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1 hour ago, Rednyella said:

Richard Wilson at the weekend trying to convince Jackson and Spiers that this Portuguese chap was the outstanding Sevco candidate was quite hilarious. Spiers quite literally made Wilson come out and confirm his love for the Teddy Bears.

I have to say Spiers is very good. He's on point and pretty objective. The OF don't like him and that confirms he is impartial.

Keith Jackson can be terribly wrong but when he is on I actually quite like the debate and back and forth.

Much better than when Bazza and Bonner get invited in. I feel like my already limited IQ takes a dive off a cliff when those two opine about our national pastime.


Never exactly respected him to begin with, but after hearing Jackson's 'defence' of Strachan last year I can't take him seriously. Tom English and Graham Speirs ripped him apart without even trying, infact I think they held back a bit out of sympathy.

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Spiers is utter dogshite and has some weird thing against Dundee that I can't quite explain, which combines with his 'love' for United. Jim Spence is an Arab and doesn't show the bias Spiers does.

I don't listen to the midweek shows but I do think Richard Gordon is the best presenter we have. I also don't mind Stuart Cosgrove even if he hates Dundee. He comes away with some shite, but generally spot on. Tom English tends to be my favourite personally.

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English and Gordon are both fine. Spiers says very little about us. Occasionally he can be a sniveling moron but he's definitely easier on the ear and more intelligent than most of the troglodytes we have to listen too.

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Chic Young slipping and referring to Sevco as 'we'.
Why does he persist with this facade?

That's harsh.

I heard him say that but it was clear he was talking about 'we' as in those involved in the Scottish game.

He doesn't put up a fight against accusations as he realises it's a lost cause and there's no point.

Essentially having a pop at chick for this is like pushing over a pensioner. It's just not funny now.
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Chic Young is an enemy of Scottish football. He should be called out at all times. The pish he was spouting tonight was an absolutely prime example of the garbage he and his ilk continue to espouse.

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Chic Young is an enemy of Scottish football. He should be called out at all times. The pish he was spouting tonight was an absolutely prime example of the garbage he and his ilk continue to espouse.


He's a bit dittery and wrong on many things but his heart is in the right place.
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33 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Chic Young is an enemy of Scottish football. He should be called out at all times. The pish he was spouting tonight was an absolutely prime example of the garbage he and his ilk continue to espouse.

An enemy of Scottish football, Jesus Christ man have a word with yourself.

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3 hours ago, pandarilla said:


That's harsh.

I heard him say that but it was clear he was talking about 'we' as in those involved in the Scottish game.

He doesn't put up a fight against accusations as he realises it's a lost cause and there's no point.

Essentially having a pop at chick for this is like pushing over a pensioner. It's just not funny now.


You don't need to white knight all the shite pundits, you know.

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You don't need to white knight all the shite pundits, you know.

I know.

Just think folk go too far with some of the criticism. It's over the top.

It's easy as f**k to chip in going with the flow in threads like this. It then gives folk a misplaced sense of the general opinion.

I heard some of tonight's show and thought the Hamilton chairman (I think that's who it was anyway) spoke a lot of sense.
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9 hours ago, pandarilla said:



I know.

Just think folk go too far with some of the criticism. It's over the top.

It's easy as f**k to chip in going with the flow in threads like this. It then gives folk a misplaced sense of the general opinion.

I heard some of tonight's show and thought the Hamilton chairman (I think that's who it was anyway) spoke a lot of sense.


He said Scottish football needs a strong Rangers

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Chick Young should have been hounded out of his job years ago on account of him being utterly incompetent and an embarrassment. Instead, the BBC are happy to press on with him as the 'pet' pundit - the Chris Kamara of Radio Scotland.

Get him right to f**k.

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