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Admittedly I was one of those who thought to give Hamilton a chance at the start of the season, why?,Iv no idea, people were absolutely correct in wanting someone else in after our first game of the season no less ,conceding bloody 6

now before I jump fully on the Hamilton into the sea train he has hardly been helped by our woeful defence who also haven’t been helped by our slow and weak midfield 

our attackers always seem to be injured or have a knock or something stupid like that

and don’t even get me started on our bench

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I mentioned it on the match day thread but two decisions that ensured that McPake could never win my faith back were as follows:

1. Jack Hamilton. I don't think it's a stretch to say McPake knows he's shite. He's dropped him multiple times. He dropped him for Hazard twice last season yet still thinks it's a good idea to go into this season with him as his number one. The argument is that we have 2 keepers on our books and couldn't afford to address the situation as there was other, more pressing issues just doesn't wash. Hamilton had the worst match in his Dundee career (And that's some going) on the day McPake took over as caretaker manager. 2 and a bit seasons later the boy is still first choice keeper (Although his days are hopefully numbered with the new signing).

2. McPake 100% planned on running with a 3 at the back system. We've been in lockdown for 6 month, he's had plenty of time to mould a plan and launch an assault on the league this season. All pre-season we run with the 3 at the back system. First league game of the season and we're well and truly pumped and the 3 at the back is completely ditched leaving him scrambling ON THE FIRST FUCKING DAY as all his plans are ruined. If he was insistent on going with the 3 at the back system then fine, sign the fucking players to play it. Furthermore, if you're planning on going with said formation, why do we have only 3 centre halves on the books? Why punt a promising youth CH on loan if we're struggling to get anyone else in? Why resort to playing Cammy fucking Kerr in a 2 man system a mere 4 games into the season?! We'd be fucked if the 3 at the back system was working due to this sheer incompetence.

And the solution to our CH problems? Liam Fontaine. A man punted from a struggling Ross County who's pretty much universally regarded as completely finished is the man mooted to save our defensive struggles.

And the kicker? The exact fucking same happened on day 1 of last season at Dunfermline. The plan to go with 3 at the back ditched by half time on the opening day and a clear as day lack of plan B which meant we then spent the coming weeks and months playing catch up with the rest of the league trying to learn a basic bloody system.

It's shambolic and it's Sunday league level of management.

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@Ludo*1 @Yenitit 

I guess we have been a Yo-yo club for so long now, I get so exasperated and think this as good as it gets and what we are destined to be for good. 

But then I see the clubs a similar 'size' (a debate for another day) like Kilmarnock and Motherwell and they are pretty stable where they are, with the odd good cup run, European slot and top 6 finish and it gives me a slap round eh pus. That's where we should be, we deserve better than the shite served up the past 20 odd years. Get McPake back to the youths and instead of putting money forward for the likes of Hamilton, Dorrans ar even Hemmings, spend decent money on a competent manager. Don't get Nelms to hire either, he comes across as a decent guy but he really doesn't have a clue how to pick a manager.

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Barring points when we were fucked financially (maybe - and certainly not all of them) this is the worst I’ve ever seen us and certainly the least optimistic I’ve ever been. Ludo’s post spells out the 2 most glaring mistakes. He’s a useless cunt.


ETA - and I’ve been going for 40 years and seen some really shitey Dundee teams.

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1 hour ago, johnnydun said:

I have been thinking lately, are we Dee's just complete cunto supporters?

It seems to be that we get a manager in and within a couple of months the "(Insert Manager Name) OUT" starts.

Don't get me wrong I want McPake out, but is it because I am a c**t? Should we give a manager at least a few years? Should of McCann had more time? (Not Brown, he is a c**t.)

Often we have been, but not in this case. McPake is completely and utterly out of his depth and completely and utterly unwilling or unable to learn from his mistakes. Throw in a clueless Nelms and you have the perfect recipe for a fucked season. 

Looking back at our list of managers since my first game at Dens is a frankly bizarre mix of the magnificent and the terrible. From memory the order from (87/88) is something like:

  • Jocky Scott
  • Dave Coco Smith
  • Gordon Wallace
  • John Blackley
  • Iain Munro
  • Simon Stainrod
  • Jim Duffy
  • Cowboy McCormack
  • Jocky Scott
  • Ivano/Dario Bonnetti
  • Jim Duffy
  • Alan Kernaghan
  • Alex Rae
  • Jocky Scott
  • Gordon Chisholm
  • Barry Smith
  • John Brown
  • Paul Hartley
  • Neil McCann
  • Jim McIntyre
  • James McPake

Basically since the Bonetti experiment collapsed it's been an interminable list of shite with some brief spells of hope. That's, for the most part, 17 years of god-awful decisions at boardroom level when it comes to appointing managers. Is there another club with such an atrocious track record? 

