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Neil McCann is currently the 7th longest serving manager in the top flight behind:

1. Alan Archibald
2. Derek McInnes
3. Tommy Wright
4. Martin Canning
5. Brendan Rodgers
6. Neil Lennon.

By the end of this month, McCann could easily be the 4th or 5th longest serving manager which is utter madness considering he's barely been in the job 6 month.

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Neil McCann is currently the 7th longest serving manager in the top flight behind:

1. Alan Archibald
2. Derek McInnes
3. Tommy Wright
4. Martin Canning
5. Brendan Rodgers
6. Neil Lennon.

By the end of this month, McCann could easily be the 4th or 5th longest serving manager which is utter madness considering he's barely been in the job 6 month.

I enjoy it, tbh, adds some freshness to the league. Same managers at the same teams leads to everyone knowing everything about the other so just sees games cancelled out
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Going back to our CH's, it's unreal how much quality we have in that position considering it's traditionally our weakest spot.

We have:

Jack Hendry - Potential to be the best CH in the league, like a Scottish John Stones, not the finished article due to lack of game time down South but coming on leaps and bounds on a weekly basis.

Darren O'Dea - Piss poor this season, but form is temporary. It shows a lot that our best (Or 2nd best - I do have a lot of love for McPake) CH since we came up is now regarded as one of our weakest players. Admittedly, he's been a bit of a liability this season, but he's still a competent CH in the top flight.

Kerr Waddell - Came out of nowhere, not as good a player as Hendry but not many will bully him. A good old style CH that is ready for a fight. Lots to learn, but again one with a big future.

Josh Meekings - Before he got injured with Caley, he was considered as one of, if not the best CH in the league outwith Celtic. Slow start with us, but if he's even half the player he was then he's good enough for the top flight.

Kostadin Gadzhalov - Derry'd Oot His Nut. Mr Relegator is more than able top flight back-up. Considering the money he's apparently been on for the past 3 seasons, it'd be hard to find a better back-up CH!

Julen - Bombscare at time, not really cut out for top flight football, but classy on the ball. Probably a top level Championship CH.

James McPake - Whether or not he makes a full recovery, he will be back fit at one point. Whether he's the same player is perhaps the bigger question. Can easily begin to force himself into McCann's thoughts if he is, but major doubts understandably around him.

Therefore, if Hendry was to go, I don't think it'd be the absolute end of the world. A sore one, no doubt, but we've some good options at CH!

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2 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Neil McCann is currently the 7th longest serving manager in the top flight behind:

1. Alan Archibald
2. Derek McInnes
3. Tommy Wright
4. Martin Canning
5. Brendan Rodgers
6. Neil Lennon.

By the end of this month, McCann could easily be the 4th or 5th longest serving manager which is utter madness considering he's barely been in the job 6 month.

Dunno if I'm being whooshed here but Robinson was appointed Motherwell manager before McCann took the Dundee job. Caretaker as of 28th Feb and made permanent on 15th March. McCann took over 18th April.

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Read a few articles about the Hendry interest now (admittedly most are from fan blogs etc) and it seems to be becoming a bit like Chinese whispers.  The first couple said that we may look to cash in on him to help balance the books but the latest ones are talking as if we are in the same position as we were when Griffiths left for Wolves, suggesting that clubs will be able to get him on the cheap due to our "financial problems".


Either they know something we don't or the last time they heard about Dundee FC it was in 2010 and they don't realise a lot can change in that time.

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Just now, capt_oats said:

Dunno if I'm being whooshed here but Robinson was appointed Motherwell manager before McCann took the Dundee job. Caretaker as of 28th Feb and made permanent on 15th March. McCann took over 18th April.

No whoosh, my mistake, completely forgot about Robinson tbh. Point still stands, but had forgotten about him.

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I won't lie, as much as Hendry is looking like the biggest CH talent we've had since Zurab, I wouldn't be depressed if we got some money for him that allowed us to strengthen elsewhere.

We are well stocked in CH to the point where half decent top flight quality CH's like Gadzhalov can't get in the match day squad.

I'd prefer to keep him but I wouldn't be tanning my wrists if he did go tbf.

We've had 3 clean sheets this Callander year and already you're happy to let our top centre half go?

We need to do everything in our power to hang onto him and Kamara, getting them on longer deals if at all possible.

Surely releasing some of our dead weight will get us back to a sound financial footing?
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We've had 3 clean sheets this Callander year and already you're happy to let our top centre half go?

We need to do everything in our power to hang onto him and Kamara, getting them on longer deals if at all possible.

Surely releasing some of our dead weight will get us back to a sound financial footing?

I don't think we are terribly off financially and I think Bain has had a major role in our lack of clean sheets.

There's also a difference between 'happy to let go' and 'not bothered as long as we get a tidy sum'

We are well covered at CH regardless if Hendry stays or goes. It's pretty much every other position that has a lack of depth/needs improved in comparison.
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1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

Going back to our CH's, it's unreal how much quality we have in that position considering it's traditionally our weakest spot.

We have:

Jack Hendry - Potential to be the best CH in the league, like a Scottish John Stones, not the finished article due to lack of game time down South but coming on leaps and bounds on a weekly basis.

Darren O'Dea - Piss poor this season, but form is temporary. It shows a lot that our best (Or 2nd best - I do have a lot of love for McPake) CH since we came up is now regarded as one of our weakest players. Admittedly, he's been a bit of a liability this season, but he's still a competent CH in the top flight.

Kerr Waddell - Came out of nowhere, not as good a player as Hendry but not many will bully him. A good old style CH that is ready for a fight. Lots to learn, but again one with a big future.

