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Jim Murphy


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You must have a few MPs that lost their job better than Jim Murphy as i thought he would be a good but imho he has been terrible. How about Douglas Alexander which I thought he spoke very well at after his defeat.

Party rules.

Only a MP or MSP are can be leader

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You must have a few MPs that lost their job better than Jim Murphy as i thought he would be a good but imho he has been terrible. How about Douglas Alexander which I thought he spoke very well at after his defeat.

I've heard good things about Tom Greatrex. As regards Enrico's comment above, neither is Murphy.

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Jim Murphy knows full well the level of dross within the party means they'd be hard pressed to find anyone even remotely capable of leading them. He'll ride it out for as long as possible. His ego is far too large to do anything else.

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Jim Murphy knows full well the level of dross within the party means they'd be hard pressed to find anyone even remotely capable of leading them. He'll ride it out for as long as possible. His ego is far too large to do anything else.

He could do a TV advert for Irn Bru.

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I've heard good things about Tom Greatrex. As regards Enrico's comment above, neither is Murphy.

Murphy may survive on a technicality. AFAIK the rules state you must be an MP or MSP to run for leader but doesn't state that you need to be an MSP or MP to be leader

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Jim Murphy knows full well the level of dross within the party means they'd be hard pressed to find anyone even remotely capable of leading them. He'll ride it out for as long as possible. His ego is far too large to do anything else.

That was until he lost all the big Westminster boys their jobs. At least a few of them will realise that to save their careerist souls they might have to dislodge some of the Hollyrood deadbeats and squeeze in to the "pretendy parliament".

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How in God's name does this man think he doesn't have to go? He just oversaw the most humiliating wipeout of any party in British political history.

And before any Labour revisionists get in. The threads on this board show that absolutely nobody foresaw the extent of this defeat for Labour when Murphy became leader. He thought he wouldn't lose any seats. This happened on his watch. His leadership has been one colossal clusterfuck. Of course, it'll need more than a change of leadership to salvage the wreck that is SLAB but it does need a change in leadership. Murphy is utterly despised by his own party, never mind the electorate at large and is the most damaged of goods in Scottish political history.

To conclude - Jim must stay.

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What do you think Scottish Labour should do?

Disband and merge with the Lib Dems and try and form a coherent alternative party. And maybe have some actual policies rather than just bad mouthing everyone else.

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When he does eventually resign it'll be interesting to see where he goes next. He doesn't really seem to have any transferable skills at all.

I suppose he could always go back to Uni and finish his degree.

Maybe Phoenix Honda need a new car salesman. That's what he basically came across as to most of the electorate, which is why he made things worse not better for his patter.

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