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In my time watching Dundee I'd order the managers like this in terms of preference:

1. Jocky Scott (1998)
2. Jocky Scott (2008)
3. Barry Smith - Utter shite elsewhere but massive role in saving us.
4. Paul Hartley
5. Jim Duffy 
6. Alex Rae (Played some cracking football and was probably the most entertaining football we've played since the Bonetti era)
7. Ivano Bonetti (Deserves to be far, far lower on the list, but I loved the man and time and he'd be much higher if I had any way of justifying it)
8. Neil McCann
9. John Brown
10. James McPake
11. Gordon Chisholm
12. Alan Kernaghan
13. Jim McIntyre

John McCormack was manager when I first took an interest in Dundee but can't rank him fairly.

Now separate that list into 'Successes' and 'Failures' and it's a grim read.

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7 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

In my time watching Dundee I'd order the managers like this in terms of preference:

1. Jocky Scott (1998)
2. Jocky Scott (2008)
3. Barry Smith - Utter shite elsewhere but massive role in saving us.
4. Paul Hartley
5. Jim Duffy 
6. Alex Rae (Played some cracking football and was probably the most entertaining football we've played since the Bonetti era)
7. Ivano Bonetti (Deserves to be far, far lower on the list, but I loved the man and time and he'd be much higher if I had any way of justifying it)
8. Neil McCann
9. John Brown
10. James McPake
11. Gordon Chisholm
12. Alan Kernaghan
13. Jim McIntyre

John McCormack was manager when I first took an interest in Dundee but can't rank him fairly.

Now separate that list into 'Successes' and 'Failures' and it's a grim read.

Cowboy was perhaps slightly unfortunate as he was binned during the promotion season by the Marrs for Jocky. I think we were actually top at the time, however our home form was bang average with a few weird results over the season and i think the Marrs were looking to get Jocky in to tidy up things and have a good manager in well in advance of getting into the SPL.

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The thing that really gets me is that we had the chance to be the unquestioned dominant team in the city for a decade or more and we pissed it away. DABS in the Championship and struggling to get up, and we had the chance to put together a team capable of challenging for top 6 year on year, like Motherwell or even the bloody fermers have managed until recently.

I remember being the only non-DAB in my primary school class (early to mid 80's), because of what was happening across the road at that time and hating being surrounded by them everywhere. We had a chance for a generation of kids to go the other way and follow a successful team in Dark Blue.

So, what do we do?

Give the manager's job, in quick succession, to an untried TV pundit, a useless DAB and another untried manager.

Go into a top flight season with Jack Hamilton as number 1 goalie and Moussa as our top striker.

Sign Davies, Curran & Woods.

Let a player who has a shot at being, if not world-class, then certainly a top-level, midfielder go the "Rangers" for £25 and some shiny buttons.


Hopeless bunch of cvnts.


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The thing that really gets me is that we had the chance to be the unquestioned dominant team in the city for a decade or more and we pissed it away. DABS in the Championship and struggling to get up, and we had the chance to put together a team capable of challenging for top 6 year on year, like Motherwell or even the bloody fermers have managed until recently.
I remember being the only non-DAB in my primary school class (early to mid 80's), because of what was happening across the road at that time and hating being surrounded by them everywhere. We had a chance for a generation of kids to go the other way and follow a successful team in Dark Blue.
So, what do we do?
Give the manager's job, in quick succession, to an untried TV pundit, a useless DAB and another untried manager.
Go into a top flight season with Jack Hamilton as number 1 goalie and Moussa as our top striker.
Sign Davies, Curran & Woods.
Let a player who has a shot at being, if not world-class, then certainly a top-level, midfielder go the "Rangers" for £25 and some shiny buttons.
Hopeless bunch of cvnts.
With few exceptions, we have been utterly hopeless at boardroom level since the late 60s.
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11 hours ago, johnnydun said:

@Ludo*1 @Yenitit 

I guess we have been a Yo-yo club for so long now, I get so exasperated and think this as good as it gets and what we are destined to be for good. 

