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Neil Findlay has came out and said Scottish Labour should be independent of the branch office

He also said an independent Scottish Labour Party would be anti-Trident. I'd be very wary of a group of people who could do a 180 degree turn on an issue of this importance.

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He also said an independent Scottish Labour Party would be anti-Trident. I'd be very wary of a group of people who could do a 180 degree turn on an issue of this importance.

Aye, it's amazing how they've never brought up this anti trident view before

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He also said an independent Scottish Labour Party would be anti-Trident. I'd be very wary of a group of people who could do a 180 degree turn on an issue of this importance.

Well where are their principles now then, and what about Murphy telling us repeatedly that SLAB already are independent of the UK party? The lies Labour folk tell are amazing.

All you have to do is listen then pick them up when they lie and they have nothing. I think it is that they feel so entitled, they are the good guys, so anything they have to say is fine as it is a just cause in their minds.

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"The impact of majority government in a system where the electoral arrangements were designed to avoid majority government has thrown the issue of checks and balances in the Parliament into sharp relief."


The Law Society of Scotland are not an authoritative body on electoral systems and in any case are passing off the truism and received wisdom that d'hondt and fptp were "designed" to prevent majorities.

They are "designed" to reflect the popular vote more proportionally than fptp. There are versions of d'hondt specifically designed to prevent majorities by limiting the number of top up seats a party can get but we don't have them.

Now, you are quite right to say the UK establishment thought it would never produce a majority, indeed they may have thought they were designing a system to prevent majorities but they were wrong and demonstrably so.

This is not semantics as your argument lives ane dies on the premise that "clever people" designed a system to prevent majority govt. Well, we have a majority govt.

If the snp vote goes up next year comparitive to 2011 they will win more seats than they currently have. Its simple stuff.

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The Law Society of Scotland are not an authoritative body on electoral systems and in any case are passing off the truism and received wisdom that d'hondt and fptp were "designed" to prevent majorities.

They are "designed" to reflect the popular vote more proportionally than fptp. There are versions of d'hondt specifically designed to prevent majorities by limiting the number of top up seats a party can get but we don't have them.

Now, you are quite right to say the UK establishment thought it would never produce a majority, indeed they may have thought they were designing a system to prevent majorities but they were wrong and demonstrably so.

This is not semantics as your argument lives ane dies on the premise that "clever people" designed a system to prevent majority govt. Well, we have a majority govt.

If the snp vote goes up next year comparitive to 2011 they will win more seats than they currently have. Its simple stuff.

We've had one majority govt so far. The Law Society was the first one I found, its just common knowledge google it yourself.

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And that one caused absolute shockwaves and may be the only one we ever see. Just cause we have had one majority it doesn't mean there will be others.

The reality is that any system where the directly elected outnumber the list can return a majority. To say that it was designed not to do so is wrong. More accurately it was designed to make a majority extremely unlikely.

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Aye, it's amazing how they've never brought up this anti trident view before

Eh? Findlay has long been open about his opposition to Trident.

Findlay is an idiot. Separating from UK Labour and lurching to the far left would be catastrophic for the party. It would alienate a decent chunk of Labour supporters and voters. Findlay is twisting the knife in his attempts to get a leftist party.

From what I can tell the majority of people who want Jim to resign in the Labour Party are the same people who wanted Findlay to win in the first place.

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Eh? Findlay has long been open about his opposition to Trident.

Findlay is an idiot. Separating from UK Labour and lurching to the far left would be catastrophic for the party. It would alienate a decent chunk of Labour supporters and voters. Findlay is twisting the knife in his attempts to get a leftist party.

From what I can tell the majority of people who want Jim to resign in the Labour Party are the same people who wanted Findlay to win in the first place.

A leftist party? Is it not you that claims you are left-wing, calls Blair left-wing and claims Labour are left-wing? I think you just don't realise the problem Labour have is people like you, you're not Labour and you don't know what Labour is or what left-wing politics are. You are a moderate Tory.

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Eh? Findlay has long been open about his opposition to Trident.

Findlay is an idiot. Separating from UK Labour and lurching to the far left would be catastrophic for the party. It would alienate a decent chunk of Labour supporters and voters. Findlay is twisting the knife in his attempts to get a leftist party.

From what I can tell the majority of people who want Jim to resign in the Labour Party are the same people who wanted Findlay to win in the first place.

Would Findlay have lost 98% of his seats?

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Eh? Findlay has long been open about his opposition to Trident.

Findlay is an idiot. Separating from UK Labour and lurching to the far left would be catastrophic for the party. It would alienate a decent chunk of Labour supporters and voters. Findlay is twisting the knife in his attempts to get a leftist party.

You've just been fucking routed in a Westminster election :1eye

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Would Findlay have lost 98% of his seats?

I think he would have done worse. Would have alienated the Morningside voters who tactically allowed Ian Murray back in.

We went to the country with a left-wing manifesto which spoke only to ourselves and got routed in Scotland and defeated heavily in England. Lurching left will compound this showing. Labour need to rediscover the centre ground and speak to aspiration. The SNP have managed, Labour need to fight them there.

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