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Studies have shown UKIP vote is highest in areas where the immigrant population is lowest. Strange but true.

There is nothing strange about it. These areas are usually filled with English Nationalists and complete xenophobes. (Stereotyping slightly but you get the jist)

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Thanet is over 90% White British.

I can only assume these people that think it's overrun with immigrants have never traveled west of the Medway.

4% short of your Scottish average.

Shit, I'm a racist in a white van! :P

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There is nothing strange about it. These areas are usually filled with English Nationalists and complete xenophobes. (Stereotyping slightly but you get the jist)

Yep - entirely predictable.

Same thing about crime rates falling since the 60s but the fear of crime being higher than ever.

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Yep - entirely predictable.

Same thing about crime rates falling since the 60s but the fear of crime being higher than ever.

Reminds me of something I posted a while back. There's normally a reason that people turn to these parties:

Sounds about right. The problem with Barking is that it's right on the edge of the areas that have seen huge numbers of immigrants. To the west you've got boroughs like Newham where ethnic minorities are actually in the majority, and the 'native' population there are either happy enough, or moved out long ago. To the east is wealthy, middle class, Tory suburbia where I'm from. In my primary school of 350, me, my brothers and two other kids were the only non-white children in the place.

In the middle you've got Barking and Dagenham with a majority white working class population who feel disenfranchised and left behind by the surrounding areas. Newham has has seen huge urban regeneraion and infrastructure improvemtns (including the Olympics), and the people in the towns to the east benefitted massively from the property boom. Barking saw none of this. Traditionally Barking was sustained by the Ford car factory in Dagenham, which seemed to employ virtually everyone in the area, but since the 60s the workforce there has shrunk by >90%, and there has been absolutely nothing to replace it. No job creation, no urban regeneration, f*ck all essentially. Much like parts of Glasgow, nothing is done to improve the lot of the people living there on the assumption that they will always unfaillingly vote Labour come election day. Sadly, but predictably, rather than look to the people supposed to be representing them, a lot of people have turned there anger on the non-white community, and have been voting for the BNP in depressingly large numbers.

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And one small crumb of comfort is that the combined reminants of the far right - the BNP & NF - secured less votes than the Official Monster Raving Loony Party and the Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol Party. When even a veteran evil old b*****d like Holocaust denier Richard Edmonds can only scrap 49 votes in a seat where his old BNP mates got over 1000 last time (with UKIP opposition, may I add), it's pretty safe to say they're finished. Bye bye, nasty Nazis, you won't be missed.

In my constituency! Was delighted with his dreadful showing.

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I hope Farage keeps to his word and stays safely resigned. He's not my cup of tea, but there is no denying that he knows how to play the media and has created this loveable Arthur Daley type persona for himself.

Judging by the numerous racist, homophobic and downright nutty comments emanating from the others in his party, the odds must be reasonably short on his replacement being a total loonball which should hopefully see the UKIP bubble bursting.

With regards to the collapse in the far right vote I would give that a cautious welcome. It is good to see odious creeps like the BNP vanish from the political map but I strongly suspect that many of them will simply have relocated into UKIP.

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I hope Farage keeps to his word and stays safely resigned. He's not my cup of tea, but there is no denying that he knows how to play the media and has created this loveable Arthur Daley type persona for himself.

Judging by the numerous racist, homophobic and downright nutty comments emanating from the others in his party, the odds must be reasonably short on his replacement being a total loonball which should hopefully see the UKIP bubble bursting.

With regards to the collapse in the far right vote I would give that a cautious welcome. It is good to see odious creeps like the BNP vanish from the political map but I strongly suspect that many of them will simply have relocated into UKIP.

UKIP can't afford Nigel not to come back. They have nobody else.

Paul Nuttall is the deputy leader of the party pretty much sums up how desperately they'll need Nigel back

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Maybe Murphy could swap teams if the BBC is after a politically incompetent buffoon for pure entertainment value?

Policies wouldn't be a problem - Jim will spout any old pish as long as it gets his face on the telly or in the papers.

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In my constituency! Was delighted with his dreadful showing.

He tried to get his wife to stand for the BNP when he was deputy leader, & she snapped "The BNP is nothing but a bunch of Jew obsessed losers!" - which was hilarious considering they were living in the BNP's bizarre Brick Lane reinforced bookshop at the time.

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UKIP can't afford Nigel not to come back. They have nobody else.

Paul Nuttall is the deputy leader of the party pretty much sums up how desperately they'll need Nigel back

Patrick Flynn MEP, former Political Editor of the Daily Express, would be my bet. Farage is not at all well and stood down in 2009/10. Douglas Carswell MP has ruled himself out and it would be no surprise if he defected back to the Tories, especially if Nuttall or Flynn succeeds Farage.

Flynn will having the powerful backing of Richard Desmond who donated a million quid for the election campaign. He would take UKIP to the left on economics to target Labour and Lib Dem voters. Most of UKIP's votes on Thursday came from Lib Dems and, to a lesser extent, Labour rather than Tories. If Labour goes back to middle class Blairism, UKIP will be ready to target the working class vote.

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