But then I see the clubs a similar 'size' (a debate for another day) like Kilmarnock and Motherwell and they are pretty stable where they are, with the odd good cup run, European slot and top 6 finish and it gives me a slap round eh pus. That's where we should be, we deserve better than the shite served up the past 20 odd years. Get McPake back to the youths and instead of putting money forward for the likes of Hamilton, Dorrans ar even Hemmings, spend decent money on a competent manager. Don't get Nelms to hire either, he comes across as a decent guy but he really doesn't have a clue how to pick a manager.


2 hours ago, Spikethedee said:

The thing that really gets me is that we had the chance to be the unquestioned dominant team in the city for a decade or more and we pissed it away. DABS in the Championship and struggling to get up, and we had the chance to put together a team capable of challenging for top 6 year on year, like Motherwell or even the bloody fermers have managed until recently.

We seem to pop up quite a lot as a club that others aspire to being. 36 consecutive top flight seasons will do that I suppose.

I don't think I've really thought about whether or not we do anything differently compared to other clubs until I read @johnnydun and @Spikethedee's posts earlier. I can't speak to what Killie do but going from McCulloch to Clarke seems a solid example of "getting it right".

I had posted a list of the managers we've had since I've been going to Fir Park the other week in our thread. It's roughly the same timeframe as @Day of the Lords:


Managers win %:
Tommy McLean (1st June 1984 - 31st May 1994) - P 403 W 123 D 111 L 169 - 30.52%* - (League games only)
Alex McLeish (13th July 1994 - 10th February 1998) - P 156 W 48 D 45 L 63 - 30.8%
Harri Kampman (25th February 1998 - 4th October 1998) - P 22 W 6 D 5 L 11 - 27.27%
Billy Davies (14th October 1998 - 18th September 2001) - P 123 W 41 D 31 L 51 - 33.3% 
Eric Black (16th October 2001 - 24th April 2002) - P 27 W 7 D 4 L 17 - 25.9%
Terry Butcher (24th April 2002 - 17th May 2006) - P 175 W 60 D 37 L 78 - 34.29% 
Maurice Malpas (17th May 2006 - 1st June 2007) - P 44 W 14 D 8 L 22 - 31.8%
Mark McGhee (18th June 2007 - 12th June 2009) P 85 W 35 D 17 L 36 - 39.8%
Jim Gannon (30th June 09 - 28th Dec 09) P 25 W 7 D 8 L 10 - 28.0%
Craig Brown (29th Dec 09 - 10th Dec 10) P 45 W 21 D 10 L 14 - 46.67%
Stuart McCall (30th Dec 10 - 2nd Nov 14) P 174 W 74 D 32 L 68 - 42.5%
Ian Baraclough (13th Dec 14 - 23rd Sept 15) P 34 W 12 D 5 L 17 -35.3%
Mark McGhee (13th Oct 15 - 28th Feb 17) P 62 W 22 D 10 L 30 -35.5%
Stephen Robinson (28th Feb 17 - present) P 160 W 71 D 27 L 62 -  44.4%

The list of Motherwell managers that McLean's stats came from (league games only) is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Motherwell_F.C._managers

I suppose the thing that stands out is that other than McLeish we've tended to make decisions on underperforming managers quite early (we didn't even sack McLeish, he fucked off to Hibs).

On the whole it looks like we tend to deal quite well with correcting mistakes, the best example being replacing Malpas who finished 10th with McGhee who finished 3rd with essentially the same squad. Similarly emptying Gannon after 25 games and bringing Craig Brown in to steady the ship is a pretty good example of identifying a problem and learning from a mistake.

Whether it was by design or pure luck our various boards seem to have been able to make the sort of appointments that make a difference (at least initially). Speaking recently Burrows comes across as a guy who has a clear idea of what he wants the club to look like and how the manager fits into that.

Comparitively McCann > McIntyre > McPake is some run from Nelms in terms of appointing his own guys.

Edited by capt_oats
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10 minutes ago, capt_oats said:


We seem to pop up quite a lot as a club that others aspire to being. 36 consecutive top flight seasons will do that I suppose.

I don't think I've really thought about whether or not we do anything differently compared to other clubs until I read @johnnydun and @Spikethedee's posts earlier. I can't speak to what Killie do but going from McCulloch to Clarke seems a solid example of "getting it right".