Josh Meekings - Before he got injured with Caley, he was considered as one of, if not the best CH in the league outwith Celtic. Slow start with us, but if he's even half the player he was then he's good enough for the top flight.

Kostadin Gadzhalov - Derry'd Oot His Nut. Mr Relegator is more than able top flight back-up. Considering the money he's apparently been on for the past 3 seasons, it'd be hard to find a better back-up CH!

Julen - Bombscare at time, not really cut out for top flight football, but classy on the ball. Probably a top level Championship CH.

James McPake - Whether or not he makes a full recovery, he will be back fit at one point. Whether he's the same player is perhaps the bigger question. Can easily begin to force himself into McCann's thoughts if he is, but major doubts understandably around him.

Therefore, if Hendry was to go, I don't think it'd be the absolute end of the world. A sore one, no doubt, but we've some good options at CH!

Sorry Ludo.  I think your being a bit over optimistic.

O’Dea:  Has lost what little pace he had.  That will not come back and his reading of the game and decision making  is not good enough to compensate for that.  

McPake:  I just can’t see him coming back at anything like the level needed.  That doesn't even take into account his confidence in making tackles.  The extension to his contract when he was injured made no financial sense on a fotballing level.  

Julen:  No point in messing about.  He has never been good enough.

Kosta:  He loves the Dees and is a solid player.  Needs quality alongside him though.

Waddell:  Still very much learning his trade.  Not sure he is ready for a game every week.

Meekings:  Very intelligent player.  Exactly the type that Kosta and Waddell in particular will benefit from.

If Hendry is sold do we really have sufficient cover of sufficient quality?

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1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

Going back to our CH's, it's unreal how much quality we have in that position considering it's traditionally our weakest spot.

We have:

Jack Hendry - Potential to be the best CH in the league, like a Scottish John Stones, not the finished article due to lack of game time down South but coming on leaps and bounds on a weekly basis.

Darren O'Dea - Piss poor this season, but form is temporary. It shows a lot that our best (Or 2nd best - I do have a lot of love for McPake) CH since we came up is now regarded as one of our weakest players. Admittedly, he's been a bit of a liability this season, but he's still a competent CH in the top flight.

Kerr Waddell - Came out of nowhere, not as good a player as Hendry but not many will bully him. A good old style CH that is ready for a fight. Lots to learn, but again one with a big future.

Josh Meekings - Before he got injured with Caley, he was considered as one of, if not the best CH in the league outwith Celtic. Slow start with us, but if he's even half the player he was then he's good enough for the top flight.

Kostadin Gadzhalov - Derry'd Oot His Nut. Mr Relegator is more than able top flight back-up. Considering the money he's apparently been on for the past 3 seasons, it'd be hard to find a better back-up CH!

Julen - Bombscare at time, not really cut out for top flight football, but classy on the ball. Probably a top level Championship CH.

James McPake - Whether or not he makes a full recovery, he will be back fit at one point. Whether he's the same player is perhaps the bigger question. Can easily begin to force himself into McCann's thoughts if he is, but major doubts understandably around him.

Therefore, if Hendry was to go, I don't think it'd be the absolute end of the world. A sore one, no doubt, but we've some good options at CH!

think the individual names on paper look decent enough but you've still conceded the most goals in the league. Finding a consistent partnership will (or maybe has - I'm not sure) help I'd have thought. Wouldn't mind one of your better players as another option as we've only got 2 centre backs with decent levels of experience.

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1 hour ago, capt_oats said:

Dunno if I'm being whooshed here but Robinson was appointed Motherwell manager before McCann took the Dundee job. Caretaker as of 28th Feb and made permanent on 15th March. McCann took over 18th April.

Capt you should know by now that scumdee don't deal with facts, only what occupies the vacuum that others call the brain.

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Moussa is starting to win me over. In as much as I don’t feel like killing myself after watching him play every time now. He certainly brings something and has obviously worked on the offside thing. Beginning to wonder if the right player beside him could develop into something. He at least seems aware that there are teammates on the pitch, which I’m afraid El Bahk doesn’t most of the time.

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1 hour ago, dd23 said:

Moussa is starting to win me over. In as much as I don’t feel like killing myself after watching him play every time now. He certainly brings something and has obviously worked on the offside thing. Beginning to wonder if the right player beside him could develop into something. He at least seems aware that there are teammates on the pitch, which I’m afraid El Bahk doesn’t most of the time.

What bothers me most about Moussa is that he cant stay on his feet. He is always looking for a foul when he would probably have a more successful outcome trying to play the ball, 9 times out of 10 he never gets the foul.  

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What bothers me most about Moussa is that he cant stay on his feet. He is always looking for a foul when he would probably have a more successful outcome trying to play the ball, 9 times out of 10 he never gets the foul.  

Absolutely, this was in evidence for Rangers’
goal and also his desperation to go down when he’d got it past the keeper and just looked stupid.
I would say though it didn’t strike me as so bad last night and he’s certainly not getting caught offside as much so the things that piss folk off seem to be being worked on and are improving.
With El Bak as someone else pointed out he just seems unaware of those around him and has an overwhelming urge to overplay or shoot when better things are on. Can that be coached out of him?
He reminds me of the primary school playground guy who always brings the ball and never ever passes it.
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With El Bak as someone else pointed out he just seems unaware of those around him and has an overwhelming urge tox overplay or shoot when better things are on. Can that be coached out of him?

He reminds me of the primary school playground guy who always brings the ball and never ever passes it.


Not sure how interested you are in it, but The Backpass Rule on Twitter had a shot map for him, which makes interesting reading.




Doesn't include last night


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