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The Trews - Russell Brand

Mr Romanov

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He seems a wee bit too obsessed with FOX news.

To me FOX News does seem to be pretty ridiculous, more like a parody than anything else. Probably seems more insidious if you live in America and see people buying their divisive, paranoia and prejudice perpetuating shite though (bit like the Daily Mail here).

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It's funny when he gets the wealthy criticism thrown at him.

Not only does he acknowledge he's incredibly fortunate, he has been lower than possibly anyone who uses that lazy criticism with his background of drug addiction and all that comes with it such as being on the dole, trouble with the police etc.

He's been as low as you can get and he's experienced fame and fortune. It is the measure of the man that after both these experiences, he is back fighting for those who society has failed.

Most of those who dismiss him due to his money will go and vote for a millionaire, silver-spooned, privately educated goon who has no idea what the common man wants or needs, to lead the country in a years time without batting an eyelid. :lol:

But aye Russell Brand has done well for himself using his talents so we have to scoff at everything he says.

Same as people who go rage at Occupy Marchers or anyone who's demanding social justice that's spotted drinking Coke or Starbucks.


Say what you want about Brand, but he is a mercenary effete soundbite gobshite with as much grasp of the "issues" as the Teletubbies trying to reinvent himself as a Mark Thomas for the Twitterati & other voluntarily retarded shitgibbons wishing an air of pseudo-intellect without it taking up too much of their smartphone Clash of C**ts time.

If you are impressed by Russell Brand, you need bloody help - or rather a good kick up the arse. He is no George Monbiot.

Oh just f**k off you cunty wunty.

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Hit and miss but overall a good c**t.

The analysis of that risible Walmart wifey is completely spot on. It really would be more credible to just say 'I'm an evil, greedy fucker' than to try and justify their position with the weakest, literally false justifications possible.

Right wing people hate having their selfish and/or nonsensical opinions actually held up and laughed at for what they are. That's why they hate people like Brand, because they're often correct and deep down they know it.

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...and even the aforementioned 'misses' like the Sachs thing doesn't actually offend the right wing numpties (although it did offend intelligent people). It's the kind of thing they'd usually defend as "banter" or "a good un-PC laugh".

I'm not into his not voting thing either. It's the most buckled, ignorant fuckers on the planet (old rich people) who always vote and consequently have politicians bending over backwards for them. It's the more likely to be forward thinking sections of society who get shafted constantly by not voting.

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I tend to check The Trews out every couple of days. It's a bit hit-and-miss, but is usually a good watch. I'll probably be getting his book for Christmas.

I used to listen to his Radio Show on 6 Music and Radio 2 with his co-writer Matt Morgan, and was gutted when it was cancelled. Ponderland was pretty funny too.


I could take or leave his stand-up, but his Messiah stand-up was good.

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He's like Sodje and Erin's me maw. They post and then fill themselves with self importance but most people either ignore them or regard them with mild contempt. Stupid and irrelevant

I think Sodje and Erin are Siamese Twins. Usually when one posts the other isn't far behind. The slight delay is obviously them changing their position so that the other one's heid can see the screen.

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To me FOX News does seem to be pretty ridiculous, more like a parody than anything else. Probably seems more insidious if you live in America and see people buying their divisive, paranoia and prejudice perpetuating shite though (bit like the Daily Mail here).

Quite, how many people in Britain watch Fox News?

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His political views don't actually seem that bad and fair play to him for using his platform to get them across. But I can honestly say I'm not a fan.

A typical celebrity of this era. Famous for absolutely f**k all. Coz he can't act he can't sing and his stand up is shite as well.

So he's an actor, a singer and a comedian (and a presenter and a writer as well btw). Definitely famous for the sake of being famous IMO.


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He's hit and miss. I think he's largely on the right track but still manages to come across as a complete fanny when doing it. I think he's only a few years off talking about reptilians in Buck House though.

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I disagree. Like that spoiled Hollywood brat Matt Perry he asked him to explain his position and he and Perry resorted to insults. These people are out of their depth and should be ignored

Aye, people with opinions should just keep them to themselves, and leave the complicated stuff to people like Peter Hitchens with their out of touch antiquated views.

That's right, folks - know your place.

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I disagree. Like that spoiled Hollywood brat Matt Perry he asked him to explain his position and he and Perry resorted to insults. These people are out of their depth and should be ignored

Indeed, the spoiled Hollywood brat who comes from a position of having first-hand experience of addiction problems and overcoming them compared to the man who'll happily espouse any opinion he's paid to by whoever stumps up the cash for him to do so...

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