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General Election 2015


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Where does the £7.6 billion figure come from?

The GERS info shows it greater than that.


Either way, we'll have to borrow you say? Until we get back on track. Where have I heard that before? Isn't that what the UK government are currently doing?

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It's all rather quiet from Scottish Labour on Twitter this morning. 8 15 and not a peep from Duncan Hothersall, Blair McDougall or Scottish Labour's Twitter feed. Most unusual and most unlike them. I do hope they're all ok.

Preparing for the visit of the boss man IMO. Super Ed blowing into town to sort things out.

Or something.

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Just thought I would post this as a little pick me up for all the Non-SNP voters.


Is HB dead? He was usually all over these threads. Has he just given up, or have we caused him to leave P&B and start actively campaigning.

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That could be a massive cost too.

We're being given full controls over raising and spending money but at the same time being told we have to pay big for stuff a lot of us would want to change.

The Foreign Office UK budget is only £1.2 billion. Quite surprised at that.

Where does the £7.6 billion figure come from?


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I'd quite like two jags and the beast of Bolsover to get involved. Two northern powerhouses who command respect from the moderate and leftist wings of the party. Think they are a good duo for former labour voters.

I remember the anger in which my Tory voting family recounted the time that Prezza popped into town and fancied a curry, he couldn't find anywhere to park so he drove into the conservative club across the road, parked his Jag, and apparently told the attendant 'good luck getting me to pay your fine'. They told me this as if it were a shocking act from an MP, meanwhile unbeknownst to them at the time I had moved (I say moved, I was 14 and just becoming politically aware but realised I wasn't a Tory as I think I had assumed I would have been when you are surrounded by people who are growing up) towards Labour and found the story relatively amusing.

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Where does the £7.6 billion figure come from?

The GERS info shows it greater than that.


Either way, we'll have to borrow you say? Until we get back on track. Where have I heard that before? Isn't that what the UK government are currently doing?

Estimated at £75.3bln for 2015-2016. So far the OBR has been worng on every year so far and always in favour of the government.

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I have a bit of time for Ed Milliband; I'd support him way before his Blairite brother. Nonetheless he should recognise that he's not personally popular and Labour is not popular in Scotland at present.

SLab activists must think things can't get any worse; then Ed comes calling. :thumsup2

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So with ffa how is it worked our what we pay for 'defence' and 'whatever else is left controlled by wm'?

I genuinely don't know the intricacies and could do with a quick answer rather than trying to research it.

I'm worried that because we don't control the expensive stuff that's still controlled down south does that mean what ed's coming to warn us about is actually true?

It's a joy to think about the Labour spin team scratching their heads. What do we do about the snp? Every time we attack them they get even bigger.

I can imagine some kind of "reverse Barnett formula" being worked out

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Another poll points to a Labour meltdown. 4 seats left... optimistic but we can but hope.


Scottish Labour set for near wipeout as new poll suggests half of voters will back the SNP

If replicated on 7 May, SNP would have 53 seats compared to just four for Labour

THE SNP is continuing to increase its electoral lead over Labour with a staggering 49 per cent of voters set to back them, a new poll has found.

The YouGov/Times survey is the first since Tuesday night’s STV leaders debate and puts the SNP at their highest ever level of support with the pollster.

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Why on earth did you vote yes for independence if you don't want us to have full fiscal autonomy?

So, Ed's Scotland plan today;

Rubbish FFA

Rule out another referendum

Ed's on the ball - that'll definitely woo both the people who want devo max, and those who voted yes last September. :1eye

Until we get independence then I think we should maintain the Barnett formula. It's a better deal for us than it is for them

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That's my recollection too, so of course the politicians didn't give us that option to vote on.

I wonder what the polls would show on that now? I suspect they would still be in favour.

At that point the No vote was something daft like 70%, hence they didn't put it on the table as they thought they'd walk the referendum

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I see Charles Kennedy is set to lose his pew after 32 years. He was elected MP at 23 years old and is 55 now.

I just hope he doesn't hit the bottle again. I could see him being fast tracked to the House of Lords or maybe trying to get into Holyrood on the list next year

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I see Charles Kennedy is set to lose his pew after 32 years. He was elected MP at 23 years old and is 55 now.

I just hope he doesn't hit the bottle again. I could see him being fast tracked to the House of Lords or maybe trying to get into Holyrood on the list next year

He is not the worst tbf.

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