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What Was The Last Game You Played?


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Replayed the N64 version not that long ago and had the same problem (even though i've played the damn game a million times) Raising and lowering that bloody water level was the bane of my childhood.

It's trying to raise and lower it in the right order to get the keys. And then you miss a fucking key and have to retrace your steps all the way back to the beginning.

The Shadow Temple is a pain in the arse as well.

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Sniper Elite III


Easily the biggest let down for this game was the amount of time it took to complete. I did it in 12 hours and I'm not one who rushes through missions either. I imagine a really good gamer could have this game done in under 9 hours. The kill cam was superb again and actually added new features such as Tesicle Shot! Some may have found it repetitive as it happened after every kill shot, but I for one could watch that all day so it didn't bother me. The graphics weren't that great tbh and the AI was pretty poor at times. Also, a lot of the time I would shoot under the cover of noise (with the noise icon appearing at the top of the screen) and yet I would be discovered as my rifle noise hadn't been covered. Sometimes it would work other times it wouldn't. This would then result in me having to relocate of be found. I felt I spent more time in direct conflict with enemies rather than picking them off with my rifle. Direct conflict is fine, but with a game titled "Sniper Elite" I had hoped that 95% of my kills would be with the use of a rifle from a hidden spot. Sadly this wasn't the case. Two parts during the game it happened right enough, when all I was doing was picking people off quickly as they were attacking and Allie and I couldn't be spotted, but it wasn't enough. It is definitely worth a run through, but at £45? Definitely not. I'd seriously wait for a price drop or rent it. 20 hours is usually the least amount of time I expect to be able to get from a game so needless to say I was left pretty disappointed after this one.

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Uncharted 3 - it's the first uncharted game Ive played, good visuals and that but it feels quite repetitive, climb some stuff, shoot some guys, climb stuff, shoot guys...

I recommend Uncharted 2, probably one of the best games I've played. Uncharted 3 was a bit of a let down for me.

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Have been playing State of Decay for the last few weeks and love it. It's another zombie game but is different in that you have to manage your base and keep resources stalked up. There is perma death in it so you have to rotate your survivors to level them all up.

In some ways it reminds me of Xcom which is another game I really like. I've downloaded the two DLCs for State of Decay and they are both pretty decent too.

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Started on the first Dead Space game last night. Had it for a while but never got round to playing it. It's not bad, but the camera angle will take a bit of getting used to. It's that Resi 4 over the shoulder view, but at least the 'look' camera is quite flexible.

One thing that's annoying is there's no option to auto-aim. In a game like this, where you can only kill the beasties by shooting their limbs off, this is a bit of an oversight, particularly when there's a few of them in the same room. Nae use when you're as bad as me at games. :lol:

Quite good though, for an old game.

I'm about 4 hours into Dead Space. Never been much of a survual horror fan but it's been tremendous so far. I like that your character and movement are a bit akward, all adds to the terror when two or three of those things jump through a fucking vent at you. I've never had such frayed nerves playing a game.

Reminds me of Event Horizon.

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Just got 100% completion on GTA Vice City for the first time an hour ago. Absolutely raced through the missions which seem to go by ridiculously quickly now, but had good fun doing stupid shit like rampages, and of course doing the vigilante missions in the Hunter.

My next plan is to pick up The Stick of Truth, but I've got plenty more games to get through: went on a bit of a spree a while ago picking up games that had passed me by when they first came out which inevitably lead to me playing a bit of all of them but leaving some unfinished, so I've got Fallout 3 and Bioshock to go back to, and I'll inevitably play more Skyrim at some point because Skyrim.

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Restarted GTAV for something to do, just unlocked Trevor, forgot how memorable his debut is.

Explosions, shagging bikers and threatening to rape his friends :lol

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Been playing quite a bit of the first Bad Company Battlefield game recently, and really loving it so far. Currently at the helicopter mission which is a bit tricky to control.

Love that device you get where you control the missiles in the air to shoot the tanks, etc.

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Murdered: Soul Suspect

Recently finished it. Was looking forward to it even after the negative reviews. It was a nice idea being able to go through walls and be unseen by humans but in all honesty it wore thin pretty quickly. Possessing people was nowhere near as good as I expected. I anticipated some comedy elements at the very least but no such luck. It was pretty idiot proof finding clues as well, I had hoped for a bit of a challenge. There was very little chance of being 'killed' as well as demons rarely featured. Overall it was a pretty basic game that passed a few hours without much of a challenge. Again, I wouldn't have been impressed if I'd forked out £50 for it. Luckily I rented it. I'd have been content paying £20 for it but feel cheated for any higher.


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Gutted it seems that poor a game I loved the core concept of it and was really looking forward to it. alas

just started a new play through on mass effect 1 to tidy up some achievement

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been playing a bit of 'The Thing' on the PS2 of late. Decent survival horror type game. Looks dated now as most PS2 games do (not retro yet) but it plays solidly and there's a good bit of varierty so far.

Been playing 'Homefront' on the 360 too, which is a fairly generic FPS with a few glitches and annoyances to piss you off. Not bad though, not as awful as has been made out.

And of course, far too many hours lost on FM. Gone back to my Bradford save on FM13 over the last couple of days and really enjoying it again.

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Been playing a bit of 'The Thing' on the PS2 of late. Decent survival horror type game. Looks dated now as most PS2 games do (not retro yet) but it plays solidly and there's a good bit of varierty so far.

I remember playing a bit of that back when it was new - not bad, and played around with a few ideas that were novel at the time.

Main problem was that it was all about running round shooting Things, which wasn't exactly what fans of the film would want. That, and the game would show you a cutscene every time you went near a room with Things in, which warned you about them and told you where they were. Weird choice; kinda killed a lot of the suspense.

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Started on the first Dead Space game last night. Had it for a while but never got round to playing it. It's not bad, but the camera angle will take a bit of getting used to. It's that Resi 4 over the shoulder view, but at least the 'look' camera is quite flexible.

One thing that's annoying is there's no option to auto-aim. In a game like this, where you can only kill the beasties by shooting their limbs off, this is a bit of an oversight, particularly when there's a few of them in the same room. Nae use when you're as bad as me at games. :lol:

Quite good though, for an old game.

I've tried playing that twice - once when new, and again about a year ago. I just can't get into it. The whole thing's so shrill, and very much of the sudden-jump-scare school of horror, which gets really fucking annoying after a while. Doom 3 did the same thing better, and it was annoying to play as well. And the camera...Jesus, the camera :angry:

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. Funny to think that there are kids who'll think that must be a game about fighting pandas or some such :lol:

I have a wee roster of games that I keep going back to when I get a spare half-hour. All are very, very recommended:

Plants vs Zombies


Fallout 3

Atom Zombie Smasher

Doom: the Roguelike

Also, Space Hulk. NOT the recently-released official game, or the old Amiga version, but this shareware game by Teardown Software of Sweden:


Probably looks pants to most, but it's heaven to anyone that played the board game. Sadly, they got the inevitable cease-and-desist letter from the Games Workshop, and had to alter a lot of stuff, like changing the name to Alien Assault.

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