I had posted a list of the managers we've had since I've been going to Fir Park the other week in our thread. It's roughly the same timeframe as @Day of the Lords:

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Managers win %:
Tommy McLean (1st June 1984 - 31st May 1994) - P 403 W 123 D 111 L 169 - 30.52%* - (League games only)
Alex McLeish (13th July 1994 - 10th February 1998) - P 156 W 48 D 45 L 63 - 30.8%
Harri Kampman (25th February 1998 - 4th October 1998) - P 22 W 6 D 5 L 11 - 27.27%
Billy Davies (14th October 1998 - 18th September 2001) - P 123 W 41 D 31 L 51 - 33.3% 
Eric Black (16th October 2001 - 24th April 2002) - P 27 W 7 D 4 L 17 - 25.9%
Terry Butcher (24th April 2002 - 17th May 2006) - P 175 W 60 D 37 L 78 - 34.29% 
Maurice Malpas (17th May 2006 - 1st June 2007) - P 44 W 14 D 8 L 22 - 31.8%
Mark McGhee (18th June 2007 - 12th June 2009) P 85 W 35 D 17 L 36 - 39.8%
Jim Gannon (30th June 09 - 28th Dec 09) P 25 W 7 D 8 L 10 - 28.0%
Craig Brown (29th Dec 09 - 10th Dec 10) P 45 W 21 D 10 L 14 - 46.67%
Stuart McCall (30th Dec 10 - 2nd Nov 14) P 174 W 74 D 32 L 68 - 42.5%
Ian Baraclough (13th Dec 14 - 23rd Sept 15) P 34 W 12 D 5 L 17 -35.3%
Mark McGhee (13th Oct 15 - 28th Feb 17) P 62 W 22 D 10 L 30 -35.5%
Stephen Robinson (28th Feb 17 - present) P 160 W 71 D 27 L 62 -  44.4%

The list of Motherwell managers that McLean's stats came from (league games only) is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Motherwell_F.C._managers

I suppose the thing that stands out is that other than McLeish we've tended to make decisions on underperforming managers quite early (we didn't even sack McLeish, he fucked off to Hibs).

On the whole it looks like we tend to deal quite well with correcting mistakes, the best example being replacing Malpas who finished 10th with McGhee who finished 3rd with essentially the same squad. Similarly emptying Gannon after 25 games and bringing Craig Brown in to steady the ship is a pretty good example of identifying a problem and learning from a mistake.

Whether it was by design or pure luck our various boards seem to have been able to make the sort of appointments that make a difference (at least initially). Speaking recently Burrows comes across as a guy who has a clear idea of what he wants the club to look like and how the manager fits into that.

Comparitively McCann > McIntyre > McPake is some run from Nelms in terms of appointing his own guys.

The main thing I took from looking at that list is that, apart from Robinson, there's no truly outstanding "how on earth was he at Motherwell, rather than a much bigger club?"-type managers there. Brown was winding down and Davies has kind of skipped about the Championship level in England without ever being a roaring success for any length of time. Apart from Kampman, there aren't really any out and out stinkers there either, although can't remember Gannon at all. It must be at Boardroom level where the differences are, ours, frankly, haven't a clue...

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26 minutes ago, capt_oats said:


We seem to pop up quite a lot as a club that others aspire to being. 36 consecutive top flight seasons will do that I suppose.

I don't think I've really thought about whether or not we do anything differently compared to other clubs until I read @johnnydun and @Spikethedee's posts earlier. I can't speak to what Killie do but going from McCulloch to Clarke seems a solid example of "getting it right".

I had posted a list of the managers we've had since I've been going to Fir Park the other week in our thread. It's roughly the same timeframe as @Day of the Lords:

