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WC on Plastic - Women Sue?


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Canada is hosting the 2015 Womens World Cup. FIFA have given approval for artificial surfaces to be used if required.

40 players have written in objection and threaten legal action on discrimination grounds.



EDIT: Also featured here. Frankly, it all sounds rather bizarre. Presumably they'll have to prove that FIFA wouldn't make men play on plastic in a WC in Canada because they're men?


EDIT AGAIN: Their submission includes a view that artificial parks are "a “second-class surface” they say causes more injuries and “degrades the women’s game.” - all of which I imagine the pitch manufacturers would dispute. Could get very interesting if they take it forward, tbh.

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The 2007 U20 World Cup got played on plastic in Canada, so think they are losing the plot. The only bidders to host were Canada and Zimbabwe from what I remember of how Canada got to be hosts. If a country with suitable grass stadia and no unstable geriatric nutter as president had made a bid odds on they would have got it.

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Frankly they should shut the f**k up.

The modern artificial pitches are absolutely fine. Wasn't there a Champions League final played on an artificial pitch a few years back? There definitely have been Champions League games played on some before.

Their assertions are all bullshit. Take this;

"These pitches slow the game down, the ball bounces differently and there are more injury consequences."

Utter garbage with no proof to back it up (because no such proof exists, because it's bullshit).

I have no idea why there is even an issue over it. They seem to be using arguments about artificial surfaces that have been recycled from the 1990s when they might have been valid, but it's 2014 and they are absolutely not valid. The tournament should be used to promote women's football as the growing sport across the world it is. Instead those complaining have come across as shrieking, reactionary morons who are using other people's arguments that were used years ago for pitches so different they are almost a different product. It's like them complaining about having to use a car by describing the faults of a Ford Model T.

Also I doubt all the pitches for the Qatar World Cup will be 100% grass.

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EDIT AGAIN: Their submission includes a view that artificial parks are "a “second-class surface” they say causes more injuries and “degrades the women’s game.” - all of which I imagine the pitch manufacturers would dispute. Could get very interesting if they take it forward, tbh.

First thought I had when reading it is "They better watch what they say or the folk who make those parks will be calling their lawyers".

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Nothing of a story really. The sooner women's' football realise that nobody actually gives a shit, the better for everyone. It's gets far too much coverage as it is.

Except that's nonsense as whilst it isn't popular here it's definitely popular (to an extent) in other countries and is growing in popularity. I don't agree it gets too much coverage either; it hardly gets any coverage in the UK. You see the odd game on BBC 3 or 2 and hear a game on the radio every so often. That's hardly an over abundance, or even an abundance, of coverage.

I also don't think that it should be discouraged. The more people involved in the game, at any level and in any capacity be it fan, coach or player, the better I think.

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50 female players have now filed a lawsuit at the 'Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario' citing sex discrimination over the use of plastic pitches.

"Men's World Cup tournament matches are played on natural grass while CSA and Fifa are relegating female players to artificial turf," said Dellinger. "The difference matters - plastic pitches alter how the game is played, pose unique safety risks and are considered inferior for international competition."The gifted athletes we represent are determined not to have the sport they love belittled on their watch.

"Getting an equal playing field at the World Cup is a fight female players should not have to wage but one from which they do not shrink. In the end, we trust that fairness and equality will prevail over sexism and stubbornness."

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I have no real idea of the way these sort of cases progress in American or Canadian law or the level of proof which will be required. However, as a layman they will surely need to demonstrate: (1) that if FIFA were to hold a World Cup in Canada they would play it on grass; and (2) that plastic parks are inferior to grass ones. Plus that the reasons behind FIFA doing it differently was because they're women. It all sounds rather unlikely.

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Why is this one of the headline stories on the BBC's football page? They could host the women's world cup on the ash pitch at my old school for all anyone cares.

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50 female players have now filed a lawsuit at the 'Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario' citing sex discrimination over the use of plastic pitches.

"Men's World Cup tournament matches are played on natural grass while CSA and Fifa are relegating female players to artificial turf," said Dellinger. "The difference matters - plastic pitches alter how the game is played, pose unique safety risks and are considered inferior for international competition."The gifted athletes we represent are determined not to have the sport they love belittled on their watch.

"Getting an equal playing field at the World Cup is a fight female players should not have to wage but one from which they do not shrink. In the end, we trust that fairness and equality will prevail over sexism and stubbornness."

Did they use artificial surfaces at any of the venues for World Cup 1994?

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Why is this one of the headline stories on the BBC's football page? They could host the women's world cup on the ash pitch at my old school for all anyone cares.

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Did they use artificial surfaces at any of the venues for World Cup 1994?

No, but it would be easy (and correct) to argue that artificial pitches have improved substantially in the past 20 years, and that the climate in Canada is different to that in the USA anyway.

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