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Poor YaYa Toure

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Is there no end to this man's eternal suffering?

He wasn't World Greatest Person/Footballer in the world ever because of racism, nothing to do with the fact Messi and Ronaldo are better footballers, honest.

Then big bad Man City didn't celebrate his birthday properly and he was disrespected, but it gets worse?

They then forced him to go to Dubai and on to the World Cup while his brother was dying. Not his choice at all?

Now he claims, "No one cares about Africans", in reference to the recent penalty Samaras got for Greece in the knock-out stages. It's one of the few games I didn't see, so I can't comment on the penalty award, but the article shows just what a dreadful life this poor individual leads.

"I desperately wanted the referee to spot the simulation of Samaras. Once again the refereeing was not on our side. We had at least two penalties turned down during our game against Japan. This time one is invented against Greece. Of course it does not upset anyone because it only concerns an African team. Who really cares about the injustices of an African team? This mistake deprives of us something huge. It is a scandal that unfortunately does not seem to bother many people".

Self pitying pish!

Perhaps he missed the injustice suffered by Mexico and Croatia, two other well know African teams? From now on I'll be hoping any team he plays in suffers an injustice, and will I be caring about it? Will I feck?

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To be fair to Smurph I though he was being sarcastic, a lot of folk seem to sarcastically and purposely being "whooshed" just to get it out the road.

And I've lost a lot of respect for Toure lately, its a shame how he seems desperate for as much media attention as possible

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Oh dear lord, Smurph,

As for Toure, for an incredibly gifted footballer, he has a petted lip the size of Kwazulu-Natal.

You're right; he is an incredibly gifted footballer, and he should certainly be considered when discussing contenders for World Player of the Year, but his recent self-serving outbursts are making me dislike him intensely.

Obviously I've never had to get by on £250,000 a week while suffering, "racism", but I imagine that I can almost feel his pain. Dodgy penalties only ever happen to African teams. Like Mexico and Croatia ;)

Yes, losing to a, "dodgy", (if it was), penalty must be incredibly disappointing, but I don't recall any of the Mexicans using the, "Is it because we are Spicks", line when they went out to Holland, nor did Croatia go down the, "Everyone hates white Eastern Europeans", route after the farcical refereeing in the opening game, although they did have a good moan about it.

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Cameroon and Ivory Coast failed because they spent too much time squabbling over bonuses rather than concentrating on the pride and privilege of representing their nation in a World Cup.

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I'm always one who hates when someone claims sarcasm when they are called out on saying something stupid but seriously guys, that's the most obvious bit of sarcasm I think I've ever seen in my years of reading P&B, dear lord indeed.

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Neither Mexico or Croatia are African.



Oh dear lord, Smurph,

As for Toure, for an incredibly gifted footballer, he has a petted lip the size of Kwazulu-Natal.

I'm pretty confident that Smurph whooooshed all of you.

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