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Beware the Trojan Horse...


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It's becoming increasingly apparent that Westminster are now in full scale panic mode and are offering more powers in a last ditch attempt to thwart the momentum for Yes.

The scare stories haven't worked so now this is their last ditch attempt.

We need to put the heid doon and work harder than ever to get involved, to sway DK's and soft No's and ensure we get over the finish line.

The end is in sight. Eyes on the prize lads!

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Westminster is the master at political bribes and brainwashing. The bribes will turn it into a NO vote. Hallelujah!

Could you sound any less convincing?

So, let's just confirm, the No camp will be relying not just on the support of terrorist sympathisers, racists, homophobes and xenophobes but also from political bribes. This when just a month ago there was a reported 13% gap in the polls?

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As our confidence increases, it’s manifestly obvious that the nationalists are running out of arguments and running out of time, which is why I suspect that after the Commonwealth Games you will see them become increasingly desperate in the things that they say.

Alistair Darling - 25th July 2014

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It's like when you spend months hunting for a new job, loads of interviews etc and you finally negotiate a new contract that's good for you and yours. And you hand in your notice and the boss comes back with "I'll match what you are being offered."

And I would say, "If I'm worth that this week why wasn't I worth it last week. See ya."

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Don't see how that can possibly be legal given voting has occurred.

Osborne reported as saying "it" will be delivered by the BT campaign, not the government so no breach of protocol. But equally then, the delivery agent has no mandate of authority to deliver "it".

Desperate. Absolutely desperate. Cannae wait :)

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David Cameron - January 2012.

If Scots desire greater control over their own affairs, they will have no option but to choose independence. The UK government believes that a single UK tax and benefits system is the "heart" of the UK, and will not countenance devolving any of these powers to Holyrood.

David Cameron - September 2014.


Nae luck Dave, nae luck.

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