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Jim Murphy


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Prizes are dished out just after the exam but before the final results are in. So she must've beat you in the Prelims or whatever equivalent the dept used to determine the prize winner. It happens quite regularly that the prize-winner doesn't end up with the best mark.

Fuzzy do you ever wonder why pretty much every poster on here has a go at you at some point (even the ones that agree more or less with your politics)? Do you think everyone else is just weird? Or dick-ish? Or wrong?

Learn from this - and dial it down a bit.

Ours were awarded post exam period I went back to the school in August alongside a few others.

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I know her, her family are complete and utter scumbags. Absolute vermin, no principles, careerist twats who give the SNP and independence a very bad name. Not overstating the mark to describe them as scum. They really would suit Labour much better.

Her Mum had some strings pulled to have an award at school given to her daughter, an award which by rights should have gone to me. No shit, not a word of a lie. I got much better marks than her daughter, best in the year, but she got the prize for that subject because her Mum intervened.

And she has been abusing her current position for years, no principles at all, totally self-interested disgrace of a careerist and no doubt expense fiddler. Talks down to people she considers beneath her and generally just swans around like we are all her subjects. The SNP should be getting people like that chased big time.

These are the sort of people who probably have only attached themselves to the SNP out of self-interest and advancement, they have no principles. Notice Kirsten only joined the SNP last year, and now is going to be an SNP MP, outrageous but very typical of them.

Are you her husband? :lol: I know him and he's a Labour voter.

From the hustings Kirsten seemed nice enough as did David Montgomery the Tory. He kept agreeing with me until I spoke out on Trident. It was like "I agree with Nick" all over again.

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That does remind me though - the history prize in our A level history class went to a girl who got fewer overall marks on the exam than another lassie in our class, although they both got A grades. The department took the decision because, while the lassie denied the award clearly worked very, very hard at all of her subjects and got a very good grade, she never once turned up to any history lessons for about 8 or so weeks prior to the exams starting, stopped doing practice questions she was asked to do etc. etc.

There may well be more to consider that fuzzy either lacked the self awareness at the time to realise, or isn't telling us - a student could well get great grades but be permanently late handing in homework/turning up to class, rude/condescending to other classmates or staff, constantly talking in class etc. that the faculty will take into consideration.

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Are you her husband? :lol: I know him and he's a Labour voter.

From the hustings Kirsten seemed nice enough as did David Montgomery the Tory. He kept agreeing with me until I spoke out on Trident. It was like "I agree with Nick" all over again.

I notice this post doesn't mention whether you thought Jim was a nice chap or not?

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Some vetting process the SNP would have to identify corrupt activity in their candidates' pointless school awards history.



Its not her really more her Mum and sister. Her I only know through them, and assume she is the same as they are. And I have never lied, you should really be able to back up stuff like that.

I saw her fucking marks, I got a band one A, only one in the year, she got band three. She showed me her exam results. The award was for the outstanding pupil in that subject that year. She wasn't even second.

Did you know her or not then?

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There's no forgiving stuff like that. Its not even the award its the injustice of it.

I learned more than that cow anyway.

Cheers for making me laugh tonight.

I will forever think of you as a wee cartoon black bird with an eggshell on your head and read your posts in a very strange accent.

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Prizes are dished out just after the exam but before the final results are in. So she must've beat you in the Prelims or whatever equivalent the dept used to determine the prize winner. It happens quite regularly that the prize-winner doesn't end up with the best mark.

Fuzzy do you ever wonder why pretty much every poster on here has a go at you at some point (even the ones that agree more or less with your politics)? Do you think everyone else is just weird? Or dick-ish? Or wrong?

Learn from this - and dial it down a bit.

Alright fair enough. I've obviously gone a bit over the top with this and am a bit highly strung in general. I'm actually giving up smoking just over two weeks in. I suppose maybe it was all very innocent and I imagined it all. It was just when I saw the name today it made me think of it.

Are you her husband? :lol: I know him and he's a Labour voter.

From the hustings Kirsten seemed nice enough as did David Montgomery the Tory. He kept agreeing with me until I spoke out on Trident. It was like "I agree with Nick" all over again.

God no, poor guy.

Some vetting process the SNP would have to identify corrupt activity in their candidates' pointless school awards history.



Did you know her or not then?

I know her through her sister, its her sister that got the award not her. Know of her like, we're not buddies or anything.

Cheers for making me laugh tonight.

I will forever think of you as a wee cartoon black bird with an eggshell on your head and read your posts in a very strange accent.

My pleasure

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Fwiw I can corroborate your tale that Helen and Ed Oswald are a pair of "characters".

They totally are eh. A friend of mine lived in the same street as them, one half of it got resurfaced a few years ago and the other didn't. Guess which half. She regularly turns up at my work too with her chauffeur in tow acting all high and mighty, total cow.

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Aw FFS it was History. That was totally my subject at school, not a history buff or anything just a case of remembering stuff in a class like that its not a PhD, a Masters in International Relations or a Degree in Politics at Dundee University or anything..

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