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The Famous Aberdeen - Season 2022/23


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13 hours ago, STFU_Donny said:

It has to be someone experienced, no more rookies. Tony Mowbray released by Sunderland. He won’t be cheap but if rumours of what McInnes was on are true, it shouldn’t be unrealistic to get him if Dave opens his cheque book.

That would be a great appointment from Aberdeen although I think that is massively over their budget. Could be wrong though.

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It's like Groundhog Day but the over a season time frame.

Each season around Christmas the inexperienced Aberdeen manager's jacket peg becomes shoogly.

Robson needs to go but the elephant in the room is Cormack.

I believe he's still interfering in team affairs (some of the signings have been bizarre and obviously not Robson's choice), he's definitely still appointing/promoting the wrong people and giving them the remit of mere 'yes' men.

Unless something horrendous happens then he's unlikely to leave before the mid-season break.

My which time the season is going to be irretrievable in the league and somewhat perilous.

If Cormack does finally go with experience, it's going to be someone he knows and has some kind of relationship with that he can control.

Probably Gordon Strachan's if he wants it ...

Troubled waters ahead under Captain Cormack...

Edited by Bogbrush1903
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3 hours ago, Donte Polvara said:

Definitely a matter of when not if now with Robson. Was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt with all the mitigating circumstances but things clearly aren't improving. Even when we get the odd good performance more often than not it doesn't come with a result. Can't seem him being gone before the final if we win that he'll probably last until the winter break.

As far as replacements god knows, unlikely to be able to land any of the managers in the english championship merry-go-round they all know it's just a matter of time until they get another shot. As poor as we were last night Killie were arguably worse so I don't see McInnes as the answer. Not even sure who we'll go to as caretaker switch Robson off and back on again and hope for another one of those winning runs? 

You do realise that we probably look worse than you because we can’t go and splash transfer fees on players here and there as you can. McInnes would certainly be a better choice than another rookie or almost any other available manager in Scotland.

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1 hour ago, johnnydun said:

Eight games can change your whole season, from losing every week to winning every following game.

Ask any Hearts fan.

We only lost 3 of our last 10 games that season. We just hardly ever won unless we were playing Rangers or Hibs.

Anyway, I don't have to think about that now I get to watch Naisyball every week.

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38 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

You do realise that we probably look worse than you because we can’t go and splash transfer fees on players here and there as you can. McInnes would certainly be a better choice than another rookie or almost any other available manager in Scotland.

Derek McInnes would be a horrendous appointment unless he's willing to completely change his views on how the scouting and transfer business should be done.

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Does Robson know there are other formations and that it doesn't have to be 5 at the back?

With the players he has a 433 would be class. Miovski through the middle with Duk and Sokler either side would cause opposition defences all sorts of problems. 532 has it's place but he needs to be able to alter for different games.

He'll probably get to the end of the year but a cup final loss and one or two more poor performances/results in the league and the pressure on Cormack will be enough to see him punted.

I've no idea who I want to see succeed him. Definitely not Strachan or Brown though.

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14 minutes ago, DukDukGoose said:

Derek McInnes would be a horrendous appointment unless he's willing to completely change his views on how the scouting and transfer business should be done.

Indeed, I'm not sure his policy of 'Ach just sign the best The Caley player every summer'  will wash these days.  We aren't very good.

Plus, that's Roy MacGregor's gimmick now.

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Weird that a few people are touting Gordon Strachan. He's a director now basically acting as a football side only CEO for us and has repeatedly said he's not interested in management anymore. 

If Aberdeen wanted him to be their Chief Executive, he might be interested but can't see anything else. 

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6 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

Does Robson know there are other formations and that it doesn't have to be 5 at the back?

With the players he has a 433 would be class. Miovski through the middle with Duk and Sokler either side would cause opposition defences all sorts of problems. 532 has it's place but he needs to be able to alter for different games.

He'll probably get to the end of the year but a cup final loss and one or two more poor performances/results in the league and the pressure on Cormack will be enough to see him punted.

