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Jim Murphy


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There was no violence. Just people talking loudly. Izzard's a performer. He'd have been paid for today and expected everyone to listen just as they do at his shows. Telt!

Not true. It was mob violence of a sickening scale. There's still broken teeth and pools of blood on the ground. Things have only got worse under Nicola...


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Not true. It was mob violence of a sickening scale. There's still broken teeth and pools of blood on the ground. Things have only got worse under Nicola...


Not surprised to see Groundskeeper Willie at the head of the mob. Well known cybernat, SNP member, terrorist and all round bad egg.

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Rally cancelled due to violent protestors. This behaviour is unacceptable and makes us out to be a bunch of savages


alex thomson @alextomo · 3 hrs 3 hours ago

I saw no violence - aggressive, anti-democratic, intimidating to some - but not violent

I saw a vid. There were hardly any 'nats' there and some said Thomson of Ch4 that they were Socialists. Saw one old lady holding up two SNP posters with a smile on her face.

I can mind political demos in the 80s and 90s - Miners' Strike, Poll Tax and anti-racist marches and demos. They made Jim Murphy's wee staged-stunts seem like tea-parties. Funnily enough, the Tories used to get much worse than this from Labour supporters and trade unionists. Even though I disagree with Labour big-wig Ian Smart's "all Nats are Nazis and fascists", it's the kind of language we on the left used to use about lots of folk - Thatcher, Reagan, Bush etc. Doesn't phase me either way.

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Just shows how much power the media have over the way people think. They openly state that the trouble was not caused by SNP supporters.

In total around 20 pro-independence activists from groups such as Scottish Resistance and the 'anti-British imperialism' WISE (Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England) Alliance were present, some wearing Guy Fawkes 'Anonymous' masks.

A small group of protesters were present with official Scottish National Party (SNP) placards, although they were not involved in any of the ugly scenes.

These newspapers rely on the simple minded.

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How about words then ??

Jim Murphy's dad was a guard at Nelson Mandela's prison. Used to beat the shit out of him every day.

^^No substance in the above statement either. But I can make it as long as I put this disclaimer on it. Taking twitter posts as proof of anything would be silly.

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How about words then ??

Is that the account that's now been blocked by party bigwigs?

Kev must be happy that Jim and Johann Lamont are best of friends again:


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I'm beginning to think kevthedee is a troll. No one could possibly be that much of a simpleton.

Nope not a troll,just sharing my views like the others on here do,think this picture says it all.


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