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General Election 2015


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Jim Murphy rumoured to have changed his mind re: staying on as ScotLab leader. Press conference called for tomorrow A.M.


Probably had a few phone calls today. Personal reasons?

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Would like to thank you all for an entertaining night last night. Was tedious until the SNP tsunami swept away all opposition (well... a few still clung to their seats whilst the others were washed away). The jokes, puns and gifs were phenomenal, the Alex "Vince McMahon" Salmond strut being a particular highlight

However, highlight of the night goes to:


Ad Lib giving Jim Murphy the Dale Carrick :lol:

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Just picture the scene. PMQ's

John Bercow in that horrible voice of his rising from the Chair and shouting


and then King Eck rising and discharging both barrels to fearty Cameron. It will be glorious.

Not just PMQ's, but real meaningful representation on all of the committees.

The Scottish people finally have a voice in Westminster. It's going to be glorious.

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Rumour going about that George Osbourne is going to be the new foreign secretary? :huh:

Columbia, Bolivia and Peru will be his first ports of call.
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Rumour going about that George Osbourne is going to be the new foreign secretary? :huh:

Christ the c**t will be on a permanent mission to Colombia in that role

Edit beaten to it.

Damn you mjw

*shakes fist angrily*

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Rumour going about that George Osbourne is going to be the new foreign secretary? :huh:

If he wanted to move up in the world, that's they way to do it, of all the 'great offices' of state, it's the lowest risk one, in that we really don't have a foreign policy anyway but you get to hob nob with world leaders and look dignified. Fast forward 5 years and no one remmebers that you tried to tax pasties.

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Tebbit on TV there saying Scotland is on its way to becoming one of the "little boys club like Latvia or Estonia" who "nobody pays much attention too".

Two minutes later he says Danny Alexander will be a loss to the treasury and it's a great shame that a 20 year old could replace him.

:lol: Think that just about sums it up.

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I hope everyone's prepared for the next five years. It's really going to hurt.

The Conservatives are going to take this result as a mandate to go ahead with their swingeing cuts on the poorest and most vulnerable in society. The disabled who're unable to work can expect to see a substantial reduction in their subsistence payments, and a gradually phasing out of payments to carers - after all, it's their choice to stay at home and not contribute to the exchequer. The much-hated Tax Credit system will come under attack, as "money for nothing" is an utter abhorrence to the party ethos - it'll be your fault for not getting a batter paid job. There'll also be a gradually chipping away at the Minimum Wage in order to help poor beleaguered businesses that can't survive when paying a living wage to employees.

No work in your area? That's much more likely to be true, as more businesses sign up to the government's slave labour scheme, where you can claim not to need workers but be more than happy to take free bodies from the unemployment queues. Give them long enough and this will be how most of the poor will be 'employed', receiving money for food in exchange for a full working week.

Privatization will continue, with the little we have left being lined up for sale to friends of the government. Don't be surprised to see some kind of small payment scheme being lined up for NHS treatment in England, in order to get the public further used to the idea that medical treatment can't be 'free'.

You can guarantee that there's going to be a lot of discussion about a reduction in the number of seats allocated to Scotland in Westminster too. For once, Farage is right, even if only because it suits him to be - it's ridiculous that a party with 12.6% of the popular vote ends up with one seat. However, we've already had a referendum on proportional representation, which both Labour and the Tories will be quite happy to use as reason not to pursue that line, which would be potentially devastating to both. Reducing the total MPs in Scotland will play as fairer to the rest of the UK, will go down well with those seething at Scotland wanting its own voice, and will mean hee-haw to the two parties whose presence is now virtually non-existent.

However, all this pain will be worthwhile if independence finally comes as a result. We can begin trying to rebuild what has been taken away, however long it takes, and can concentrate on protecting the people, instead of persecuting the weak just in case somebody, somewhere is getting away with something they shouldn't. Just be prepared, as some of us are going to be begging in the streets before this is over.

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Tebbit on TV there saying Scotland is on its way to becoming one of the "little boys club like Latvia or Estonia" who "nobody pays much attention too".

Two minutes later he says Danny Alexander will be a loss to the treasury and it's a great shame that a 20 year old could replace him.

:lol: Think that just about sums it up.

Saw that, the dribbling old goat.

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Just woke up after going to bed after Ed Balls lost his seat.

What an amazing night for the SNP but disappointed to see Conservative get back in with a Majority. Scottish Labour talk that you vote SNP you get Tories is just rubbish, the result wouldn't have matter even if Labour got every seat. I thought Jim Murphy would do a decent job but he has been terrible and results have shown this but it isn't just down to him.

I do think the result may mean that more people will want to get Independence now with election result. Scottish election is going to be interesting to see if SNP put a referendum into their manifesto but obviously it will depend on polls nearer the election as the next referendum they will have to be in the lead.

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Just picture the scene. PMQ's

John Bercow in that horrible voice of his rising from the Chair and shouting


and then King Eck rising and discharging both barrels to fearty Cameron. It will be glorious.

Not just PMQ's, but real meaningful representation on all of the committees.

The Scottish people finally have a voice in Westminster. It's going to be glorious.

I for one am glad the snp will have "meaningful representation"in Westminster because along with that comes accountable for their actions,something the snp have difficulty with.

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