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Jim Murphy


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Well, well, the fly buggers.

I can remember getting leaflets wi' candidate 1 then candidate 2 etc.

I dinnae mind as they are a' SNP.

The problem is of course that, in our ward for example most of the electorate basically ignored it and just followed the alphabet..

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Veering wildly OT now but nowhere in that entry does it say he is "the world's foremost expert."

He may arguably have Britain's foremost expert or one the world's foremost experts but that's quite different from your initial claim.

I'll leave it at that so we can go back to laughing at Jim.

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Veering wildly OT now but nowhere in that entry does it say he is "the world's foremost expert."

He may arguably have Britain's foremost expert or one the world's foremost experts but that's quite different from your initial claim.

I'll leave it at that so we can go back to laughing at Jim.

Yeah alright, I know it doesn't say he was actually number one, I'm obviously exaggerating a bit there. But he was obviously one of the most knowledgable.

I actually got that from a docu-drama that was made about Iraq decision I think or maybe about him, Alistair Campbell briefed his staff before they attacked him and that is how he described him in it. It was quite decent actually you should watch it if you can find it.

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Dead party wearing the robes of a dead team.

Celtic fan, Sevco fan, St MIrren fan... Unionist/ non-Unionist... - Murphy would say or do anything to advance himself.

He's gone AWOL though. Refused a slot on Radio Scotland this morn.

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Interesting that less than a day after Jim is resoundingly endorsed by his msps

Was there an open vote? All we know is that Jackie Baillie said he'd been resoundingly endorsed, and Jackie Baillie is a trustworthy source on precisely fucking nothing.

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I see Richard Simpson MSP on twitter using this:


Well done Richard. Blame the electorate. They caused Labour's failures.

He's also approvingly retweeting support for Jim Murphy. In other words, he's a dim-bulb lifer who should already be reorganising his CV.

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Was there an open vote? All we know is that Jackie Baillie said he'd been resoundingly endorsed, and Jackie Baillie is a trustworthy source on precisely fucking nothing.

We don't anything. We don't the question asked or if they voted on a question or voted on asking a question.

I just think its extremely telling that even after that some people feel safe and comfortable to still come out against that decision.

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He was regarded as literally, without exaggeration, the planets number one expert on Iraq's WMD's.

Yeah alright, I know it doesn't say he was actually number one, I'm obviously exaggerating a bit there


Sum boi.

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As much as I think it would be beneficial for the SNP if Murphy was to stay in office it also has its downside.

In a representative democracy it is important to have a strong opposition. In Scotland that must be Labour as the Greens are nowhere near strong enough in terms of popular support. A fragmented and weak opposition is not beneficial to the democratic process whereby the government must be held accountable and their proposed legislation properly scrutinised.

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