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Petes Frontier is voting for them

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Damn right I am. I don't care they are going to cut the Barnett by £1.5bn a year, you ungrateful SNP sheep deserve a serious boot to the baws. He's giving me a tax cut, an eu vote, a serious change on migration that has been at unacceptable levels since 2000, and he's prepared to put British nationals first on jobs, housing and the rest, including pegging back wasteful foreign aid budget to 0.2% of GDP - same as the US. SNP will bankrupt Scotland with reckless spending and borrowing, chase out the money with high taxes and flood us with more low wage and benefit claimant migrants - most of you muppets will be standing in line behind them for a doctors appointment, schools, housing and services. Labour will do exactly the same, but from London instead of Edinburgh. And Cameron is a toff that will look after his backers, not the working or even lower middle classes. Farage is the guy I want as PM, their policies are the ones I disagree with least. You tubes have all been bought off and conned. :P:thumsup2

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Damn right I am. I don't care they are going to cut the Barnett by £1.5bn a year, you ungrateful SNP sheep deserve a serious boot to the baws. He's giving me a tax cut, an eu vote, a serious change on migration that has been at unacceptable levels since 2000, and he's prepared to put British nationals first on jobs, housing and the rest, including pegging back wasteful foreign aid budget to 0.2% of GDP - same as the US. SNP will bankrupt Scotland with reckless spending and borrowing, chase out the money with high taxes and flood us with more low wage and benefit claimant migrants - most of you muppets will be standing in line behind them for a doctors appointment, schools, housing and services. Labour will do exactly the same, but from London instead of Edinburgh. And Cameron is a toff that will look after his backers, not the working or even lower middle classes. Farage is the guy I want as PM, their policies are the ones I disagree with least. You tubes have all been bought off and conned. :P:thumsup2

He's going to give you a fück load of goodies with the influence that two or three seats brings, then. Especially as Thanet might well not be one of them.

Buuuuut, it's everyone else that's been conned. Aye, OK champ.

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Every party from SNP, Lib-Dems, Tories, Labour, Plaid and the greens told Sky sports today how they will use sports if elected.

UKIP declined to comment. Probably because they can't get away with just saying its a personal opinion.

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87, SDP, 92, SDP/Lib, 97, Labour, 01, Didn't vote, 05 Didn't Vote, 10, Labour although only because Brown is Scottish, no real reason. I hated Blair for a whole host of reasons. 2015, UKIP.

Wow. Your entire life has been a continuous drift to the right.

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Damn right I am. I don't care they are going to cut the Barnett by £1.5bn a year, you ungrateful SNP sheep deserve a serious boot to the baws. He's giving me a tax cut, an eu vote, a serious change on migration that has been at unacceptable levels since 2000, and he's prepared to put British nationals first on jobs, housing and the rest, including pegging back wasteful foreign aid budget to 0.2% of GDP - same as the US. SNP will bankrupt Scotland with reckless spending and borrowing, chase out the money with high taxes and flood us with more low wage and benefit claimant migrants - most of you muppets will be standing in line behind them for a doctors appointment, schools, housing and services. Labour will do exactly the same, but from London instead of Edinburgh. And Cameron is a toff that will look after his backers, not the working or even lower middle classes. Farage is the guy I want as PM, their policies are the ones I disagree with least. You tubes have all been bought off and conned. :P:thumsup2

Except, he isn't, because he's getting nowhere near any sort of power.


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WhiteRose is voting ... GREEN :1eye:1eye Mate, Bennet says she's legalising three way marriages, is that the ticket for you? Twa Sengas? :lol:

Yep. Look at my alternatives. From the available choices,there's one party and only one party I can agree with on anything substantial. Fwiw, they're deserving of a lot of respect for sticking to their principles and not simply chasing votes.

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87, SDP, 92, SDP/Lib, 97, Labour, 01, Didn't vote, 05 Didn't Vote, 10, Labour although only because Brown is Scottish, no real reason. I hated Blair for a whole host of reasons. 2015, UKIP.

So, from six elections, you threw away your vote in half of them.

Your relevance just dipped somewhat substantially.

"Didn't vote". What an arse.

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Damn right I am. I don't care they are going to cut the Barnett by £1.5bn a year, you ungrateful SNP sheep deserve a serious boot to the baws. He's giving me a tax cut, an eu vote, a serious change on migration that has been at unacceptable levels since 2000, and he's prepared to put British nationals first on jobs, housing and the rest, including pegging back wasteful foreign aid budget to 0.2% of GDP - same as the US. SNP will bankrupt Scotland with reckless spending and borrowing, chase out the money with high taxes and flood us with more low wage and benefit claimant migrants - most of you muppets will be standing in line behind them for a doctors appointment, schools, housing and services. Labour will do exactly the same, but from London instead of Edinburgh. And Cameron is a toff that will look after his backers, not the working or even lower middle classes. Farage is the guy I want as PM, their policies are the ones I disagree with least. You tubes have all been bought off and conned. :P:thumsup2

The kind of people you're voting for can't even get a printer to work or a document to a certain place by a given date. Bumbling and clueless but you want them running things.

Beyond Farage the dearth of talent is there for you to see.

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