  Reveal hidden contents

Managers win %:
Tommy McLean (1st June 1984 - 31st May 1994) - P 403 W 123 D 111 L 169 - 30.52%* - (League games only)
Alex McLeish (13th July 1994 - 10th February 1998) - P 156 W 48 D 45 L 63 - 30.8%
Harri Kampman (25th February 1998 - 4th October 1998) - P 22 W 6 D 5 L 11 - 27.27%
Billy Davies (14th October 1998 - 18th September 2001) - P 123 W 41 D 31 L 51 - 33.3% 
Eric Black (16th October 2001 - 24th April 2002) - P 27 W 7 D 4 L 17 - 25.9%
Terry Butcher (24th April 2002 - 17th May 2006) - P 175 W 60 D 37 L 78 - 34.29% 
Maurice Malpas (17th May 2006 - 1st June 2007) - P 44 W 14 D 8 L 22 - 31.8%
Mark McGhee (18th June 2007 - 12th June 2009) P 85 W 35 D 17 L 36 - 39.8%
Jim Gannon (30th June 09 - 28th Dec 09) P 25 W 7 D 8 L 10 - 28.0%
Craig Brown (29th Dec 09 - 10th Dec 10) P 45 W 21 D 10 L 14 - 46.67%
Stuart McCall (30th Dec 10 - 2nd Nov 14) P 174 W 74 D 32 L 68 - 42.5%
Ian Baraclough (13th Dec 14 - 23rd Sept 15) P 34 W 12 D 5 L 17 -35.3%
Mark McGhee (13th Oct 15 - 28th Feb 17) P 62 W 22 D 10 L 30 -35.5%
Stephen Robinson (28th Feb 17 - present) P 160 W 71 D 27 L 62 -  44.4%

The list of Motherwell managers that McLean's stats came from (league games only) is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Motherwell_F.C._managers

I suppose the thing that stands out is that other than McLeish we've tended to make decisions on underperforming managers quite early (we didn't even sack McLeish, he fucked off to Hibs).

On the whole it looks like we tend to deal quite well with correcting mistakes, the best example being replacing Malpas who finished 10th with McGhee who finished 3rd with essentially the same squad. Similarly emptying Gannon after 25 games and bringing Craig Brown in to steady the ship is a pretty good example of identifying a problem and learning from a mistake.

Whether it was by design or pure luck our various boards seem to have been able to make the sort of appointments that make a difference (at least initially). Speaking recently Burrows comes across as a guy who has a clear idea of what he wants the club to look like and how the manager fits into that.

Comparitively McCann > McIntyre > McPake is some run from Nelms in terms of appointing his own guys.

That actually settles the next manager debate it’ll be McGee or McCall or another pundit in McFadden 

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1 hour ago, capt_oats said:


We seem to pop up quite a lot as a club that others aspire to being. 36 consecutive top flight seasons will do that I suppose.

I don't think I've really thought about whether or not we do anything differently compared to other clubs until I read @johnnydun and @Spikethedee's posts earlier. I can't speak to what Killie do but going from McCulloch to Clarke seems a solid example of "getting it right".

I had posted a list of the managers we've had since I've been going to Fir Park the other week in our thread. It's roughly the same timeframe as @Day of the Lords:

  Reveal hidden contents

Managers win %:
Tommy McLean (1st June 1984 - 31st May 1994) - P 403 W 123 D 111 L 169 - 30.52%* - (League games only)
Alex McLeish (13th July 1994 - 10th February 1998) - P 156 W 48 D 45 L 63 - 30.8%
Harri Kampman (25th February 1998 - 4th October 1998) - P 22 W 6 D 5 L 11 - 27.27%
Billy Davies (14th October 1998 - 18th September 2001) - P 123 W 41 D 31 L 51 - 33.3% 
Eric Black (16th October 2001 - 24th April 2002) - P 27 W 7 D 4 L 17 - 25.9%
Terry Butcher (24th April 2002 - 17th May 2006) - P 175 W 60 D 37 L 78 - 34.29% 
Maurice Malpas (17th May 2006 - 1st June 2007) - P 44 W 14 D 8 L 22 - 31.8%
Mark McGhee (18th June 2007 - 12th June 2009) P 85 W 35 D 17 L 36 - 39.8%
Jim Gannon (30th June 09 - 28th Dec 09) P 25 W 7 D 8 L 10 - 28.0%
Craig Brown (29th Dec 09 - 10th Dec 10) P 45 W 21 D 10 L 14 - 46.67%
Stuart McCall (30th Dec 10 - 2nd Nov 14) P 174 W 74 D 32 L 68 - 42.5%
Ian Baraclough (13th Dec 14 - 23rd Sept 15) P 34 W 12 D 5 L 17 -35.3%
Mark McGhee (13th Oct 15 - 28th Feb 17) P 62 W 22 D 10 L 30 -35.5%
Stephen Robinson (28th Feb 17 - present) P 160 W 71 D 27 L 62 -  44.4%

The list of Motherwell managers that McLean's stats came from (league games only) is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Motherwell_F.C._managers

I suppose the thing that stands out is that other than McLeish we've tended to make decisions on underperforming managers quite early (we didn't even sack McLeish, he fucked off to Hibs).