I've no idea who I want to see succeed him. Definitely not Strachan or Brown though.

I'm not sure about starting Miovski, Duk and Sokler, but I think the point about formations and set-ups is important. I have been reading folk getting stuck into the likes of Shinnie, Clarkson and Duk all season, but without acknowledging what they are being asked to do.

Shinnie was poor again last night (I thought he was mostly good against Hibs, that said), but he is being asked to do the work of two players in a set-up that already demands a lot from him physically. Robson is basically sending him out to fail. 

Clarkson finished last season terrifically, and his role was simplified by having two dogs of war ahead of him in Ramadani and Shinnie. Because we didn't recruit a Ramadani replacement, and because Shinnie is now being asked to do a near-impossible role on a weekly basis, Clarkson is looking a significantly worse footballer than he is. 

I thought Duk was probably our best outfield player last night without doing anything particularly impressive, but he is being asked to work miracles whenever he plays. He hasn't been particularly good, but last night essentially consisted of long punts over the top of his head with an opposition playing a flat five - sometimes six - across their own 18-yard line and asking him to play as a target man (along with Miovski). Of course he's not going to be effective in that system. 

I know the players have to take responsibility for their own performances to some extent, but I can't help to think that any definitive judgements on them at the moment are too harsh. They need a new management team - the only question is whether that happens before Hampden or after. 

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1 hour ago, Sortmeout said:

You do realise that we probably look worse than you because we can’t go and splash transfer fees on players here and there as you can. McInnes would certainly be a better choice than another rookie or almost any other available manager in Scotland.

Wasn't meant to be an attack on Kilmarnock obviously with the money we can spend we should be the better team especially at home. He's doing at decent job with yous, similar to what he did with us steadied the ship and made you difficult to play against (at home at least). We clearly hit a ceiling with him after a while and that ceiling was lowering as Rangers, Hearts and Hibs got the finger out. I'd rather keep on with Robson than bring McInnes back to play the same way but (maybe) slightly better. Not to mention that he's completely at odds with the way the club is now run particularly with recruitment. Almost all our signings under McInnes were british or irish. Partly because of the scouting network at the time but I also think it was his way of keeping things close knit in the dressing room.

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1 hour ago, DrewDon said:

I'm not sure about starting Miovski, Duk and Sokler, but I think the point about formations and set-ups is important. I have been reading folk getting stuck into the likes of Shinnie, Clarkson and Duk all season, but without acknowledging what they are being asked to do.

Shinnie was poor again last night (I thought he was mostly good against Hibs, that said), but he is being asked to do the work of two players in a set-up that already demands a lot from him physically. Robson is basically sending him out to fail. 

Clarkson finished last season terrifically, and his role was simplified by having two dogs of war ahead of him in Ramadani and Shinnie. Because we didn't recruit a Ramadani replacement, and because Shinnie is now being asked to do a near-impossible role on a weekly basis, Clarkson is looking a significantly worse footballer than he is. 

I thought Duk was probably our best outfield player last night without doing anything particularly impressive, but he is being asked to work miracles whenever he plays. He hasn't been particularly good, but last night essentially consisted of long punts over the top of his head with an opposition playing a flat five - sometimes six - across their own 18-yard line and asking him to play as a target man (along with Miovski). Of course he's not going to be effective in that system. 

I know the players have to take responsibility for their own performances to some extent, but I can't help to think that any definitive judgements on them at the moment are too harsh. They need a new management team - the only question is whether that happens before Hampden or after. 

Good post, much of which I agree with.

I really think he should be utilising Barron more. He's technically very good and covers a lot of the park which reduces the workload of an aging Shinnie. We really do need another defensive midfielder though. 

A better use of subs and formation changes to suit the opposition we are playing are where he needs to improve massively. 

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12 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

Good post, much of which I agree with.

I really think he should be utilising Barron more. He's technically very good and covers a lot of the park which reduces the workload of an aging Shinnie. We really do need another defensive midfielder though. 

