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Don't normally post, but I'm throwing things at the radio just now.  I like listening to Graham Spears on Sportsound, he is the kinda guy you could chew the cud with about any subject.  But I can't believe how middle class and out of touch he is coming across. He said he knows everything about poverty and follows two charity threads on twitter, please spare me the intellect.

Kenny does do well with Sportsound, he's not comprimised or overly chumy with the Guests so gets away with asking the questions that need asked.

Andy McLarren is doing a great job.  Growing up in Dingwall there was at least 7 different parts of the town you could get a game, and anyone could play from Millbank to Urquhart Road.  Now you can barely get on the Jubilee for a kick around.

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Don't normally post, but I'm throwing things at the radio just now.  I like listening to Graham Spears on Sportsound, he is the kinda guy you could chew the cud with about any subject.  But I can't believe how middle class and out of touch he is coming across. He said he knows everything about poverty and follows two charity threads on twitter, please spare me the intellect.
Kenny does do well with Sportsound, he's not comprimised or overly chumy with the Guests so gets away with asking the questions that need asked.
Andy McLarren is doing a great job.  Growing up in Dingwall there was at least 7 different parts of the town you could get a game, and anyone could play from Millbank to Urquhart Road.  Now you can barely get on the Jubilee for a kick around.

Ditch the Lord bit mate...
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21 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Tonight's is interesting. Spiers trying to use eloquence to win the argument but is clearly wrong.

I like listening to Speirs but he came across as a bit of a knob tonight, nobody asked him to misrepresent McLarens point about it being too middle class by going on about rugby,tennis etc, he preferred the JCB route to the humility route tonight.

Edited by ayrmad
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22 hours ago, Hammer Jag said:

"Andy's a great guy. I find him a fascinating character." - his favourite line before he goes on to criticise someone.

An absolute weasel of a man.


Ffs Hambo you took the words right out of my mouth there.


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Kenny McIntyre is exactly the type of shock jock that Keith Jackson referred to the other night. "You've been in this studio before, Billy/Michael/Charlie/Willie, and YOU said blah blah blah, didn't you" - it's tired, cliched pish. And his meowling over all things Rangers is nonsensical - a couple of weeks ago he was incredulous at the very idea of Pedro Caixinha not having knowledge of Rangers recent issues. Why the f**k would a two bit Portuguese guy coaching in the middle east need to know whether or not Dave King had a NOMAD?


Having said all of that, he is superb at one to one interviews, Andy McLaren and the late Frank Kopels wife being notable instances recently.



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I don't think there was any need for McLaren to come on the show tonight; it was merely a baiting exercise by BBC Scotland, trying to garner interest off the back of his excellent interview.

He made the same points as last week's interview but far less succinctly or effectively - and I had a serious "d'oh" moment when it became abundantly apparent that he didn't understand what Spiers meant by "acute".

Spiers took unnecessary umbridge last week when the middle class to which he belongs was slighted in a way by McLaren's comments which were perfectly valid. His ignorance of the issue that McLaren spoke so well of last week was again clear; particularly liked how he reiterated how he'd been on a church trip to Barrowfield like it was a UN aid mission to Sudan.

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I kind of agree with you with regards to the 'baiting point' but it was good to hear of the anonymous person who donated 5k towards the project. 

For about the first time in living memory, Chick Young actually came across really well and he seemed to have a real grasp of the subject. 

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Spiers just didn't want to admit he was wrong and tried to convince them that the point he was *really* making was that the way to get impoverished kids into football, or sport in general, is for the government (or the SFA?!?) to banish poverty. A noble ambition, certainly. But while we're waiting for that, maybe giving councils some cash to invest in public pitches or after school clubs or award grants to clubs to reduce the rental of club facilities for under 18s or pretty much any other initiative you can think of would get some quicker results. Y'know, while we're waiting for Stewart Regan to turn into Mother Teresa.

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12 hours ago, Armand 2 said:

I don't think there was any need for McLaren to come on the show tonight; it was merely a baiting exercise by BBC Scotland, trying to garner interest off the back of his excellent interview.

He made the same points as last week's interview but far less succinctly or effectively - and I had a serious "d'oh" moment when it became abundantly apparent that he didn't understand what Spiers meant by "acute".

Spiers took unnecessary umbridge last week when the middle class to which he belongs was slighted in a way by McLaren's comments which were perfectly valid. His ignorance of the issue that McLaren spoke so well of last week was again clear; particularly liked how he reiterated how he'd been on a church trip to Barrowfield like it was a UN aid mission to Sudan.

I think Andy took it to mean a small number as in the small edge of the wedge, he certainly used the 20% figure whenever Spiers used the term.

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They've just totally rewritten what happened in the Lennon/Duffy incident.

Apparently Lennon only took 'one step' on to the pitch before the big bad Morton bench emptied en masse to both 'invade the Hibs technical area' and 'surround Neil Lennon'.

They're actually defending Lennon saying he reacted as anyone would.

Amazingly only Chic Young was arguing against them all

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10 minutes ago, Rugster said:

If Chick the dick is supposed to be watching "the wires" for updates at Inrox why is he saying it's a goal and I'll confirm the scorer in a second? Rumbled. 

He's just put to bed any doubt that he's watching a video feed. 

He described in great detail how it's all Motherwell, and gave a precise account of how they won a corner. Not the sort of thing you can get from "social media" and "news wires". 

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