On the whole it looks like we tend to deal quite well with correcting mistakes, the best example being replacing Malpas who finished 10th with McGhee who finished 3rd with essentially the same squad. Similarly emptying Gannon after 25 games and bringing Craig Brown in to steady the ship is a pretty good example of identifying a problem and learning from a mistake.

Whether it was by design or pure luck our various boards seem to have been able to make the sort of appointments that make a difference (at least initially). Speaking recently Burrows comes across as a guy who has a clear idea of what he wants the club to look like and how the manager fits into that.

Comparitively McCann > McIntyre > McPake is some run from Nelms in terms of appointing his own guys.

Youth  set up and location. Those are huge part/pulling power of Motherwell’s success,in terms of the dross my club churns out. Half the population of Scotland must live within 30 miles or so of Fir Park making it more affordable to fund youth coaching and youth training facilities and have access to these players. Not sure if our club has scouts in the west coast or not tbh.  The lure of living either half an hour away in Edinburgh or 15 minutes to Glasgow makes it far easier to attract 1st team players to Motherwell. If players at Dundee were to live in either city they’re looking at 3 hours out of their day traveling to and from training. 

Oh and obviously appointing non fuckwits as managers helps. 

Edited by Yenitit
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47 minutes ago, Yenitit said:

If players at Dundee were to live in either city they’re looking at 3 hours out of their day traveling to and from training. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again - enforce operation Hulltoon Clock à la Athletic Begbao.

First port of call would be bundling Cammy Kerr onto the 73 back to Monifieth. 


Is anyone else part of #TheRadius ?

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3 hours ago, Yenitit said:

Youth  set up and location. Those are huge part/pulling power of Motherwell’s success,in terms of the dross my club churns out. Half the population of Scotland must live within 30 miles or so of Fir Park making it more affordable to fund youth coaching and youth training facilities and have access to these players. Not sure if our club has scouts in the west coast or not tbh.  The lure of living either half an hour away in Edinburgh or 15 minutes to Glasgow makes it far easier to attract 1st team players to Motherwell. If players at Dundee were to live in either city they’re looking at 3 hours out of their day traveling to and from training. 

Oh and obviously appointing non fuckwits as managers helps. 

Dundee united the last wee while have been getting fees for quite a few players who have headed down south from the youth set up. Even some players not even reaching the first team.  

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Youth  set up and location. Those are huge part/pulling power of Motherwell’s success,in terms of the dross my club churns out. Half the population of Scotland must live within 30 miles or so of Fir Park making it more affordable to fund youth coaching and youth training facilities and have access to these players. Not sure if our club has scouts in the west coast or not tbh.  The lure of living either half an hour away in Edinburgh or 15 minutes to Glasgow makes it far easier to attract 1st team players to Motherwell. If players at Dundee were to live in either city they’re looking at 3 hours out of their day traveling to and from training. 
Oh and obviously appointing non fuckwits as managers helps. 

Whilst that’s all true they also have a lot of competition for youngsters. The OF, Hamilton, Thistle, Hearts, Hibs etc. We have United competing with us for youngsters - albeit a smaller pool.
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33 minutes ago, Fifespud said:


Whilst that’s all true they also have a lot of competition for youngsters. The OF, Hamilton, Thistle, Hearts, Hibs etc. We have United competing with us for youngsters - albeit a smaller pool.


The old firm and Aberdeen have scouts here as well. 

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1 hour ago, G_Man1985 said:

Dundee united the last wee while have been getting fees for quite a few players who have headed down south from the youth set up. Even some players not even reaching the first team.  

Yeah I’ve saw that.  I suppose that’s  good and bad for them. Good to get some money in with a small sell in clause I presume and bad losing a player after putting so much time into coaching them. 

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1 minute ago, Yenitit said:

Yeah I’ve saw that.  I suppose that’s  good and bad for them. Good to get some money in with a small sell in clause I presume and bad losing a player after putting so much time into coaching them. 

We don't seem to have any of that. Zero.

Seems to be they eventually go out on loan and then we release them afterwards for zero.

Plus side is wee have signed 3 of 4 youngsters up on 3 year deals so least try get something if they are worth anything. 

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