147371387_muirhead_521473c.jpg Muirhead btw..ooft

Good luck and feel free to post nudey pictures on the NSFW forum.

Of her, not you, just for clarification.

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Done a bong with 1 randomer and bedded another, but I'm sure others will have had far more success. Being an ethnic minority puts me at a disadvantage, I've been told.

Most of them don't chat once they match, just seems a bit pointless and probably just an ego boost for them.

Having said that, I am currently seeing someone I met on tinder though.

Edited by JogaBonito
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You met someone off Tinder to share a bong? :lol:

Haha it wasn't my intentions but it turned out that way.

If was weird to begin with, she wouldn't give me her numbers because she was worried too many guys has it. The place she invited me over, the Fleming House (which I'm sure is a hotel) - seemed dodgy too; I thought I was on my way to meet a hooker or something :l!

Turned out she was alone in her mates flat. And I probably could have laid with her, had she stopped talking shite, if the house wasn't so open plan and her bitchy flat-mates didn't turn up. We were hitting the bong, drinking and talking pish until her pals showed up, at which I was stared out the door - I had been there for 40 minutes. The worst part is the fact I left my ear-phones there and she un-matched me! :(:thumbsdown

Drama students for you!

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In reality, the only 'girls' who actually talk to me are definitely at least 40 years old and male.

Probably your own fault for looking like a midget lesbian tbh

For the sake of the law this is a joke, not meant to be offensive.

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