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P&B General Election - Game

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The general format for the deputy debate will be 'hot topics' focusing on early concerns for each party that have been brought up do far:

- Opening Statements from each deputy on what their party stands for

- Dece. Inclusive or not? A hot early topic that has already brought alot of discussion

- Boring Old Klopp? Too beige? Uninspiring? Are they exciting enough to get the votes?

- Spanish Invasion. Are the FUN party being ruled by their deputy? Are they one hit wonders with their anti dece stance

- Are the juniors being treated fairly? With YSU suggesting radical removal of the juniors a chance to discuss the pros and cons.

- Audience Q&A

For this debate to work will require discipline from the on looking parties and audience. For the duration of the debate, only the 4 deputies as well as myself may ask or answer questions on thread. Parties may help their deputies on PM threads if wish to do so.

Until the audience Q&A section I would ask ALL onlookers not to post. If anyone not in the debate posts I ask deputies to please ignore them until the designated Q&A section.

For the audience Q&A anyone NOT on the cabinet of a party may ask questions. This is a good chance for party supporters or undecideds to get involved.

Provided the deputies are happy the debate will commence at 9pm and I anticipate it will finish at 11pm.

Hot topics changing just a bit for tonight?

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For the record our cabinet departures were not matters of trust: two were matters of commitment and one was a poor soul nursing his ego.

The personnel might be changing but the party hasn't- the manifesto is still the same, our principles are still the same and those who share those principles can still get what they want by voting Klopp.

Yes, but these people were hand-chosen by you. There has to be questions raised over your leadership during this period, as the Klopp Party implodes.

Now I feel disenfranchised.

The FUN Party - Dear, oh dear. Shit name. Sounds like something Timmy Mallet would dream up. Allowed Barra Jag to hold a cabinet position. That rules them out.

You Seem Upset Party - becoming quieter and quieter.

That only leaves the Dece Party - they are the new clique round these parts. Daft text speak that I can't really get into as an older gentlemen with a family.

I really needed a party started by some older person on P&B. Sadly, DavidMcG didn't have the foresight to see the need for an OAP Party. For shame. Has he revealed which party broke the rules yet? No, you say! Must be a state secret. It's like living in Russia.

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Some absolutely sensaysh news to bring Dece fans everywhere.

Lexi Collector has just sent the Dece Convenor, depute Convenor and cabinet members a text inviting us as well as all Dece supporters to watch Cal. Harris smash it at Hakkasan in Las Vegas on 22nd Nov to celebrate if when we win.

For those not ITK, Hakassan is a v.v.v.v Dece and v.v.v.v exclusive nightclub in Las Veags. I couldn't think of a more fitting location to celebrate.


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Yes, but these people were hand-chosen by you. There has to be questions raised over your leadership during this period, as the Klopp Party implodes.

Now I feel disenfranchised.

Sadly I was unable to foresee said unexpected issues, like I imagine Derek and Ham were regarding the issues in their cabinets. All three parties are moving on for the better and I'm sure we'll all be stronger having dealt with our respective issues.

SSI of course played it safe and appointed all his internet friends.

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Guest honestrae95

Oh dear, could last night turn out to be a significant tidal change within P&B politics? Three parties in total disarray with members resigning from Klopp due to poor leadership; FUN still struggling to be seen as 'relevant' and who can forget the homophobic and bigoted DECE party that are becoming increasingly inclusive by the second.

The only party with a clear and exciting vision is the YSU party. We do not exclude, the YSU is for all- even junior fans (we have some wonderful ideas for the Juniors that will be outlined fully in our White Paper. This will revolutionise Scottish football.)

We also have some ground-breaking ideas that will refresh a stagnant P&B- most notably a total overhaul of the disciplinary system. Again, more in the White Paper.

Finally, we won't stand for DECE and thier 'clique'. We will fight them, perhaps even literally. P&B should be for everyone (even Dryhorce, however this will be dealt with in the White Paper). P&B should embrace every background, every orientation- even homosexuals, much to DECEs dismay. DECEs exclusively will not be tolerated and to make sure that their right wind ideologies do not make it to P&B Government, you should do one thing:

VOTE YSU.post-34041-14140541866315_thumb.jpg

VOTE YSU- a party for everyone.

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The way I'm reading the Political landscape at the moment is:

  • Klopp & You Seem Upset Parties are an irrelevance.
  • FUN Party making some strong running thanks by and large to the appointment of seasoned P&B'er Addie.
  • DECE still the front runners despite the strong gainz by FUN.
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I walked past a bakery yesterday and sighed. 'Perhaps,' I thought to myself 'this will be the last time I will see the humble Scotch pie, sitting in the display counter, at my local bakers.' Afterall, who is to say Dece will stop at the football? It is a slippery slope. First chicken is the only option at the football, then they pretend it has been a success and roll it out to bakers. Who knows, one day it may be the case that Dece use their influence over football matters and extend it across the country. No longer will we be able to choose food. Supermarkets, bakers, butchers, corner shops and grocers will offer the options of chicken or more chicken. The only real choice consumers will have is to go to Waitrose, where they can pick up an organic corn-fed chicken.

It's a worrying future.

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Guest honestrae95

The way I'm reading the Political landscape at the moment is:

  • Klopp & You Seem Upset Parties are an irrelevance.
  • FUN Party making some strong running thanks by and large to the appointment of seasoned P&B'er Addie.
  • DECE still the front runners despite the strong gainz by FUN.

^^^ YOU SEEM UPSET that we've annexed your boat.

Don't be, vote YSU.

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Posting for the sake of posting isn't "momentum"

There is a debate tonight and there is no need to go mental in the run up to it , we will do out talking there

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Posting for the sake of posting isn't "momentum"

There is a debate tonight and there is no need to go mental in the run up to it , we will do out talking there

You seem upset Derek. Don't be. Join the FUN.

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I know the whole shtick is that we're acting like its an an actual election and therefore trying to discredit each other but I don't actually think constantly calling people homophobic when they're quite blatantly not, is particularly funny tbh.

Sadly I was unable to foresee said unexpected issues, like I imagine Derek and Ham were regarding the issues in their cabinets. All three parties are moving on for the better and I'm sure we'll all be stronger having dealt with our respective issues.

SSI of course played it safe and appointed all his internet friends.

Rofl. Don't think I've ever had an exchange with Adam in my entire time here but he put forward a good case for himself on the thread (i.e. the place we were supposed to recruit from according to the rules) and now he's number two in the party. Some neck on you my man, brassy as f**k.

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