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The Famous Aberdeen - Season 2022/23


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Thought all four new signings looked a bit shaky yesterday. 

Mitov- no saves to make. Good to see a keeper coming for crosses but less good to see him fumble them. 

Molloy- too early to judge but f**k it: we still urgently need a starting centre half. 

Nilsen- lots of energy, looked robust. Looks like a possible headcase. Few wild passes, maybe down to nit being settled. 

Ambrose- thought he looked ok when he came on. A bit clumsy but won headers and held up ok. Probably not a starter but gives us options. 

Also thought Morris looked decent to start with. Actually got in a useful cross then morally won a penalty. Then completely disappeared for the rest of the game. With Vinny apparently still not getting a look in we urgently need wide players. 

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An enjoyable game on a shit pitch.influence and discipline of Nielsen already showing his benefits .. giving Shinnie more freedom get forward support Clarkson etc.  first half played some excellent stuff.. The game was over then.

Was happy with all new signings,  only had two weeks together but we can already see Jimmy has a plan..

Long way go in the transfer window  so nae concerned yet ...Looking like Bojan got something lined up..sooner it gets done and dusted the better.

oh and  another mention for McKenzie , man of the match for me .he fairly has stepped it up the last year and shut a few folk up.




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Thought Molloy got out muscled several times which is a bit of a worry and Ambrose got involved but his touch could generously be described as heavy.

Too early to write anyone off already though obviously.

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Where's the fun if we're not writing players off after one game?

I thought the same as above about Molloy, to be honest - looked physically vulnerable and made some odd decisions. But still, this is a 22-year-old we have signed from the League of Ireland, and has never played higher than that level - he is exactly the sort of signing who should be a project rather than someone we are taking into the new season as an almost guaranteed starter. I'm all for looking for value in other leagues, but it's going to be a big step up for him if he's playing every week in the Scottish Premiership. My concern last season, with McGarry and Jensen primarily, was that we might have been too dependent on data to sign defenders, and I hope we don't repeat the same mistakes this time around. We still need to recruit better defensively if we are going to have a decent season, I think.

On a separate note, it was nice to see Sokler scoring again, but he does strike me as a forward who will primarily score off a particular type of service, mostly from wide areas, especially since other attributes like his close control aren't great. I do wonder if our squad is set up to do that, especially if Hoilett isn't coming back. Clarkson was very good yesterday, as was McGrath, but think both are more suited to a Miovski profile of striker than a Sokler. If Sokler is going to be the main guy this season, and it looks like he will, I'd say we need one or two wingers over the coming weeks to complement him. 

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14 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

Where's the fun if we're not writing players off after one game?


I know nothing about this Nilsen fella but I am officially writing him off after yesterday. 

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7 hours ago, AJF said:

I reckon Killie’s squad is comparable. Miovski maybe edges it in your favour, but if/when he goes, along with Duk who is AWOL, I think Killie’s consistency with McInness and a settled side would edge it.

Obviously, any further transfer dealings will likely change this.


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7 hours ago, tarapoa said:

Generally squad size and quality will reflect budgets - therefore the only two that should be close comparison to AFC, would be the Edinburgh clubs.

Kennedy and Watkins ended up fringe players with us, but there’s always a chance they would move elsewhere and thrive. I was sad to lose Marley in particular.

There are so many other variables in football that dictate things like league consistency, cup runs and showing up okay in Europe.

Management, tactics and the demand from up above/supporters to play a certain way all have a bearing.

Without rehashing Independence/Brexit/McInnes, your manager will do well for you, but he has a glass ceiling - however, one that coule see you in European football most seasons.

Our new appointment looks clear risk and reward stuff from the board. Saw enough in the first half yesterday in what he’s looking to do - now we just need to get the 4 or 5 players in that possibly give us a squad that can play that way over a season.

I agree with a lot of this. There are always going to be arguments and debates amongst partisan supporters about who has a 'better squad', and in some cases it will be obvious (Celtic currently have a better squad than every other team in the league, for example), but in a lot of cases it is about how a particular squad is utilised - and how they fit together as a collective. 

