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Stupid Names For Kids


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Way back in my primary school days there was a head case called Pete Peters and an Alexander Alexander aka Sandy. There were also twins Henrietta and Wilhelmina. Also went out with a girl called Doris whose middle name was Enid.

Doris was the name of Herod's wife. Last time I looked, Enid Williams of Girlschool was a bit milftastic.

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My favourite urban legend is that there's at least one Geronimo living in Ayrshire. No surprise perhaps. What does make me wonder, though, is the lack of Elvises/Elvii on the landscape. You'da thunk, wouldn't you?

Yeah you would and come to think of it I've never heard of an Elvis either. Strange.

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Yeah you would and come to think of it I've never heard of an Elvis either. Strange.

An ex of mine taught a boy whose Middle initials were K.E.

When she asked what it stood for, he sheepishly replied "King Elvis".

A twist on the names thing - there was a couple who met with a priest to arrange their boy's christening.

When asked the name she said "Gooey". The priest said that it wasn't a real name, but the girl insisted she had seen it in a book.

On their next meeting she produced the book - the character's name was "Guy".

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True story. In my last job, call centre work, I had calls from a lady called Mrs Crapper and a guy called Wei Phatt Kok. Honestly thought, with the latter, when his name popped up that someone had tampered with the system but no, went through security with the guy and that was his name.

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When I worked in a call centre years ago a customer was called Gay Niger. I honestly couldn't keep the laughter at bay when it came up on screen and I just hung up on her.

Edtit - It was Gaynor but on the account it only had Gaynor in brackets.

Edited by TheScarf
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I don't think I've laughed so hard and for so long as the time one of my pals told me he had a uni lecturer called Wenky Pan. The further detail that he had a bucket for grogging in beside his lectern did not help matters.

I've found that the green side of Belfast is good for names. I had never met a real, live Barry until a few months ago; then another one moved into the same hostel a wee while later. Incredible scenes. Aohdon, Aoife, Eamonn, Nuala and Aine are also some good/ perplexing ones.

My kids are Ruairidh, Niamh and Nuala. Cards at Christmas are usually signed 'and kids'!

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