A better use of subs and formation changes to suit the opposition we are playing are where he needs to improve massively. 

I'd like to see a Barron and Shinnie axis against Hearts in front of a back four, with room for both Clarkson and McGrath further up the pitch. I don't think it will happen, unfortunately. Whatever the state of play with Barron's contract, and I assume there's a good chance he will move in January, we need our best players on the pitch now and Barron is clearly one of our best players.

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3 hours ago, Donte Polvara said:

Wasn't meant to be an attack on Kilmarnock obviously with the money we can spend we should be the better team especially at home. He's doing at decent job with yous, similar to what he did with us steadied the ship and made you difficult to play against (at home at least). We clearly hit a ceiling with him after a while and that ceiling was lowering as Rangers, Hearts and Hibs got the finger out. I'd rather keep on with Robson than bring McInnes back to play the same way but (maybe) slightly better. Not to mention that he's completely at odds with the way the club is now run particularly with recruitment. Almost all our signings under McInnes were british or irish. Partly because of the scouting network at the time but I also think it was his way of keeping things close knit in the dressing room.

No I didn’t really take is an attack on us but probably more of an attack on him.

For what is worth I don’t think Aberdeen should be looking to McInnes. I think his time there is done. However in terms of an experienced manager (Scottish or not) who is gettable and not a gamble then it’s hard to see past him.

It feels as if the managers role is just something Cormack has never got right. If he wants Aberdeen to be a real success (and he seems to have sorted a lot of good stuff out off the field) then he needs to pick a manager who knows what he is doing. If he hadn’t been out of the managerial game for so long then I personally think someone like Gordan Strachan would’ve been a good shout. I do kind of feel that his time has passed now though. 

Neil Lennon would’ve fit the bill to be honest if this was 2018 and not 2023.

I don’t have anywhere near the knowledge of the English lower leagues or European leagues like others do to suggest a name but these days I feel like an English championship level manager is just out of reach for all the non-of clubs.  For someone like Tony Mowbray he would still need to take a big drop in wages to join Aberdeen which means that even if he did great and won himself a move back to the Championship he would probably be reducing his future salary demands for the rest of his career.

ETA - I know this maybe contradicts my point above a bit but if there was a modern day version of Ebbe Skohvdahl in terms of experience, reputation, age etc kicking about in Norway or Denmark then I would love to see Aberdeen taking that route. Or even someone from Eastern Europe to help them continue to exploit that market.

Edited by Sortmeout
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6 hours ago, Bogbrush1903 said:

It's like Groundhog Day but the over a season time frame.

Each season around Christmas the inexperienced Aberdeen manager's jacket peg becomes shoogly.

Robson needs to go but the elephant in the room is Cormack.

I believe he's still interfering in team affairs (some of the signings have been bizarre and obviously not Robson's choice), he's definitely still appointing/promoting the wrong people and giving them the remit of mere 'yes' men.

Unless something horrendous happens then he's unlikely to leave before the mid-season break.

My which time the season is going to be irretrievable in the league and somewhat perilous.

If Cormack does finally go with experience, it's going to be someone he knows and has some kind of relationship with that he can control.

Probably Gordon Strachan's if he wants it ...

Troubled waters ahead under Captain Cormack...

I think the issue is we are signing these players who aren’t playing as will be an agreement with the agent if you want player X you need to take player Y too. Williams was part of the Clarkson deal. 

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6 hours ago, TheScarf said:

Indeed, I'm not sure his policy of 'Ach just sign the best The Caley player every summer'  will wash these days.  We aren't very good.

Plus, that's Roy MacGregor's gimmick now.

I don’t know we signed Deas from Caley in the summer now that you mention it.

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30 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

I don’t know we signed Deas from Caley in the summer now that you mention it.

Did he sign Dan MacKay from Hibs too or was that Wright? Most of his signings are directly from The Caley but sometimes they sign for someone else then he takes them on loan. 

Basically you either sign for him straight from us or you sign for him within a year of leaving us.

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