As we know, McInnes places a big emphasis on creating chances through wing play, crossing and set plays. If you gave him a choice between Killie's current squad and our squad now, he would pick Killie's squad every day of the week. He has built it to successfully execute his style of football - and it is simply a more cohesive collective. 

At the moment, one of my big concerns about our squad is that it is essentially a group of individuals that don't really fit together - and that was a problem that was evident throughout much of last season.

Edited by DrewDon
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16 hours ago, DukDukGoose said:


What particular strengths do Aberdeen currently have over Killie and in which areas? Miovski, and to a lesser extent Duk, would clearly be a more potent attack but they look like they are away and aren’t featuring for you.

Leaves Aberdeen with a better keeper but I’m struggling to think what other areas you’re stronger than them in.

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56 minutes ago, AJF said:

What particular strengths do Aberdeen currently have over Killie and in which areas? Miovski, and to a lesser extent Duk, would clearly be a more potent attack but they look like they are away and aren’t featuring for you.

Leaves Aberdeen with a better keeper but I’m struggling to think what other areas you’re stronger than them in.

Well for the past year they had a better manager. We'll see what Thelin does going forward.

Defensively they are stronger but you're kidding yourself if you think anyone else other than Armstrong would start for Aberdeen. Watson is obviously a good player and could be brilliant but I don't think he's at the level of Shinnie, yet.

We'll see how Killie do now they are seen as one of the better teams in the league as at least 6 teams will sit back and think it's a good point.

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11 minutes ago, DukDukGoose said:

Well for the past year they had a better manager. We'll see what Thelin does going forward.

Defensively they are stronger but you're kidding yourself if you think anyone else other than Armstrong would start for Aberdeen. Watson is obviously a good player and could be brilliant but I don't think he's at the level of Shinnie, yet.

We'll see how Killie do now they are seen as one of the better teams in the league as at least 6 teams will sit back and think it's a good point.

Yeah, Thelin will need some time to get his ideas and style of play across, and will likely need a couple of transfer windows to do so, but I just feel as the squads stand currently (taking out Miovski and Duk as they seem to be off), it’s a bit of a toss up.

So when you say defensively stronger then surely you’d take their starting back line over yours so it wouldn’t just be a case of Armstrong being the only one that would start in a combined side.

Would Sokler start ahead of Vassell?

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3 minutes ago, AJF said:

Yeah, Thelin will need some time to get his ideas and style of play across, and will likely need a couple of transfer windows to do so, but I just feel as the squads stand currently (taking out Miovski and Duk as they seem to be off), it’s a bit of a toss up.

So when you say defensively stronger then surely you’d take their starting back line over yours so it wouldn’t just be a case of Armstrong being the only one that would start in a combined side.

Would Sokler start ahead of Vassell?

I made a c**t of that 😂 I meant defence aside, I'd only take Armstrong.

I wouldn't take Vassell. Big beast of a man but I'd seen us try loads of strikers like him. 

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This guy might be interested in investing in Aberdeen,   it sounds like you were made for each other.


16TH JUL, 2024 10:30 AM
Erik Barmack has withdrawn his offer to invest in Motherwell FC.
The Wild Sheep Sports chief had made an investment proposal to the club with a shareholder ballot underway to approve or reject the deal.
However, after talks with the Motherwell board, Barmack has pulled out of any deal with the ballot scrapped before any votes have been counted.
The investment deal was withdrawn as the proposal created "significant divisions in the fanbase" with a club statement insisting success could only be achieved with a "unified fanbase".
The Motherwell board have informed the Well Society board of the withdrawn offer with both parties now "fully committed" to working in unison for the benefit of the Fir Park club.
A club statement confirmed: "Erik Barmack (Wild Sheep Sports) has had further discussions with the club Board over the past few days. As a result, Erik has decided to withdraw his offer of investment into Motherwell FC.


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2 hours ago, bennett said:

This guy might be interested in investing in Aberdeen,   it sounds like you were made for each other.


