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The whole Rangers thing was beyond belief. Richard Gordon was almost sniggering when he spoke of Rangers banning them, yet they were holed up outside Ibrox, pathetically, with their noses pressed against the glass. Then you had the bold Chick choosing to spraff on about Rangers' attendances during the opening few minutes of the game he was being paid to report on.

Last night brought home just how much the 'feel good factor' we've been enjoying in Scottish football since 2012 is about to disappear.

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The point still stands.

I'm sure it's her anyway? Listen to this every morning and if it's someone other than her they're doing some impression cause I'm none the wiser? :lol:

Eta: it's a Louise? Ffs. Louise is dain my tits in then.

Edited by 1320Lichtie
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This. It's not just the thought of their disgusting moron fans, it's the constant arse licking from the media that saddens me.

Chic Young should just stop the pretence that he supports st Mirren too, it's beyond embarrassing now.


In the years they've been away I've not encountered a single fan of any club I've seen ICT play say they miss 'Rangers'. I'm sure the money men of the clubs will have and Celtic obviously because of their symbiotic relationship based on religious hatred but I've never heard fans of Inverness, Aberdeen, Dundee, County etc. say that they are missing playing them. We've had some of the most enjoyable 3 or 4 years whilst they've been in the lower leagues and I'm gutted they're in the top league next season. Ibrox is one of the most thoroughly unpleasant away days. A horrible poisonous atmosphere surrounded by vile cretins launching missiles at you most of the game whilst the stewards stand and watch. And it's not much better when they come to Inverness either.


Fuck off Rangers.

Edited by RiG
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I'm not too bothered about the fans.  We know what we're getting with them.  It's the same fat, BO-ridden bald dickheads we all know, but there's now the added dimension of the last 4 years from the media:


The same/new club bollocks

The 'journey'

The demotion/voted in as a new club debate

How Scottish football was worse than Hitler injecting Jews with super aids without Rangers in the top flight.

Mark Hately and Richard Gough.


It's going to be unbearable, if you excuse the pun.





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The amount of pundits/journalists on Twitter last night and this morning going on about how next year is going to be interesting/intriguing/exciting sickens me too. They're all jizzing their pants over this, whilst real fans are just sad that the sycophancy is going to return.


No doubt BT Sport and Sky will ditch the Championship coverage in a hearbeat, as will Sportscene (fucking shite anwyway) and we'll be back to "normal" ie only the top flight matters.



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