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FAO No Voters


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My auld Granda said to me today "I'll be voting no. I mean the Irish went it alone and look at the state of them now."

My auld Granda said to me today "I'll be voting no. I mean the Irish went it alone and look at the state of them now."

Wise point, wisely made.

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Wow that's some pretty sharp analysis right there drs. I will admit that the majority of people in Scotland are yet to be convinced of the arguments but there's still a long way to go.

I feel sorry for anyone called Hamish who is from the Highlands who has just been tarred by your ridiculous slur.


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Of course they are as Scots as anyone. I never suggested otherwise.

They are of course entirely unrepresentative of most Scots. As indeed most parliamentarians are of the English and Welsh.

In the same way as Eck and Nicola are unrepresentative of the Scots.

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Re the OP; I intend not voting at all in September.

However ...

I would like 10 reasons why to vote yes rather than vote no. I know the benefits and failures of staying within the UK, I live here.

What I would really like, is for a Yes campaigner to give 10 reasons without using the words Westminster, Tories, ConDem blah blah blah. In other words, 10 reasons for independance without having to resort to smoke and mirror bullsh't about the other side.

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Re the OP; I intend not voting at all in September.

However ...

I would like 10 reasons why to vote yes rather than vote no. I know the benefits and failures of staying within the UK, I live here.

What I would really like, is for a Yes campaigner to give 10 reasons without using the words Westminster, Tories, ConDem blah blah blah. In other words, 10 reasons for independance without having to resort to smoke and mirror bullsh't about the other side.

I don't intend driving to Glasgow this weekend, but if you could give me minute by minute traffic updates that would be great.....

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Thats true.

What a society we live in.

No wonder that Scotlands recent achievements are made by individuals and not a nation as a whole.

I would like that to change. A nation needs to work together. We wont get that with the union.

That has to be the most pathetic argument yet! Haha
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Re the OP; I intend not voting at all in September.

However ...

I would like 10 reasons why to vote yes rather than vote no. I know the benefits and failures of staying within the UK, I live here.

What I would really like, is for a Yes campaigner to give 10 reasons without using the words Westminster, Tories, ConDem blah blah blah. In other words, 10 reasons for independance without having to resort to smoke and mirror bullsh't about the other side.

Here's 25

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Oh look - a No voter making this all about the SNP.

That's refreshing.


Is that any different from separatists trying to push the 'Tory takeover' of the no campaign a few weeks back.

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Re the OP; I intend not voting at all in September.

However ...

I would like 10 reasons why to vote yes rather than vote no. I know the benefits and failures of staying within the UK, I live here.

What I would really like, is for a Yes campaigner to give 10 reasons without using the words Westminster, Tories, ConDem blah blah blah. In other words, 10 reasons for independance without having to resort to smoke and mirror bullsh't about the other side.

I'll take on this challenge, if it may edge you towards voting. However, it has to be noted, that although mention of Tories and Westminster may not be palatable to you, they are valid and right reasons for voting Yes:

1. We would be one of world's richest countries. 24 billion barrels of oil remain and we also have 25% of Europe's potential offshore wind and tidal energy - and 10% of Europe's wave power.

2. Every other country is independent. 193 of em. Why not us? Might seem daft but think about it.

3. The chance to get rid of trident, making the country a safer place and saving a fortune.

4. So we can look after the most vulnerable in our society ourselves. Social justice, ending foodbanks, making inroads into child poverty, ending austerity cuts on the poorest.

5. The chance to determine our own defence and foreign policy, based on what's right for Scotland.

6. If you spend, but don't collect taxes, you can't invest.

7. Public services can be kept in public hands in Scotland.

8. We can invest our oil wealth for future nations, like Norway do.

9. All decisions about our country would be taken by Scots, for Scots, in Scotland.

10. Because it'll be fucking magic.

And that's trying not to involve the obvious reasons of getting away from *cough*Westminster*cough*

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Is that any different from separatists trying to push the 'Tory takeover' of the no campaign a few weeks back.


I'm still waiting on the proof that Better Together is "funded by the Tories" with the decisions made from Westminster.

The best the Clown Collective managed there was "eh, some people who are Tory donors have donated some cash to them".

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I have to say guys, I'm leaning strongly towards yes, however unlike some people (on both sides of the debate) I am willing to listen to what both sides have to say.

It wasn't supposed to be a dig at the no camp.

What I would really like is to meet a no campaigner on the street to hear what they have to say and how they are convincing people to vote no.

I haven't seen much here so far, although I feel that may have been because people thought I was trying to challenge them.

Let's try again, why would you advise someone to vote no?

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If this has been done before then feel free to delete it or merge.

I've tried asking a few people who they're voting no in the referendum, but I've yet to hear any reason which I can really understand or that would inspire me.

Could any of the no voters explain why they are voting no on here? I'm genuinely interested to hear the reasons that some people give.

There are many reasons but one obvious one is that initially an independent Scotland would probably vote to be governed by a left of centre or socialist government. History tells me that such a government will screw up the country.

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There are many reasons but one obvious one is that initially an independent Scotland would probably vote to be governed by a left of centre or socialist government. History tells me that such a government will screw up the country.

Are the SNP or modern day Labour left of centre?

Surely the first election would be between those two realistically?

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Are the SNP or modern day Labour left of centre?

Surely the first election would be between those two realistically?

One can never tell with the SNP. I suspect Scottish Labour would be a lurch to the left from where UK Labour currently are.

The irony is that for all the bleating many Scots do about the Conservatives, under independence they will eventually turn to the Scottish centre right parties to dig them out of the economic hole that the left will put them in. It will just take them a little longer than the rest of the UK currently take to realise what's needed.

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I'm still waiting on the proof that Better Together is "funded by the Tories" with the decisions made from Westminster.

The best the Clown Collective managed there was "eh, some people who are Tory donors have donated some cash to them".

Aye. The SNP are desperate to turn it into Scotland v the Tories. Hence the Tory takeover shit and the desperation to get Cameron into a TV debate with Salmond.

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Aye. The SNP are desperate to turn it into Scotland v the Tories. Hence the Tory takeover shit and the desperation to get Cameron into a TV debate with Salmond.

In the same way that unionists are desperate to turn this into an SNP/ Salmond issue.

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