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48 minutes ago, Rednyella said:

Where you listening the same show we all were?

1. English said he thought initially Barton made sense.

2. A good mixture of youth and experience? Barton (flop), Hill (slow as a week in the jail), Senderos emoji23.png, Niko (inconsistent and unfit). Ok Windass has shown signs but you can't say any of these players for crazy wages they are on are good investment!? Or are u mad!?
Rossiter may well turn out well but he's also injured.

3. Never heard once during show that fans are backing Barton. You're making that up.

4. Dembele is on 3-5x what Garner is on. I agree and give you that but he cost much less upfront and Celtic will sell him for potentially 5-10x what they paid for him. The boy scored a double against City and tore u up in the first OF game. No contest. He performs. Good investment.

I hope you have a financial advisor or will one day if you're a young lad because your points above are concerning.

Are all Sevco fans like you!? emoji85.png

I agree the show is a joke in regards the constant ramblings about Sevco and Celtic but their view last night on your lot was sensible.

1. At the start of the djow he said the fall out with Barton was warburtons fault, he later tried to backtrack.

2. Barton worth the gamble.....  Debatable?.  Hill has been a steadying influence on the defence. Kranjcar got injured, a risk you take. Senderos I agree with them.

Windass, Rossiter, crooks etc ... Good prospects.

What are these crazy wages? Details please...

3. Towards the end, English and spiers.

4. Dembele is a good player but he'll cost a lot more than Garner will.


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Last night actually had a pretty good and interesting segment on the pressure managers face. I was expecting it to be some shite about how Mark Warburton is under pressure, but it wasn't actually focused on Celtic and Sevco, instead shockingly actually talking about an issue in all of football. Of course they had Barry Ferguson on (as usual sounding like he's suffered a catastrophic brain injury), but to his credit he genuinely had some pretty decent thoughts, although this was the first time I've ever heard him talk about something other than Oldco/Sevco. Billy Brown was on and despite starting well managed to descend in some teary rants.

However, I'd give the segment a listen. Sportsound really should be doing more of these sorts of pieces.

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I have a strong dislike for Brown. First Michael Stuart last year and now Chris Sutton got the go over with his now famous epic 'low IQ' rants. At least Michael was there to defend himself.
Why do the BBC continue to invite these idiots onto the program? [emoji85]
Barry Ferguson may be a tad slow but he's quite respectful. Brown is a bully and potentially has mental health issues.

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1 hour ago, Rednyella said:

I have a strong dislike for Brown. First Michael Stuart last year and now Chris Sutton got the go over with his now famous epic 'low IQ' rants. At least Michael was there to defend himself.
Why do the BBC continue to invite these idiots onto the program? emoji85.png
Barry Ferguson may be a tad slow but he's quite respectful. Brown is a bully and potentially has mental health issues.

Aye Brown is a tit. He doesn't really add anything except the rants you mention. Last night he was having a go at the presenter for daring to question managers and their performance. He was almost in tears when describing the 'hard time' Mark Warburton got on a show last week.

He's a slobbering wreck who needs to f**k off and calm down.

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On 01/11/2016 at 10:39, DA Baracus said:

Last night actually had a pretty good and interesting segment on the pressure managers face. I was expecting it to be some shite about how Mark Warburton is under pressure, but it wasn't actually focused on Celtic and Sevco, instead shockingly actually talking about an issue in all of football. Of course they had Barry Ferguson on (as usual sounding like he's suffered a catastrophic brain injury), but to his credit he genuinely had some pretty decent thoughts, although this was the first time I've ever heard him talk about something other than Oldco/Sevco. Billy Brown was on and despite starting well managed to descend in some teary rants.

However, I'd give the segment a listen. Sportsound really should be doing more of these sorts of pieces.


On 01/11/2016 at 16:39, Monkey Tennis said:

I thought that was a decent section too, despite the fact that in Brown and Ferguson, two of the contributors were dafties.

I've never liked Ferguson but I've enjoyed his last couple of outings, he's not as bland as most and he does have some insightful contributions.

Brown is a fucking halfwit, nobody's allowed to criticise a manager unless they've been a good one, aye right, well done Billy you fat numpty, all these b*****ds like Brown want jobs for life, f**k the up n coming youngsters, f**k the fans, just let us do the job 'til we're ready to retire.

Edited by ayrmad
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Jamie Fullarton was outstanding on the show featuring the pressures of management. I also enjoyed Barry Ferguson's contribution - he gets a lot of unjustified stick on here in my opinion.

Billy Brown is just comedy gold. He's all for pundits expressing an opinion, just so long as it's not in any way negative towards him or his mates. 

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3 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Stopped listening as it was fawn over Celtic one night talk about Barton/Sevco the next but looks like I might give some a bash. I really like Barry Ferguson for what it's worth and the O'Connor interview sounds interesting,

What I heard of O'Connor was decent as was Fullarton's explanation of how he folded like an old deckchair after 2 weeks of management the other night.

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To be honest I thought the O'Connor interview was interesting but whilst he seems like a nice enough bloke his comments were that of a man who is still pretty immature and not quite all there. Demons still haunt him. When McIntyre was interviewing him and mentioned when he got arrested the 2nd time for cocaine possession he couldn't remember and laughed it off. When he was asked about why he was disciplined for not turning up for a Scotland squad he wouldn't really emphasis or talk about it as it was a family matter. Certainly a rough and raw character but I will say he sounded like a nice guy who has a few demons and has made a few really poor decisions. 4m quid he lost and that can't sit well. McManus was nice about him as a team mate at Hibs but it's again another glorious failure story. A talent who could have been excellent for the nation (had glimpses) but it never came to fruition.

I certainly wish him all the best in the lower leagues coaching and enjoying what he loves. But sad he has lost friends and had some tough moments due to lack of or poor advice.
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Kenny McIntyre - First of all here is an update on the Joey Barton situation, Richard....

Richard Wilson - ae ae ae Thanks Kenny, as some of you may heard Joey Barton has been suspended by Rangers for a training ground bust up 20 f'kin years ago

Seriously? It's incredible really. Then we get a character reference on Barton from one of his former team mates. We know Barton is a c'nt, he has always been a c'nt, are these morons just beginning to realise this? 

What makes it even more impressive is the BBC and Rangers aren't even on talking terms yet the show is constantly about Rangers and Barton in particular.

I know Talksport takes a slagging on here but at least they change the record every so often. 100 times better than the football coverage we have to put up with up here.



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40 minutes ago, Rednyella said:

To be honest I thought the O'Connor interview was interesting but whilst he seems like a nice enough bloke his comments were that of a man who is still pretty immature and not quite all there. Demons still haunt him. When McIntyre was interviewing him and mentioned when he got arrested the 2nd time for cocaine possession he couldn't remember and laughed it off. When he was asked about why he was disciplined for not turning up for a Scotland squad he wouldn't really emphasis or talk about it as it was a family matter. Certainly a rough and raw character but I will say he sounded like a nice guy who has a few demons and has made a few really poor decisions. 4m quid he lost and that can't sit well. McManus was nice about him as a team mate at Hibs but it's again another glorious failure story. A talent who could have been excellent for the nation (had glimpses) but it never came to fruition.

I certainly wish him all the best in the lower leagues coaching and enjoying what he loves. But sad he has lost friends and had some tough moments due to lack of or poor advice.

I heard most of the O'Connor interview and think he came across pretty well. He acknowledged that he made a load of mistakes and took full responsibility for them all. He even said that he'd like to give advice to young players on not what to do since he's been there and done it.

Not sure where you're getting the 'not quite all there' bit.

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