16TH JUL, 2024 10:30 AM
Erik Barmack has withdrawn his offer to invest in Motherwell FC.
The Wild Sheep Sports chief had made an investment proposal to the club with a shareholder ballot underway to approve or reject the deal.
However, after talks with the Motherwell board, Barmack has pulled out of any deal with the ballot scrapped before any votes have been counted.
The investment deal was withdrawn as the proposal created "significant divisions in the fanbase" with a club statement insisting success could only be achieved with a "unified fanbase".
The Motherwell board have informed the Well Society board of the withdrawn offer with both parties now "fully committed" to working in unison for the benefit of the Fir Park club.
A club statement confirmed: "Erik Barmack (Wild Sheep Sports) has had further discussions with the club Board over the past few days. As a result, Erik has decided to withdraw his offer of investment into Motherwell FC.


His deal with Motherwell is dead. 
….Just like “Rangers”.

That cheap steel arrived yet?…

Cap in hand, & paying a small fortune  to an organisation your fans despise. 
All because you’re skint & tried to save a quid & it’s cost you a tenner. 

Pipe down 🤡

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24 minutes ago, Thenorthernlight said:

His deal with Motherwell is dead. 
….Just like “Rangers”.

That cheap steel arrived yet?…

Cap in hand, & paying a small fortune  to an organisation your fans despise. 
All because you’re skint & tried to save a quid & it’s cost you a tenner. 

Pipe down 🤡

I think he was just making a joke about sheep...

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3 hours ago, bennett said:

This guy might be interested in investing in Aberdeen,   it sounds like you were made for each other.


16TH JUL, 2024 10:30 AM
Erik Barmack has withdrawn his offer to invest in Motherwell FC.
The Wild Sheep Sports chief had made an investment proposal to the club with a shareholder ballot underway to approve or reject the deal.
However, after talks with the Motherwell board, Barmack has pulled out of any deal with the ballot scrapped before any votes have been counted.
The investment deal was withdrawn as the proposal created "significant divisions in the fanbase" with a club statement insisting success could only be achieved with a "unified fanbase".
The Motherwell board have informed the Well Society board of the withdrawn offer with both parties now "fully committed" to working in unison for the benefit of the Fir Park club.
A club statement confirmed: "Erik Barmack (Wild Sheep Sports) has had further discussions with the club Board over the past few days. As a result, Erik has decided to withdraw his offer of investment into Motherwell FC.


Our sheep are tame, much easier to get a hold of.

Send those "investors" to Derby instead

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2 hours ago, Thenorthernlight said:

His deal with Motherwell is dead. 
….Just like “Rangers”.

That cheap steel arrived yet?…

Cap in hand, & paying a small fortune  to an organisation your fans despise. 
All because you’re skint & tried to save a quid & it’s cost you a tenner. 

Pipe down 🤡

I presumed he meant this Barmack guy was an honourable person who always pays his debts, while priding himself on only ever being in the top division of his professions. 
Perfect match indeed. 

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On 15/07/2024 at 11:05, DukDukGoose said:

Well for the past year they had a better manager. We'll see what Thelin does going forward.

Defensively they are stronger but you're kidding yourself if you think anyone else other than Armstrong would start for Aberdeen. Watson is obviously a good player and could be brilliant but I don't think he's at the level of Shinnie, yet.

We'll see how Killie do now they are seen as one of the better teams in the league as at least 6 teams will sit back and think it's a good point.

Do you not think Mayo and Findlay would be starters for Aberdeen?

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On 15/07/2024 at 10:06, AJF said:

What particular strengths do Aberdeen currently have over Killie and in which areas? 

An irrelevant question at this juncture I would say...we've still got six weeks until the transfer window closes and our new manager is still bedding himself into a new job in an country he's unfamiliar with.

If Killie are stronger at this moment then good for them, let's see where we are at the end of the season.

They had a good season last year, finished eight points ahead of us in the league.

We were atrocious but reached the final of the League Cup, provided Celtic with their sternest test on their road to Hampden glory in the Scottish Cup.

Also made a decent account of ourselves in Europe, with some decent trips for the fans.

Maybe Killie will do likewise, although with Delboy's Euro record at Pittodrie, I wouldn't put any money on it.

And Killie will have to survive losing their manager mid-season to Sevco.


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