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What's the biggest lie you have told to work colleagues?


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The night in which Kilmarnock took on Ayr in the League Cup, this season, my boss told me that I had to work a nighttime shift. I told him I couldn't due to my girlfriend somehow breaking her arm and how I had to pick her up at the hospital and look after her. That night I sat down on my seat with my girlfriend only to find out my boss was sitting a row behind me. Sadly, he noticed my lie and I had to work nightshifts for the next week.

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Worked in a job I absolutely despised going into after uni. Had all kinds of meetings and final warnings about my attendance but really, really couldn't be arsed one day so phoned in and said I'd done my leg. The manager called my bluff and offered to pay for taxis for the week.

Had to borrow a pair of crutches and limp about with them. Everyone knew it was a pile of pish, embarrassing scenes.

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When I was in high school I told my work that I needed a Sunday off to finish a bunch of art projects I had to have done for the end of the school year so needed Sundays off to do it. I didnt ask for a Saturday as there was no chance it was going to happen plus a Sunday was better for lying rough as shit.

I was furious that they put me back onto Sunday shifts as soon as the school year ended but still it was nice while it lasted.

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I once told a boss on a job that I was on that during my time as a sniper in the Falklands, I had 5 confirmed kills. He kept away from me after that.

Just as well I never told him that it was actually 9. ;)

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When living in London, I once pulled a sicky to go for a job interview at SAGA, who ran (run?) holidays for auld yins. Their hq was in Folkestone and the interview was at 9, so I had to get an early train down. At 8.30 i found a phone box to call in sick from. The problem was that there was a flock of noisy seagulls who just wouldn't stop squawking. I waited 15 minutes and then had to call anyway.

"Ah, hi there Jessica, I am feeling really (SQUAWK! SQUAWK!!)..."

"What's that, Duszek?"

"Yes, sorry, it's just that i'm (SQUAWK!! SQUAWK!!!)"

"I couldn't hear you there over the seagulls"

"f**k it... I'll be in tomorrow"

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"No, I don't mind working to midnight while you all f**k off at 5pm, despite my extra hours being down to your incompetence and/or utter disregard for me as a human being"

Apparently any other answer leads to the reply, "pick up your stuff and we'll send on your wages". Who knew? :rolleyes:

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I lie all the time at work. Usually just to get certain days off but sometimes I find myself telling a story and realise it's a lot of rubbish half way through and keep going. I'm not sure why.

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