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1 minute ago, Loonytoons said:


Thanks for your input but could you be more specific please?

First paragraph is a personal opinion, second and third seem reasonable enough comments.


A love of history, surely doesn't equate to wanting everything to endure, as proven by the example you provide yourself, rendering the wider point, unadulterated pish.

The scale of debt at Rangers probably did mean fans were powerless to prevent liquidation when it arrived.  Fans however were not blameless in it reaching that point.  There had been stupid triumphalism as the unsustainable nonsense carried on.  When belts needed tightening, we got 'We Deserve Better'.  When warnings became louder, we saw them shot down and when it all kicked off, we got the impotent spite of 'Sink Us and We'll Sink You'.  You end the paragraph by implying some sort of wrongdoing on the part of HMRC, rendering it arguably quite the pishiest paragraph of the lot.

It's rivaled however by the final paragraph, with its claim that more wallopers follow the OF simply in line with the fact that more people do, thus ignoring the very specific and deliberate appeal that those clubs have for the emotionally immature and the nastily prejudiced.

Reading it back, I actually think my initial assessment of your post was wildly flattering.

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24 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Rangers' history was an absolute disgrace to decency. Fucking dogshit of a club and fanbase. A shameful history that should be a massive embarrassment and should have those involved begging for forgiveness is instead held up as some sort of grand institution by their horrible fanbase and bought and compliant media.

Zero sympathy for Rangers. Utter filth who deserved to die. A vile, scumbag institution who promoted hatred and bigotry and tried to bully Scottish football alongside Celtic. Sevco have picked up right where the dead club left off.

HMRC are absolute heroes for their part in killing Rangers.

The roaster element/percentage among their, and now Sevco's, fanbase was/is far in excess of any other team save Celtic.


And yet, pretty much every Rangers fan I know thought they fully deserved to be reintroduced into the then 3rd division.   Many hate the history that goes with the club they were brought up by their dad's/grandad's to support and don't follow the baggage that comes with them.  Might just be lucky in where I stay.


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1 minute ago, Loonytoons said:


And yet, pretty much every Rangers fan I know thought they fully deserved to be reintroduced into the then 3rd division.   Many hate the history that goes with the club they were brought up by their dad's/grandad's to support and don't follow the baggage that comes with them.  Might just be lucky in where I stay.


Pish. That baggage, that history is the club, and continues to be and always will be, and Sevco are a continuation of that. To reject it is to reject the club and anyone doing so is deluding themselves that they support a different club.

Also I've yet to see a single Sevco fan admit that Rangers were liquidated and that they're a new club. They still talk of 'demotion' and have firmly rewritten events in their heads.

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4 minutes ago, Loonytoons said:


And yet, pretty much every Rangers fan I know thought they fully deserved to be reintroduced into the then 3rd division.   Many hate the history that goes with the club they were brought up by their dad's/grandad's to support and don't follow the baggage that comes with them.  Might just be lucky in where I stay.


I'm not suggesting that all Rangers fans are dreadful people.  Of course that's not even nearly the case.  Despite the grief thrown their way, I think those on here for instance, are are a decent bunch.

I wouldn't say though that my experience of how the ones I know personally, viewed the events of summer 2012, chimes with yours.

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3 hours ago, Loonytoons said:

 Because I love history and hate to see things end I suppose.  Third Reich an obvious exception and any association with Sevco is not necessary.

Given how close your club came to going belly up, I would have thought you'd have a modicum of sympathy.  It wasn't the Par's fans fault that the club's history almost ended due to misdirected ownership, but give those fans their due, they saved the history.  Similarly, it wasn't the Rangers' fans fault they folded, though, given their numbers it probably could have been saved.  I suspect if HMRC hadn't waded in with a cudgel, giving everyone no real idea of how badly the club really was crippled, something could have been done but that's another story.

Look at it another way, every team has it's absolute wallopers for fans.  The percentage is most likely similar right across the board but the old firm/sevco have nemerical superiority on that.  An example being Arbroath are running away with L2, yet half a dozen fans booed their team off the park after the went further ahead in the league.  Every club has them.

My club never refused to employ people from a particular ethno-religious background for most of its (previous) existence.

Edited by Malcolm Malcolm
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4 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

A love of history, surely doesn't equate to wanting everything to endure, as proven by the example you provide yourself, rendering the wider point, unadulterated pish.

The scale of debt at Rangers probably did mean fans were powerless to prevent liquidation when it arrived.  Fans however were not blameless in it reaching that point.  There had been stupid triumphalism as the unsustainable nonsense carried on.  When belts needed tightening, we got 'We Deserve Better'.  When warnings became louder, we saw them shot down and when it all kicked off, we got the impotent spite of 'Sink Us and We'll Sink You'.  You end the paragraph by implying some sort of wrongdoing on the part of HMRC, rendering it arguably quite the pishiest paragraph of the lot.

It's rivaled however by the final paragraph, with its claim that more wallopers follow the OF simply in line with the fact that more people do, thus ignoring the very specific and deliberate appeal that those clubs have for the emotionally immature and the nastily prejudiced.

Reading it back, I actually think my initial assessment of your post was wildly flattering.


Ah, now that's better, well constructed with valid arguments.

First point fair enough, it's just an opinion and personally don't like things folding, might be a weakness in my psyche.  I apologise for mu unadulterated pish weakness.

Second point has merits too but I suspect that the HMRC putting the boot in with unsubstantiated claims at the time, and they were unsubstantiated as they bandied a massive range of possible tax debts without fully investigating, most certainly prevented any saving of the club.

As for the third point, I'm basing that on stats from my work.  Strange how the "scum incomers" from other countries have pretty much the same percentage of wallopers in their midst as to the non-scum locals.

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1 minute ago, Loonytoons said:


Ah, now that's better, well constructed with valid arguments.

First point fair enough, it's just an opinion and personally don't like things folding, might be a weakness in my psyche.  I apologise for mu unadulterated pish weakness.

Second point has merits too but I suspect that the HMRC putting the boot in with unsubstantiated claims at the time, and they were unsubstantiated as they bandied a massive range of possible tax debts without fully investigating, most certainly prevented any saving of the club.

As for the third point, I'm basing that on stats from my work.  Strange how the "scum incomers" from other countries have pretty much the same percentage of wallopers in their midst as to the non-scum locals.

Gosh, it gets rapidly more deranged.

HMRC gave Rangers a tax bill due to the way they operated the EBT scheme.  The knowledge that this was coming and would be on a scale the club couldn't pay, prompted Murray first to attempt to settle for a fraction of the amount, and then sell to someone who could readily be identified as dodgy.  Subsequent exploration saw the conclusion reached that Rangers did indeed owe that large tax bill, rendering your suggestion that HMRC's actions amounted to "putting the boot in" utterly laughable.  

As for the third point, I've not got a clue what you're on about, so at least we have that in common.

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Can we assume David Murray is now hated by Sevco supporters for killing Rangers?  All you ever hear is vitriol for Craig Whyte and Charlies Green.

And I hope it's not just because their surnames are the colours of Celtic.

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And yet, pretty much every Rangers fan I know thought they fully deserved to be reintroduced into the then 3rd division.

Yet they didn't, did they. They should have had to apply for the vacant position in the league along with other interested clubs. Instead the gate was held wide for Sevco and they were ushered into open arms without even a cursory glance at the other clubs with a history of SFL aspirations.
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