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SNP/Future of the Union


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Any other Yes voters just gonna blindly vote for the SNP every single time now? I personally will NEVER give Labour my vote whilst in this Union.

The SNP have came a long long long way in a short short time.

Will independence come onto the agenda again in our ( I'm 22 ) lifetimes?

What is the future of the Union now? Do you think things will change??

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I'll be voting for the SNP from now until we gain independence. I would be extremely gutted to be old and have never lived in an independent Scotland.

Everything will depend on what comes of the further scraps that might be devolved soon. If as I suspect they turn out to be air, I think we could be back here sooner than you'd think

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I've voted SNP for many years now after a period of two decades as a Labour activist. I will continue to vote SNP despite not agreeing with all their policies. Many who have become politically active during this may feel disillusioned thinking nothing can be changed, I hope this does not happen.

If, however, the SNP can capitalise on what has happened during this campaign then, given the Westminster FPTP system, at a General Election we could see a very substantial number of SNP MPs elected.

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As long as Charles Kennedy stands in my constituency I will always vote for him. His public profile makes him the best candidate for my area irrespective of his party.

At Holyrood I think I will change allegiance to Green.

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Felt the yes campaign was a great campaign they run but sadly not enough. At the moment I feel like i don't really want to vote again but I no doubt raw with the result so best to give it a few days to calm down. Always said if the Polls was right at 48-52 then expect the No's to pick up on the day so looking at 45-55 had it right but still that is a lot wanting Independence change. I hope the parties now work together to get the Devo Max that the 3 London leaders promised. If this doesn't get through then I expect to be another referendum very soon although I do think this vote was a once in a generation question that the people of Scotland have now had their voice.

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